Ruthless Knight Page 74

I watch as she shimmies and shakes her little heart out, performing Casey’s moves even better than Casey does.

I’m nervous when it’s time for the big flip, but just like everything else, she nails it.

I’m so distracted, I almost miss the signal for me to join them.

Holding onto Izzy’s big-ass head, I haul ass.

Given it’s the last game, I give my notorious sprinkler move everything I’ve got. Working my hips and arching my back.

The crowd loses their minds, chanting for Izzy and the rest of the Knights.

Feeling bold and feeding off the energy, I start shaking my booty.

Until I feel a pair of piercing green eyes watching me.

His stare is so intense it steals the breath right from my lungs.

Without warning, he’s walking across the field like a man on a mission. His long strides eating up the distance between us in record time.

And then he’s standing in front of me…closing in on me like an eclipse.

My blood quickens and a stream of panic flows through me as he rips Izzy’s head off and throws it on the ground.

The crowd of people surrounding us gasp.


I panic for a whole different reason when he cups my face in his hands and rasps, “Be my girlfriend.”

Mind swirling, I sputter the first thing that comes to my mind. “Are you—is this a joke?”

“No. This is real.” The big hands framing my face tighten. “So fucking real.”

My eyes water and my vision goes hazy.

There are so many reasons I should shoot him down.

So many reasons it won’t work out between us.

So many reasons to turn around and run.

But the organ pounding in my chest doesn’t care about any of them.

It only cares about him.


I don’t get to finish that statement because he crushes his mouth against mine.

It’s a kiss that robs me of air and sends everything spiraling.

A kiss that lays indisputable claim.

A kiss filled with apologies for the past, a promise to do better in the future, and a vow to always fight for us.

A kiss that changes everything.

His hands drift down to my waist, keeping me against him as he flicks his tongue against mine.

A shiver dances up my spine, and I open my mouth wider, teasing him right back.

Threading his fingers through my hair, he smiles against my lips and utters a deep groan.

“Um…hello? Are you two going to stand here and suck each other’s faces off the entire night?” Bianca calls out. “Some of us need a ride home.”

We ignore her.

We ignore everything around us.

Because none of it matters.

All that matters is what’s happening right now.

Because it’s real.

Chapter 59


A husky moan fills the room. “Fuck. That’s it, Bible Thumper. Right there.”

Holding back a laugh, I continue pressing my fingers into his muscles, working out the knot in his back.

His team wanted him to go to Christian’s to celebrate their victory tonight, but Cole told them he had other plans.

Evidently those plans involved coming back to his house.

With me.

Not that I’m complaining.

There are far worse ways to spend your night than in bed touching a shirtless Cole.

My boyfriend.

Holy shit.

“That feels so fucking good,” Cole rasps low and deep. “Marry me.”

That zaps me out of my trance.

“You’re getting a little ahead of yourself there, buster,” I joke. “We just started dating.”

I look around his room. I expected it to be extravagant and posh like the rest of his house, but aside from the giant flat screen T.V. and a California king bed…it’s completely swathed in football memorabilia.

There aren’t any pictures or personal touches.

“What are you going to do about your car?”

“Nothing. It’s Cortland’s.”

“You’re not going to try to get it back?”

It’s a million-dollar car for crying out loud.

If I ever told my dad he gave it up, I’m pretty sure he’d actually shed a few tears.

Hell, he might even forbid me to date Cole due to his stupidity.

“Nah. I got something much better in return.”

His words are almost as sweet as the gesture itself, but seriously. This is a big freaking deal.

“Won’t your dad be upset?”

At that, he tenses. “Yup, he’ll be pissed.”

There has to be a legal loophole somewhere. I’m about to tell him so, but then he says, “It is what it is. My mom put aside some trusts for her children with the money she made from her films. I won’t get mine until after I graduate high school. It isn’t millions or anything, but I’ll be able to buy a new car with it.”

Graduation is still over five months away. “What will you do until then?”

Angling his head, he waggles his eyebrows. “Beg my very sexy and very generous girlfriend for rides.”

I sigh dramatically. “Fine. But it’s gonna cost you.”

“That so?”

There’s a seductive edge to his voice that does all sorts of things to me.

Before I can respond, he flips over on the bed and grabs my hips, pulling me on top of him.

He licks his bottom lip suggestively. “What’s it gonna cost me, Church?”

I swallow hard as I straddle him. Usually I’m quick on my feet, but he’s turned my mind into mush.

“I—what do you want?” I ask, but then I remember it’s supposed to be me telling him what I want. “I mean—”

Nerves catch my throat when the hand on my hip moves to my ass.

Given I’m his girlfriend now, will he expect me to have sex with him?

Because I’m not sure…actually I am.

I am positive that I’m not ready to entertain going there with him yet.

Not only because of my faith, but…we’re still so new.

And while I don’t doubt that Cole has feelings for me, I want my first time to be with someone who loves me.

“Is this okay?” Cole questions as his hand moves to my thigh.

I give him a nod. “Do you…” I clear my throat and try again. “I mean, you know I’m not read—”

“Relax,” he says. “I know where the line is.” He circles my inner thigh with his thumb. “I won’t cross it without the green light from you first.”

The pressure in my chest eases up. “I’m not trying to be a prude—”

Words die in my throat when his thumb brushes over my sex through my leggings. “Trust me, after what happened in that locker room, the last thing I’d call you is a prude.”

I give him a coy smile. “Still thinking about that, huh?”

He raises his hips, letting me know just how long and hard he’s been thinking about it. “You tell me.”

Sliding back, I stare at the impressive bulge outlined by his gray sweatpants. “I think I’m gonna need a little more proof. You know, this way I can make an informed decision and all.”