Ruthless Knight Page 87

“How did y—”

“It’s your favorite place.”

I hate that she knows me so well.

Before I can stop her, she lays down beside me on the grass. “I’m sorry—”

“Don’t apologize.” The muscles in my chest draw tight. “It was bound to come out sooner or later.”

I was just hoping it was later. Much later.

“What was?”

The ugly truth.

No matter how hard I try to forget…it will never make up for the ugly, horrible event I’m responsible for.

I turn my head to look at her again.

She’s so goddamn beautiful.

So pure and innocent and good.

The saint a sinner like me never deserved.

For once, I wish God was real. I wish Heaven and Hell and reincarnation were legit so I could pay my penance and ask for a second chance.

Meet her again in another lifetime. One where I actually deserve her.

“I’ll tell you everything.” Shifting, I turn to face her. “I just want to kiss you one last time before I do.”

One last time before it all disappears.

Before I show her the worthless piece of shit I really am and she gives up on me.

You won, Liam.

I didn’t care about you, but it’s gonna kill me to lose her.

Sawyer’s brows knit together in confusion and she sits up. “No, you can’t kiss me one last time. Because no matter what you tell me, I’m not going anywhere.”

She’s wrong. So wrong. “You say that now—”

“I mean it.” She grabs my face. “Whatever it is, it won’t change the way I feel about you. Ever. Colton, I lo—”

“It’s my fault.”

Her hands tighten. “What is?”

“Liam…his death. It’s all my fault.”

Chapter 72




“I thought you came to the dance with Heather?” Hayley questions as we sway to the music.

Technically I did, but mid-way through the dance, Hayley caught my eye.

Or rather, her boobs did.

Most girls in seventh grade didn’t have a decent set yet, but not Hayley.

The girl has an entire handful…and I’m dying to find out if they feel as good as they look in her dress tonight.

Wonder what it would take for her to let me cop a feel?



I’ve been so busy thinking about her tits, I forgot she asked me a question.

Pausing our little dance, she looks up at me. “Heather.”

“What about her?”

“I thought you came here with her?”

Crap. “I mean, we rode in the same car—” Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Liam dancing with my former date.


The lighting in here must be worse than I thought. She thinks it’s me.

Either way, I can definitely use it to my advantage.

“But she and Liam have something going on.” I give Hayley my best smile. “Which is fine by me, because I am all about you.”

And the two soft cushions a few inches south of your neck.

She blushes. “Really?”


Hold up. Why is Liam dancing with Heather? Is he that desperate for my scraps?

As much as it ticks me off, I can’t say I blame him.

The accident that killed our mother left him with a few grisly facial scars and a bad stutter.

According to the family doctor, it’s a combination of brain trauma and anxiety he developed from the crash.

I personally think it’s all a crock of bullshit.

He could speak just fine if he actually tried…he just chooses not to.

I think he wants people to feel bad for him.

Either way, this stutter is just another way for him to steal all the attention from me. Like he always does.

On the bright side, he looks and sounds like such a freak, people never mixed us up anymore.

Whatever. The asshole can have my leftovers.

Even though Heather isn’t the girl he really wants.

That would be Dylan. Jace’s best friend. Or should I say ex best friend.

Evidently, Jace asked Britney to the dance…and then Liam seized the opportunity and asked Dylan to go to the dance with him.

Surprisingly, she said yes.

Although you’d never know it, because Dylan’s currently engaged in what looks like a very heated conversation with Tommy DaSilva.

I bite the inside of my cheek, suppressing a laugh.

Tommy is Jace’s nemesis, but not because of any personal beef between them.

No…Jace hates his guts because Tommy bullies Liam.

So much so, he even conjured up a little nickname for Liam. History.

Because history always repeats itself.

The moment I heard it, I just about died from laughter. Clever as hell that Tommy.

Of course, the first time I used it at home, Jace punched me in the arm and told me to knock it off.

Still didn’t stop me from taunting Liam with it whenever Jace wasn’t around.

“Why are you laughing?”

Because there’s about to be some drama, and that’s always funny…as long as it doesn’t involve me.

I look into Hayley’s eyes. “It’s just funny how you think I could want anyone but you.”

The blush creeping up her cheeks deepens. “I didn’t even know you liked me like that. I mean, you’re so hot.”

“I know.” I grin. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

However, she’ll be better looking once those god-awful braces come off her teeth and she loses some of the pudginess in her face.

Compared to the rest of the girls in junior high though, she’s still up there…which is all that matters.

“Are you sure Heather won’t be mad?”

“Heather wh—”

Wait a minute. Why is Heather sitting on the bleachers crying…again? Where’s Liam?

I spin Hayley around on the dance floor so I can look for Dylan.

Just like her date…she’s gone too. So are Jace and Tommy.

Jesus. It’s like everyone became ghosts and vanished into thin air.

“Are you okay?” Hayley questions.

“I’m fine, Heather—Hayley.”

Shit. Damn their names for sounding so similar.

She stops dancing. “I’m Hayley.”

“What the hell is going on?” I mutter as I watch a visibly distraught Liam reenter the gym.

A grinning Tommy follows close behind.

This can’t be good.

Ditching Hayley, I move closer to them.

And then it happens.

Tommy points at a still crying Liam. “Look at this prissy fag crying like a baby.”

It doesn’t take long for everyone to look at Tommy…or rather, Liam.

I should step in and put a stop to this.

But I don’t.

Liam loves stealing the spotlight from me so much…well, here it fucking is.

Choke on it.

Liam wipes his snot and tears with the back of his sleeve, attempting to compose himself. “F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f.”

His stutter seems to go on for an eternity. It’s so bad he can’t even get a single word out. Of course, that only makes everyone laugh harder.