Ruthless Knight Page 30

Including the strength to weather the storm.

Even if that storm comes in the form of a six-foot-three, obnoxious, selfish asshole named Cole Covington.

Ripples of hurt laced with tiny bolts of rage tangle in my chest as I watch him in the hot tub.

His eyes are closed as he rests his head on the ledge, and for once he’s all alone.

To most people, he would look like the epitome of calm and peaceful.

However, I can’t help but notice the way his chest rises above the water every few seconds before sinking back down.

Like he’s running out of breath. Trying not to drown.

I guess we both have that in common.

No—I remind myself. We have nothing in common.

Unlike me, Cole intentionally hurts and uses people.

I turn, intending to head back inside so I can tell Bianca I want to go home.

“Get over here, Bible Thumper.”

I freeze at the sound of his voice.

“Please,” he says after another minute passes.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I spin back around. “Why?”

Did you make another stupid bet with your friends?

“Oh, come on, sweetness. I don’t bite.” Angling his head toward me, he gives me a lopsided smirk. “Unless you want me to.”

No, no, no. He doesn’t get to flirt with me like the bet he made with Cortland never happened.

Like he didn’t call me fat in front of the entire school.

Like he didn’t make me cry because I can’t fix him.

I’m marching the fifteen feet it takes to tell him off to his face when it suddenly occurs to me that Cole doesn’t know I know about the bet.

Chapter 14


There’s an adorable scowl on her face as she makes her way over to me. She’s all of five feet tall, but her steps eat up the patio between us in no time.

As if she can’t wait to tell me off.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t thoroughly enjoy getting her all frustrated.

However, I can’t do that tonight, because something tells me Sawyer isn’t going to agree to be my girlfriend so easily.

Not after the way I hurt and embarrassed her.

Which means I have to pull out all the stops.

Flirt with and seduce her until she can’t say no.

Fortunately, I’m ahead of the game because I know she’s attracted to me.

My dick stirs to life as I take in her purple cardigan straining across her big tits and the matching headband in her long dark hair.

She’s so innocent. So wholesome. So pure…it would be downright criminal to take advantage of her.

A good guy wouldn’t bet on a girl’s virginity just because his reputation and pride are at stake.

A good guy would put an end to this and tell Cortland to go fuck himself.

But I’m not a good guy. Far from it.

The thought of popping Little Miss Bible Thumper’s cherry and making her come all over my cock—right before I rub Cortland’s face in it—is far too gratifying to ignore.

“What do you want, Covington?”

She’s tapping her foot like she’s impatient. Has better places to be.

We both know that’s not the case.

Or is it? I’m almost positive Bianca’s lying about Sawyer messing around with her boss, but on the off chance it’s true, it’s going to pose a big problem for me.

But I can’t think about that right now. I have more important things to worry about.

Turning on the charm, I flash her a smile. “To tell you how beautiful you look tonight.”

Those big brown eyes study me like I’m bacteria under a microscope for several seconds before she bats her eyelashes.


Shit. This is going to be easier than I thought.

Nodding, I move to the other side of the tub so I can be closer to her.

“That sweater really brings out your…” Pausing, I peruse her curves from head to toe before lingering on those juicy tits. Christ. It’s like they’re begging to be in my mouth. “Ti—eyes,” I finish, catching myself in the nick of time.

I’m not sure what to make of the expression on her face. For a moment, I think she’s going to punch me, but to my surprise, she blushes.

“You’re so sweet.” Biting her lip, she whispers, “But why are you suddenly being so nice? I thought you hated me?”

“I don’t hate you.”

There have been times where her holier than thou attitude and ability to see right through me have annoyed the ever-loving fuck out of me, but I never once hated her.

On the contrary. She amuses me and I relish getting under her skin.

Plus, the look of condemnation she gives me whenever I go too far never fails to make my dick hard.

She might act like she’s repulsed, but deep down, I know she’s curious.

Since complimenting her is getting me nowhere and I need to speed things along, I try a different tactic. “So, I have a problem and I was hoping you could help me with it.”

I can tell I’ve piqued her interest because she arches an eyebrow. “What kind of problem?”

“Well, there’s this girl.” I hold her gaze. “She’s not my type and we’re all wrong for each other, but I’m fucking crazy about her.”

“Oh.” She swallows hard. “I’m not really sure what—”

“I’m afraid to tell her how I feel because I’m scared she might not feel the same way.” I give her an earnest look, luring her in a little more. “What do you think I should do?”

She shuffles her feet. “I don’t know.” Those baby browns cut through me like a hot knife through butter. “Perhaps you should start by being honest with her.”

There’s a slight edge tacked on to the end of that sentence and I’m not sure why.

“You’re right.” Standing so I’m eye-level with her, I place my hands on the edge of the tub. “Be my girlfriend, Sawyer Church.” I flash her a coy smirk. “How’s that for honesty?”

Her eyes widen. “Oh my God. You can’t be serious right now.” A cynical laugh pops out. “We haven’t even gone on a date.”

Undeterred, I run a finger down her arm. “Okay. Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t.” Shaking her head, she takes a step back. “I mean…I can’t.”

I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I feel like I’ve been booted out of the driver’s seat and the train is starting to veer off track.

I don’t like it.


Averting her gaze, she says, “I’m not allowed. My parents…you know, being Jesus freaks and all, won’t let me.” Her teeth sink into her lower lip. “Not unless you ask their permission.”

Record. Skip.

“Let me get this straight. In order to date you, I have to ask your parents’ permission first?”

Meeting parents isn’t my thing. Hell, the only reason I met Casey’s is because they showed up at my games.

Nodding, Sawyer takes a step closer. “That would be a start.”

“A start?” I all but croak out.

I’m asking their daughter out on a date. Not proposing marriage.