Ruthless Knight Page 80

I walk over to my dresser. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for work.”

Sadness fills his eyes. “Sawyer—”

I look at Mama. “Am I grounded, Mama?”

She shakes her head. “No.”

“Good. In that case, I’ll be home late.” I glare at my father. “I’m going to my boyfriend’s house after work since he’s obviously no longer welcome here.”

Chapter 63


“Damn, girl,” Bianca whisper-shouts. “What the hell have you been doing? Because whatever it is, it’s working.”

I try to hide my smile but fail.

It’s been a month since Cole and I have been official, and in that time, I’ve managed to lose another ten pounds.

Mama’s so elated she suggested we go shopping and have a girls’ day this upcoming weekend.

We’ve never had a girls’ day before…that’s always been her thing with Catherine.

I shrug nonchalantly. “Nothing crazy. Just a little low-carb diet.”

“Well, keep it up. Word on the street is Casey is jealous as hell about you taking her place in the kingdom.”

“Place in the kingdom?”

“The queen of RHA, dumbass.”

“I’m not really following.”

She rolls her eyes. “Cole is still the most wanted guy at school. Especially now that he’s fallen for a peasant. For some strange reason, it only makes everyone want him more.” She picks her cuticles. “Anyway, since you’re the one on his arm now, it officially makes you the new queen.” She crinkles her nose. “Well, until next year when I take over.”

That doesn’t sit well with me at all. “I don’t want to be a queen.”

“Too late.” Taking a compact out of her purse, she powders her nose. “Seriously, church girl. I don’t see what the issue is. After the shit these people put you through, you might as well sit back and enjoy it.” She drops her voice to a whisper. “And do something about your hair and makeup while you’re at it.” The compact snaps shut. “The queen must keep up appearances after all.” She blows me a kiss. “Talk to you lat—”

“Yo—” Oakley interjects, striding toward my locker. “Got a minute?”

“For a dirtbag moocher like you?” Bianca questions with a glare. “Never.”

“Save your wrath for someone who actually gives a fuck, baby Satan.” Oakley looks at me. “I was talking to Sawyer.”

Bianca raises her middle finger and licks it. “You’re just jealous because your ex said my pussy tastes way better than your cock.”

Oh, boy. Here we go.

Oakley’s jaw flexes. “Was that before or after she blew me last night?”

Bianca falters. “What?”

“You heard me.” He flashes her a wicked grin. “Let’s just say my blunt wasn’t the only thing she smoked when she came over.”

“You’re lying,” she says, but it doesn’t come out very convincing.

He clicks his tongue. “Want some proof?” He waves Morgan over. “Yo, shorty. Holla at your boy real quick.”

Morgan just about runs. “What’s up?”

He places his arm around her. “Tell Bianca about all the fun me, you, and Hayley had last night.”

Cheeks flaming, Morgan looks around. “What the hell, Oak? You promised what happened would stay between us.”

“Damn. You’re right, boo.” He smacks a kiss on her cheek while glaring at Bianca. “My bad.”

Huffing, Morgan storms off.

Bianca starts to speak, but Oakley leans in and whispers, “Keep fucking with me, baby girl. I dare you.”

The look she shoots him could kill a corpse. “Challenge accepted.”

“What is going on between you two?” I hiss after she walks away.

“Nothing.” He frowns. “But someone should do the world a favor and lock that little psycho in a padded room until she learns to play nice.” He exhales sharply. “Anyway, I got the refill you needed. Meet me in the parking lot after school.”

“Why were you at Oakley’s car?”

I jump at the sound of Cole’s voice. I had no idea he was waiting on the other side of my van.


“You went straight to Oakley’s car instead of yours when you got out of school. Why?”

Shit. “Oh. I had to drop off notes.”

“I thought you were coming over to tutor him later. Why couldn’t you give them to him then?”

I hate the look in his eyes right now. Like he doesn’t trust me.

“Why are you giving me the third degree?”

The hard edge to his voice softens a fraction. “I just…fuck. You’re right.”

Closing the distance between us, I wrap my arms around his neck. “You know I’d never hurt you.”

He drops his forehead to mine. “Yeah, I just…” His voice trails off.

“You have no reason to be jealous, Colton.”

“Trust me, I have every reason to be jealous.” He buries his face in my neck, inhaling me. “You’re addicting, Bible Thumper.” His teeth nip at my skin. “But you’re my addiction.”

My eyes flutter closed. “You’re my addiction too.”

Chapter 64


I step out of the Uber and walk into the church.

Sawyer was supposed to come over and hang out after she tutored Oakley…but she canceled last minute.

On us both.

Given she was running her youth group shit tonight, I’m hoping it’s nothing too serious.

There’s only one way to find out.

It’s empty when I walk inside.

Well, apart from some old man standing at the altar.

It does nothing to help the bad feeling I have brewing in my gut.

“Excuse me. Do you happen to know where Sawyer is by any chance?”

I don’t know what to make of the look on his face. “She’s still downstairs.”

I start to walk away, but he halts me. “Not to be rude, but who are you?”

I raise an eyebrow. Who I am isn’t important. Making sure Sawyer’s okay is.

“Who are you?”

His lips twitch. “I’m the associate-minister of this church.” There’s a beat. “I’m also Sawyer’s granddaddy.”

Well, shit.

It’s like anyone in her life that ends with daddy is destined to hate me.

I hold out my hand. “I’m Sawyer’s boyfriend.”

He shakes it. “First time I’m hearing about her having a boyfriend.”

I don’t know why that irks me so much, but it does.

“It’s only been a few weeks.”

He studies my face. “I see.”

I see too.

I see it’s clear he’s not a fan of me dating his granddaughter.

Tough shit.

“Unless you’re a hypocrite—and let’s face it—most of you people are, I thought a man of the cloth was supposed to like everyone.”