Ruthless Knight Page 35

“Do you ever think about that night?” he interjects.

The sudden change of subject is almost enough to give me whiplash. “What night?”

“The night we hooked up.”

Oh, that night.

“Not really,” I lie.

“I do,” he states matter-of-factly.

“You told me you didn’t remember?”

“I don’t.” An impish smile curves his mouth as he leans in. “Why don’t you remind me?”

Nerves bunch in my belly. “Remind you?”

“Tell me what happened between us.” His lips drift over the shell of my ear. “Don’t leave out any details.”

Sweet baby Jesus in a manger. He can’t be serious. “I—why?”

“The last thing I remember is wanting to kiss you.” His mouth moves to the crook of my neck and he plants a soft kiss there. “Did I?”

I swallow hard. “Yes.”

His hand finds my waist. “With tongue?”

My eyes flutter closed and I nod.

“Was it sloppy and frantic…or soft and gentle?”

My cheeks heat as the memory floats through my mind. “I—um. It was kind of both.”

“How so?”

“At first it was gentle,” I explain. “And then…I don’t know, it was almost like you…”

“Couldn’t get enough?” He presses his lips against my throat. “Sounds about right.” The hand on my waist travels upward, just past my ribcage. “Then what happened?”

Part of me wants to put an end to this whole charade, but the other part wants to rub his drunken amnesia in.

Make it sting a little.

“We kept kissing…and then your mouth went lower.”

I have his full attention now. “How low?”

A rush of heat engulfs my cheeks. “My neck.” Forcing myself to look at him, I murmur, “At first.”

The bulge in his swim trunks is impossible to ignore as his eyes dip to my breasts. “Did I touch them?”

My chest heaves, drawing even more attention to the subjects in question. “Yes.”

Gravel thickens his voice. “With my mouth?”

I draw in a sharp breath. “Uh-huh.”

A small gasp leaves me when the pad of his thumb brushes one of my nipples, making them both pebble even more. “Did I suck them?”

Ribbons of heat unfurl inside me. “Y—”

The sound of the door opening startles us both.

Half of me wants to yell at Cole for not locking it, and the other half is grateful for the save because I’ve spent the last couple of months wishing I could magically undo his kiss and forget his touch…yet here I am letting him turn me into a pile of goo all over again.

“There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.”

Cole has a murderous look in his eyes as he turns to the culprit responsible for interrupting us.

Fortunately, it’s Oakley. If it was anyone else, I’m positive they wouldn’t escape unscathed.

Cole puts a little distance between us. “What the fuck do you want?”

“There’s a situation—” Oak starts to say before he’s interrupted.

“Wow.” It’s only then I notice the fake nurse standing beside him. Morgan doesn’t even try to hide the look of disgust on her face. “I can’t wait to tell Casey about this.”

My stomach twists. More drama with Casey is the last thing I want.

My fight or flight response kicks in and I wiggle out of the changing room.

“I have to go,” I say in a rush before I sprint toward the house.

Cole calls my name, but I keep trekking.

It’s only then I remember Bianca. No matter what my issues with Cole are, I’m not the type to ditch someone I came to a party with.

When I reach the living room, I notice a crowd of boys circling around two people gyrating on the dancefloor.

Shock roots me to the spot when I see Bianca and Hayley making out as their bodies sway to the music.

“Dude, that’s so fucking hot,” one of them shouts.

“Hell yeah it is,” someone agrees.

“Please tell me someone’s recording this. I need new material for the spank bank.”

And that’s my cue to intervene.

I push through the small crowd. “No one is recording anything.”

“Leave it to the fat girl to be a hater and ruin it,” one of them heckles as I pry them apart.


“Let’s go,” I tell Bianca. “You’ve had more than enough to drink for one night.”

“I’m not drunk,” she states with an attitude. “But thanks for your concern.”

Well, this is awkward.

If Bianca likes girls, that’s one thing, I just hope she’s not kissing girls to get a reaction out of stupid boys.

Or to make a certain boy jealous.

Then again, it’s really none of my business.

“I’m leaving. Do you want a ride?”

She shakes her head. “Nah. I’ll get one from Cole.” She looks at Hayley. “Want to take this upstairs?”

Yup, and that’s my cue to leave.

Chapter 18


It’s been almost nine hours since Sawyer told me she’d think about being my fake girlfriend.

Surely, she’s made up her mind by now.

I stare at my phone, debating whether or not to text her.

Seriously. What the fuck is there to think about? She scratches my back and I scratch hers. It’s the perfect solution.

“Cole?” Jace cuts in, interrupting my thoughts. “A little help here.”

I look up from my plate of uneaten scrambled eggs. “Huh?”

He’s currently reading Bianca the riot act. I tuned out somewhere between fake food poisoning and stealing Dylan’s nightgown.

“Tell Bianca how great Dylan is.”

Shrugging, I look at my little sister. “She’s okay.”

It’s the best I can do. We’re not particularly close, but I know she loves Jace and Jace loves the fuck out of her.

That’s good enough for me.

Jace opens his mouth, but much to his dismay, it’s Oakley who comes to Dylan’s defense.

“Dylan’s the shit—” he starts to say before Jace cuts him off.

“She makes me happy, Bianca. Don’t you want me to be happy?”

Keeping her expression impassive, Bianca plucks an apple from the fruit bowl. “Are you sure? Because you don’t seem very happy right now.”

Jace looks like he’s about to have a coronary. “I’m not happy because you keep trying to drive a wedge between us and won’t give my girlfriend a chance.”

Bianca thinks about this for a minute before replying, “Only because your girlfriend is a giant murderous cunt.”

Yup. I saw that response coming from a mile away. I’m pretty sure Bianca will always blame Dylan for Liam’s death.

I ignore the way the proverbial knife twists in my gut.

Rising from the table, Jace sighs. “You need to stop. I can’t take much more of this.”

She frowns. “Well, if she’s causing you this much stress, you should probably get rid of her.”