Ruthless Knight Page 83

Sawyer looks up, “Good or bad?”

“Good—” I grunt when she repeats the movement. “So fucking good.”

I grit my teeth when she licks a hot line along my shaft.

I told her she could explore, but I don’t think I can take it.

For fuck’s sake, my dick is literally weeping for her.

Seeming to take notice, she circles the fluid around with her thumb and brings it to her mouth. “You taste good.”

Holy hell. This blow job is going to kill me, and she hasn’t even started yet.


I’m dying. Fucking dying here.

“Yeah?” She laps at my tip again, only this time, she flicks her tongue against the hole.

She’s killing me. Goddamn, killing me.

“I need you to suck it.”

“Oh. Right.”

I snatch the seatbelt and damn near rip it in half when she draws my cockhead into her mouth and sucks.

“More pressure or less?”

“A little more…and a lot lower.”

She wanted honesty.

Wrapping her hand around my base, she glides her mouth down before sliding back up.

“Oh, fuck. Just like that.”

She gives my cock a slow jerk as she releases me with a wet pop. “I don’t think I can deep throat you.” She huffs like it’s an inconvenience for her. “You’re too big, Colton.”

I have to stifle a laugh. Little eager beaver. “It’s fine. What you’re doing is good.”

I mean it. Does she suck me off like a porn star? No.

But her eagerness to please me, her need to want to know what I like…makes up for any lack of experience she has.

“However, if you want some frank feedback, Bible thumper. Less talking and more suc—Jesus fucking Christ.”

A rush of heat sizzles up my dick as she begins sucking me longer…harder…deeper. “Holy shit. I like that…I like that a lot. Please fucking don’t stop. Ever.”

Fuck me. This girl has reduced me to pleading.

My hands. Goddammit. I’m aching with the need to place them on the back of her head and keep them there permanently.

I have to be smart about this though. One wrong move could put Sawyer off giving me head for good, and I don’t want that to happen.

I’m about to sit on them, but her movements come to a halt. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I lie.

The look she gives me makes it clear she’s not buying it. “Come on, Cole. We’re supposed to be honest with each other, remember? Tell me—”

“I’m trying not to grab the back of your head and fuck your face, okay?”

There. I said it.

She looks like she’s trying her hardest not to laugh. “I mean, you can if you want.”

I no longer have to wonder if Sawyer is an angel on earth…because right now, I’m sure of it.

Wrapping her mouth around my cock again, she goes back to sucking me, her fingers lightly brushing my balls.

I’m so close. “So fucking close,” I rasp.

Sawyer must take that to mean she needs to work harder because she goes to town on my dick.

This time, I do grab the back of her head and thrust.

Between the slurping and my balls feeling like they’re about to blast off into outer space, there’s only so much a man can take.

I thrust again, hitting the back of her throat this time. “Fuck yeah.”

She makes a gagging sound, but it’s too late.

The pleasure is so strong I almost black out as I come.

She swallows. Of-fucking-course she does.

Because she’s perfect.

I sag against the seat, my body feeling more depleted than after the championship game.

“Sorry,” I say on an inhale, hoping she doesn’t hate me.

“For what?”

“I should have…I don’t know…been less rough. I guess.”

She doesn’t look too worried about it. “I wish you warned me before you came, but I managed.”

She sits down next to me. “Are you okay?”

I nod, pulling her to me. “More than okay. That was amazing.”

She’s about to brush it off, but I won’t let her.

I’m probably the least considerate boyfriend on the planet most days, but I know what she did tonight was a big deal to her.

“I mean it, Sawyer.”

She leans her forehead against mine. “I care about you…so fucking much. It scares me.”

That makes two of us.

My feelings for this girl are so deep…so intense they’re becoming all-consuming.

She doesn’t deserve you.

“Kiss me.”

The second her lips are on mine, the pressure in my chest eases up and I can breathe.

But it’s short lived.

Because the ugliest truths can only stay buried for so long.

And if Sawyer ever finds out mine…

She’ll never look at me the same.

She’ll run far away and never turn back.

She’ll hate me…

Just like I hated him.

Chapter 65


“I’m sorry, honey, but this isn’t working. We’re gonna have to order you a whole new dress.” She must notice the look of terror on my face because she quickly says, “Don’t worry. As long as I put the order in today, you’ll still have time to get the new alterations done before the wedding. I’ll be right back.”

I know I’ve lost weight…but I didn’t think it was that much.

The size fourteen was so tight I thought it would tear right down the middle when I came in for my first fitting.

Then again…that was back in mid-November.

A little over three months ago.

I look at my mom. The bridesmaids’ dresses are expensive, and my parents offered to pay for mine. I don’t want to put another burden on them.

“I’m sorry. I can buy—”

Mama waves a hand. “It’s fine, Sawyer. Heck, better than fine. This is a good thing. I’m glad you’re finally sticking to a diet for once in your life.”

Beside her, Dylan flinches. “Sawyer’s always been beautiful.”

“Sure. But she’s even more beautiful now. Not to mention, healthy.” Mama pats her leg. “You’re a good friend, though.”

It’s probably a good thing my mom doesn’t see the murderous look Dylan’s aiming her way.

The lady handling the dresses comes back with two of them. “We had a few sample dresses in the back, so I brought one for you to try on. I want to make sure we get it right this time.”

My eyes nearly pop out of my skull when I notice it’s two sizes smaller than my original dress.

Surprisingly, it fits like a glove.

“Hmm.” The lady assesses me after I come back out. “You know, you do have a tiny bit of wiggle room in this. There’s still four weeks left until the wedding. Are you planning on losing any more weight between now and then?”

I honestly have no idea. It all depends on the Adderall.

It’s not working as well as it did in the beginning. I’ve only lost four pounds over the last three weeks.