Ruthless Knight Page 53

“Maybe I don’t want it to heal.” Those green orbs harden. “Maybe I deserve the reminder.”

It’s only then I notice the Saran Wrap around his arm. “May I?”

He raises his arm. “Go for it.”

Being as tender as possible, I unwind the plastic film. “No one deserves to live in agony, Cole.”

He snorts. “Says the girl who believes in Hell.”

My eyes widen when I uncover the ink on his inner bicep.

Like the rest of us, he got a butterfly…only his is three sizes smaller. Nearly invisible. And green.

Next to the tiny butterfly, is a date. August 21st, 2001.

Their—his—real birthday.

“Green was his favorite color.” His laugh is bitter. “It was the only thing we had in common.”

I have a feeling they had more in common than he’ll ever let himself acknowledge.

I roll the plastic back around his bicep. “It’s your throwing arm.”

The fact that he chose to get it there of all places feels significant.

That turmoil is back in his eyes. “Awfully perceptive of you, Bible Thumper.”

Heart pounding, I brush my lips over his tattoo. “That’s because I see you, Colton.”

He covers it up by making rude, hurtful remarks…but deep down, he’s grieving a vital part of himself he lost.


I turn around, intending to give him his space, but his hand wraps around my wrist and he pulls me back to him.

I expect him to get angry and lash out, but he doesn’t.

He kisses me.

Chapter 34


I should stop him. He’s hurting, he’s vulnerable, he might have slept with another girl…but I can’t.

It’s the softest, most gentle kiss I’ve ever experienced…barely a whisper of lips. A silky caress that makes my heart flutter and my head spin.

And just like that…it’s gone.

Frustration claws at my chest. “What…why did you stop?”

A cocky smile curves his mouth. “You told me no tongue, remember?”

I’m speechless. Utterly fucking speechless.

However, I’m not one bit surprised he’s making me eat my words. The bastard.

His hand curls around my hip possessively. “That guy was flirting with you.” A small gasp leaves me when his thumb brushes the skin above the waistband of my leggings. “I didn’t like it.”

Between the change of subject and his touch, I’m having trouble keeping up. “I—”

“It made me feel something I haven’t felt in a long time.”


His eyes darken. “Jealousy.”

Oh. I’m stunned he’s being so candid.

I feel it’s only fair I do the same with him. “I thought you slept with Candace. It’s why I ran in here like a crazy person.”

Confusion clouds his face. “Who’s Candace?”

Leave it to Cole to not remember her name. “The woman who did your tattoo.”

“I didn’t fuck her.”


I need to know it wasn’t just because of the contract and the stupid bet.

“Why do you think?”

No. I won’t let him evade it. “Answer the question, Covington.”

His jaw tightens. “Would it hurt you if I slept with her?”

I’m in the ultimate catch twenty-two. If I say no—I’m a liar.

If I say yes—I’ll be admitting I have feelings for him.

And giving him the power to hurt me again.

I hate the way he’s looking at me. It’s as though he can see my every thought. “Answer the question, Church.”

My throat feels like sandpaper. “I—”

The door swings open.

“Found them,” Oakley shouts.

A second later Jace and Dylan join us.

“Everything okay?” Jace questions.

“Yeah.” Cole jumps off the table. “Sawyer was showing me her tattoo.”

“Speaking of tattoos,” Jace says. “It looks like you got one too.”

Cole throws his sweatshirt over his head. “Nope. You’re imagining things.”

It’s safe to say the real Cole has left the building.

It’s clear Jace doesn’t believe him, but he doesn’t press. “Dylan and I have plans tonight, so if you want a ride home, meet me by my car in five.”

A moment later, everyone leaves.

I’m about to join them, but Cole blocks the door.

“Don’t try to get inside my head or demand answers from me if you can’t give me the same in return.”

His anger takes me by surprise. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

He gets uncomfortably close to my face. “Don’t be a goddamn hypocrite.”

“I’m not.”

“Bullshit.” He pulls a small box out of his pocket and hands it to me. “Here. Happy Birthday.”

With that, he takes off.

Mind spinning, I open the jewelry box.

Only, there isn’t any jewelry inside…there’s just a note.

Your gift is inside your locker.


Chapter 35



The scale must be broken because there’s no way I lost five pounds in four days.

I scan my brain, doing a quick inventory of my weekend.

On Thursday, Cole showed up for dinner, and I worked on my essay.

Friday, I gave Cole the contract and went undercover as Izzy.

On Saturday, I got my tattoo with a side of Cole drama.

Sunday, I attended church, went to choir practice, and studied.

That’s when it dawns on me. The Adderall.

Luis told me it made people lose weight, but I thought I was so fat I’d be immune to that little side effect.

Come to think of it, I haven’t had much of an appetite lately.

I couldn’t even eat a full slice of birthday cake.

I look in the mirror. Can’t say I’m mad about it.

Feeling like the universe might be punking me, I jump back on the scale to make sure it’s not a fluke.

A rush of happiness flows through me when it reads the same.

The last time I was under two-hundred pounds was when I had the flu for two whole weeks.

Of course, the second I recovered and started eating, I gained it all back and then some.

I dig the Adderall out of my bookbag and stuff one in my mouth.

I wasn’t planning on taking one today since I got so much studying done yesterday, but why not? As far as I’m concerned, this is a miracle drug.

Not only does it help me study more and give me energy. It makes me lose weight. I’ve finally cracked the code.

I’m practically skipping down the staircase.

“Someone’s in a good mood,” my dad notes when he sees me.

Just like that, my good mood dissipates.

I can’t look at him without replaying what he told Cole over and over in my head.

Ignoring him, I head for the front door.

“Your breakfast is on the table,” my mother calls out.