Ruthless Knight Page 66

But that’s not the worst of it.

The worst of it is straddling him as she nuzzles her face into his neck.

Her string bikini—if it even qualifies as one—is barely hanging on.

“Drowning in Casey’s pussy,” Cortland shouts behind me.

A few people laugh.

“You’re such a piece of shit, Cortland,” Bianca snaps.

Picking up a bottle off the deck, she flings it. It crashes against the side of the tub.

“Wake up, idiot. Your girlfriend is here.”

That rouses him.

“Oh, hey, babe,” Cole slurs, a lazy grin spreading across his face. “You should come in and join us…the water feels great.”

“I don’t want that fat heifer anywhere near me,” Casey shrieks.

Cole pushes her off him. “You’re one to talk, skank. Have you seen yourself lately?” He staggers out of the tub. “When I walked in, I thought you were pregnant…but then I realized no one here wants to fuck you anymore.”

Bianca starts laughing, and everyone joins her.

But it’s not funny. It’s sad and pathetic.

“Fuck this.” I glower at him. “Fuck you.”

I turn to go back inside.

“Come on, Bible Thumper,” Cole slurs. “Don’t be like that. Have a little fun with your boyfriend.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to correct him, but there’s still a part of me that cares about the ass too much to do it.

I quicken my steps.

“Come on, babe,” he taunts, chasing me into the house. “There are all these people around. That’s exactly what you wanted, right?”

What the hell is he talking about?

I spin around to face him. “What—”

“Don’t act like I don’t know the real reason you’re dating me.” He thrusts his cup, sloshing some of the amber liquid over the rim. “Hell, everyone here knows why someone like you is dating me.”

Hands on my hips, I stare him down. “Oh, really? Well, go ahead, Covington. Enlighten me.”

If he wants to put an end to this, I won’t stand in his way.

It’s his loss.

“Because I am me,” he states, wobbling. “And you…are you.”

“Wow, way to really clear things up, champ.”

Surprisingly, a few people laugh.

“Oh, look at that. Sawyer’s finally getting some attention.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Come on, everyone. Give her what she wants.”

I have no idea where any of this is coming from.

I’m not dating him to get attention.

“It’s like you don’t even know me.”

He taps his head with his free hand. “Oh, but I do.” He steps closer. “Everyone here can see you for what you really are…everyone except you.”

“Oh, yeah? What am I?”

He titters, trying to get his balance. “An attention whore. A crazy, dramatic, good-doer crybaby asshole who always needs the spotlight.” He points a finger in my face. “And you know what? I don’t fucking like you. No one likes you. It’s why everyone bullies you.” His eyes glaze over. “You know what else? I’m better than you. Always have been. Always fucking will be.” He punches his chest. “Because I’m alive and free…and you’re nothing but a fake coward who will never be good enough.”

“Cole,” Bianca yells. “Shut the fuck up.”

I clutch my stomach. I’m trying really hard not to take offense to the things he’s saying because he’s clearly drunk out of his mind…but his words burn.

No, more than that. They sear my goddamn soul.

It’s like he pulled out my worst fears and darkest thoughts and put them on display for everyone to see.

“So why don’t you do me a favor!” he yells to the ceiling. “And stop fucking torturing me so I can live my life!”

I didn’t realize he felt suffocated by our…whatever we are. Were.

“I didn’t—”

“What’s that, Bible Thumper?” he questions. “You got something to say?”

I clamp my mouth shut. He’s so drunk nothing I say will make one bit of difference now.

“You think you’re so special, don’t you?” He looks around the room. “But ladies and gentlemen…don’t let my innocent angel fool you. She, too, is nothing but a liar.”

My cheeks flame. “I didn’t lie to you because I wanted to hurt you.”

He skims my cheek with his thumb. “No, of course not. You just showed your true colors is all.” His grin is cruel. “And now…I’m showing you mine.”

These aren’t true colors…this is someone getting drunk to escape something he can’t handle.

If anyone is the coward, it’s him.

“That’s it. I’m calling Jace,” Bianca tells him.

“Please do,” Cole taunts. “Trust me, I’d love for him to hear this. Maybe he’ll get another tattoo to commemorate the special occasion.”

Oakley steps forward. “You’re drunk.”

“And you’re a lame pothead who likes to fuck MILFs. Thank you for stating the obvious for everyone. We all appreciate it.”

Cortland laughs. “Man, I think I like drunk Cole.”

I most definitely don’t.

Cole flashes some teeth. “Do you, bud?” He places his hand over his heart. “Well, thank you, pencil dick. It’s truly an honor to be liked by a nobody.”

He turns his attention back to me. “Look, Sawyer. It’s our guy—”

I slap my hand over his mouth. “Be quiet, Cole.”

He taps my nose. “You’re so damn cute, you know that?”

Jesus. From one end of the spectrum to the other.

“And you have fantastic tits. Best I’ve ever seen, in fact. And trust me. I’ve seen a lot.”

I’m positively mortified when a few guys howl.

He tries to put his arm around me, but I move out of the way.

“Oh, Bible Thumper. Don’t be shy. Give daddy a little taste.”

Oakley shoves him away. “That’s enough. This isn’t you, Cole.”

“You’re right.” He takes another sip of his drink. “It’s not. Because Cole sucks.” He looks around the room at everyone. “Lucky Seven is who you bitches want. Am I right?”

A few people cheer.

“Look, babe.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Your boyfriend is the shit.”

“More like a shithead,” I tell him.

“Burn,” some guy calls out.

Cole, not taking well to being mocked himself, scowls. “Is that right, Sawyer Grace?” He slaps his leg. “Well, yeehaw…why don’t we have a little showdown and let the court of public opinion decide?”

God, I actually pity him right now. He has no idea how much he’s embarrassing himself.

He grabs his crotch and swivels his hips. “How many girls here want Lucky Seven?”

Every girl but me and Bianca react.

“Take it off,” one girl shouts.

“Take it out,” another one says.

“All right settle down, bitches. It’s Sawyer’s turn.”