Ruthless Knight Page 70

I try to walk away, but he blocks me. “Sawyer.”

“Get out of my way.”

Out of my heart.

Chapter 52


“Okay, but if I let you go to class, you’re having lunch with me.”

Those baby brown eyes harden. “No.”

“Dinner then.”

She makes a face. “Not happening.”

Giving her my sexiest smile, I run a finger down her arm. “Dessert?”

Her nostrils flare. “Move.”

“Fine.” Leaning in, I whisper, “Go to class, Bible Thumper. But this is far from over.”

She mumbles something I don’t catch under her breath.

I wait until she’s halfway down the hall. “One more thing, Sawyer.”

She stops walking. I can practically see the anger rolling off her. “What?”

“You look beautiful today.”

Truth is she always looks beautiful, but I want everyone to hear me say it.

She quickly scurries inside a classroom.

Casey and Morgan exchange a glance as they pass me.

“Wow, someone’s whipped,” Morgan says.

“He’s only whipped because he made a bet with someone on the football team.” Casey looks at me. “As soon as he’s done with the fat pig, he’ll come crawling back.”

The fuck I will.

“Don’t hold your breath, you rancid cunt.”

Shooting me a dirty look, they both run off.

“Today went better than yesterday,” Oakley notes. “At this rate, you should have your girl back in say, ten to twenty years.” He slaps my shoulder. “Give or take.”

“I don’t know what else to do.”

I’ve already done everything I can think of. All the typical shit girls love.

To be honest, I really thought the Nick Jonas bullshit was gonna be a slam dunk, but evidently not.

“That’s because you’re not paying attention,” Oakley says as he starts walking down the hall.

He motions for me to join him. “Stop thinking about the three Ps and start listening to what your girl is saying.”

“What she’s saying is to leave her alone,” I bark. “And that’s not happening. Ever.”

“Relax, killer. What I meant is, what her heart is saying. Chicks have this weird way of telling you what they need without really telling you…you feel me?”

No. I fucking don’t. “How so?”

“When you snuck into her room. What was the last thing she said to you before you left?”

“She told me to go.”

He shakes his head. “Before that.”

“That I only wanted her back because of the bet.”

“And what did you say to that?”

“I told her it wasn’t true and I would fix it.”

“Do you really think you’ve done that so far?”

I glare at him. “Obviously not. But between the flowers, the candy—”

“Look, the solution to your problem is a very simple one, my friend.” Walking backward, he opens his arms wide. “You have to give her something real.”

Chapter 53


I press down on the ivory keys, filling the church with the chords from “Counting Blue Cars” by Dishwalla.

It’s a new one for me, but the second Dylan played it, I fell in love.

I live for the kind of music that makes you ponder the meaning of life while making your soul feel alive.

Which is exactly why I decided to strip it down. Not only does it heighten the emotion of the song, it makes it easier to soak in each word.

Doing a quick glance around to make sure the church is empty, I open my mouth.

Normally it takes me weeks to memorize sheet music, but not this time. This time it’s as though every note comes straight from my heart.

I close my eyes, letting the song take me away.

When I reach the chorus, I hold nothing back. My vibrato emanates from the tips of my toes, reverberating through the walls.

“Jesus Christ…your voice,” Cole says.

I croak mid-lyric and my fingers slip on the keys.

“What the he—” I catch myself. “What are you doing here?”

In a church of all places.

His shoulders rise in a shrug. “Figured this is where I’d find you.” He grins. “I was right.”

I’m seriously regretting coming here before choir practice now.

Not taking the hint that I want him gone, he walks over to the first pew and sits. “I didn’t know you played piano…or sang. Especially like that.”

“It’s nothing.”

There are far better musicians and singers out there. In fact, I hardly even consider myself one.

But I can’t focus on that right now. I’m too concerned about why he’s here. “Did you need something?”

He looks around. “It’s a little smaller than I imagined, but it’s nice.” His lips twitch. “You know, for a church.”

I try again. “Is there something I can help you with?”

He stretches his arm across the pew. “Do you think God is a her?”


“The song.”

“Oh.” I highly doubt he came here seeking spiritual enlightenment, but I indulge him anyway. “I suppose anything is possible. There are all sorts of different religions out there. Some even have multiple gods.”

He leans back, assessing me. “You mean to tell me you’re actually admitting another religion may have it right, and there’s a chance your people got it wrong?”

“My people?”

“Christians. Jesus lovers.”

“I love Jesus, but it doesn’t mean everyone else has to.”

“That isn’t what I asked you.”

There’s an edge to his tone, but I’m not insulted.

Despite my frustration with him, I like that he’s asking questions instead of assuming.

Therefore, I give him the truth. My truth.

“Just because I have my own beliefs regarding God doesn’t mean I can’t respect the fact that other people have theirs.” I shrug. “At the end of the day, we're all just trying to get to the same place, right? Who am I to judge?”

“What about those who don’t believe at all?”

I rub my palms on my skirt. “I carry a heaviness in my heart for them.”

His green eyes gleam in challenge. “Because they don’t believe what you do?”

“Because it must be awfully hard to have the weight of the world rest solely on your shoulders every day.” I look him right in the eyes. “But no matter my personal beliefs, I would never try to convert someone, nor tell them they were wrong for not believing. I’m sure they have their reasons for it…just like I have mine.”

He stares at me for the better part of a minute before he speaks. “There is no one in the world like you, Sawyer.”

My heart folds in on itself. I hate that he’s looking at me like I’m the most fascinating thing he’s ever encountered.