Ruthless Knight Page 44

The feather-light flick of his tongue gives me goose bumps. “You taste even better.”

I swallow hard. “You know, it’s not mandatory for couples to partake in PDA. We can be one of those couples that don’t.”

His teeth scrape along my tender skin. “I want to be one of those couples that do.”

My eyes flutter closed as he gently suckles my flesh, marring me.

I really should have added a clause that neck kisses and hickeys were off limits.

Not only are they gross to look at…they feel good.

Too damn good.

It’s only then I notice everyone is heading inside…with the exception of the small gathering of people gawking at us like we’re some sort of science experiment gone wrong.


More people stop and join the party. Fantastic.

They’re all probably wondering what planet they stumbled upon, because Cole mauling me in the school parking lot is not how the food chain works around here.

“People are starting to stare,” I hiss into his ear.

“Then we should give them a better show.”

I slap his shoulder. “I have to go to class.”

He painstakingly removes his mouth. “I’ll walk you.”

I start to nod but notice the group is still ogling us. “Show’s over. Nothing to see here.”

A few girls snicker.

“Ignore them,” he whispers.

Easy for Cole to say. Their contempt isn’t directed at him.

I’m about to start walking, but Casey and her squad saunter past us. “Shit.”

“We’re gonna have to face them sooner or later.”

“I vote later.”

My anxiety eases when they prance on by, not bothering to spare either of us a second glance. “I don’t think she saw—”

The words die in my throat when she tilts her head. “Enjoy my sloppy seconds, pig.”

More laughter. More stares.

Tiny beads of sweat dot my forehead. I can’t do this.

Cole narrows his eyes at her. “You know what they say…a rough draft comes before a masterpiece.”

She taps her lips with her finger, pretending to think. “Funny, because I don’t remember ever coming for you.”

A few people gasp.

“Burn,” some guy calls out.

My stomach clenches. Cole’s not the kind to be one-upped by anyone…let alone Casey.

Dimples on full display, Cole says, “And I don’t recall ever giving a fuck.”

Casey would have won their little showdown…if it wasn’t for the hurt look on her face and the slight tremble of her lower lip.

Her crew swarms around her in a protective cocoon as they amble toward the building.

“You don’t need that asshole.”

“She’s so fat.”

“You should skip tonight’s game and fuck Todd again.” This from Bianca.

“He so downgraded, girl.”

I hate the weird feeling burrowing in my chest.

The one telling me I’m the one in the wrong.

“This was a bad idea.”

“Why?” Cole hikes a thumb behind him. “Because of Casey?” He snorts. “Trust me. She’s fine. This is her M.O. If she’s losing, she’ll settle for the sympathy vote instead. Besides, she’s the one who cheated on me, remember?”

“Yeah. But unlike you, I also remember when you cheated on her.” I shoulder my backpack. “I don’t feel very good about this, Cole. She’s obviously hurting.”

“She’s manipulating.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s why she was baiting me before.”

I don’t understand what he means. “Baiting you? How?”

“Come on, Bible Thumper. I thought you were smarter than this.” His features grow taut. “When she made the comment about me never making her come, she was expecting me to stand there and tell everyone just how hard I used to make her cream my dick in front of you to get under your skin.”

If that’s the case, she succeeded. I hate the way my insides twist with the imagery.

“Why would that bother me?” I say aloud. “We’re fake dating.”

“Yeah, but she doesn’t know that.”


He grips both my shoulders. It’s a move that highlights the height difference between us.

“If this is gonna work, you can’t let her get inside your head. Promise me you won’t.”

I never make a promise I’m not sure I can keep. “I’ll try my best.” I look at my watch and wince. “We’re late for homeroom.”

He holds out his hand. “Let’s go.”

Reluctantly, I take it.

“Can I ask you something?” I whisper, making sure we’re out of earshot as we walk under the overhang.

It’s something that’s been nagging at me ever since I agreed to be his girlfriend.


“If Cortland wins the bet, he gets your car, right?”

“He’s not winning,” Cole grinds out.

“Okay, fine. Then when you win, what do you get?”

There’s an arrogant gleam in his eyes. “To pop your cherry.”

Chapter 26


My phone buzzes in my pocket for the tenth time since class started.

I chuckle to myself. I never pegged Sawyer for a stage five clinger.

Sawyer: We are not having sex.

Hitting the reply button, I type out my response.

Cole: I know. School is such a cock blocker. We should cut the rest of the day and go back to my house.

My lips twitch as I hit send. If her panties weren’t in a bunch before, they certainly will be now.

Damn. Bad choice of words. Just thinking about Sawyer’s panties gives me a semi.

I wonder if they’re the lacy and see-through kind.

Nah. Knowing her, they’re probably plain cotton.

Innocent and pure…just like her little pussy.

Sawyer: Are you out of your mind? We are never having sex. Not today, not tomorrow…not ever. Understand?

Smiling to myself, I chew the end of my pen.

Cole: If you feel that strongly about not fucking me, you should have put it in the contract.

But she didn’t.

There was no mention of her impending deflowering.

I’d blame it on her being naïve and not knowing the full extent of the bet, but Bianca let it slip that Sawyer was hiding in the locker room.

She heard everything.

Yet, nothing in that contract said sex was off the table.

In fact, her contract distinctly states that I can’t hook up with any other girls.

Interesting word choice. A Freudian slip if there ever was one.

Sawyer: I didn’t put it in the contract because I thought it was a given.

Cole: I’ll be giving you something, all right. Babe.

Sawyer: First of all—don’t ever call me babe. Secondly—you won’t be giving me a damn thing I don’t want.

Oh, she’ll want it.