Ruthless Knight Page 90

Jace didn’t say a word as he fished it out, but deep down, I knew he realized.

Liam was sick…just like our mother.

But screws loose or not, it still didn’t give him an excuse to act like an asshole and inconvenience everyone around him.

Jace tried to get our father to take him to therapy, but he refused.

Liam, not our father.

Begrudgingly, I open the door. I know if I don’t, he’s liable to set up camp outside and keep knocking all night.

“What do you want?” I ask, ignoring his red glassy eyes and the throw blanket wrapped around him.

Dramatic much?

If he was smart, he would have gone to Bianca’s room. Ever since the accident happened, he’s spent some of his nights in there.

Jace and I used to think it was weird, a bit perverted, but when we went to investigate, we found them with their arms around the other, shaking and crying.

We decided not to bother them about it again after that.

He brushes past me. “I n-n-need help.”

“Help with what?”

He sits on my bed. “D-d-dylan’s n-n-never going to like me…is s-s-she?”

I’m not one to sugarcoat things, so I tell him the truth. “No.”

Anger flashes in his eyes. “Jac-c-ce betrayed m-m-me.”

“He didn’t betray you.”

It’s not always about him. Any fool could see they’ve been into each other for years. Any fool but him.

Or maybe he can see it. He just doesn’t want Jace to be happy.

More time with Dylan means less time with Jace. His replacement coddler.

“Yes, he d-d-did!” Liam shouts, standing up. “And T-T-Tommy…he…everyone s-s-saw. I’m n-n-never gonna live this d-d-down. It’s gonna get w-w-worse at s-s-school now…i-i-isn’t it?”


Tears stream down his cheeks. “I w-w-wish people w-w-would s-s-stop making fun of m-m-me.”

“Then stop giving them a reason to.”

The answer is so simple. The dumbass just refuses to blend in.

It’s almost like he enjoys being different from everyone else.

“W-w-what’s that s-s-supposed to mean?”

Not wanting Jace to come in here and yell at me for making him cry, I drop it. “Nothing.” I walk over to my door. “I’m going to bed. Get out.”

Liam shakes his head, wrapping the blanket around him tighter. “They’re going to k-k-keep m-m-making fun of m-m-me. My life i-i-is r-r-ruined.”

I’m not in the mood for this. As far as I’m concerned, he dug his own grave. “Get. Out.”

“I d-d-don’t feel right, C-C-Colton.” Squeezing his eyes shut, he smacks his head over and over. “S-s-something is w-w-wrong.” A strangled sob breaks free. “It hurts t-t-too m-m-much.”

Seeing him in so much pain shouldn’t feel so good…but it does.

Once again, I point to the door. “I don’t care.”

“I m-m-miss Mom,” he sobs. “She’s the only one w-w-who ever loved m-m-me. She t-t-told m-m-me I was s-s-special.”

I bet she did.

Anger races over my skin, and I grab his arm. “Then maybe you should join her.”


“Get out of my room!” I yell, my frustration rising. “I wanna go to bed.”

Liam plants his feet, refusing to budge. “N-n-no.”

He’s given me no choice. Tightening my grip on his arm, I yank him toward the door.

Liam fights me the entire time, but I’m stronger, so I win.

“W-w-why w-w-won’t you let me s-s-stay? W-w-why do you hate me s-s-so m-m-much?”

Because everyone compares me to him.

Because I don’t exist when he’s around.

Because I’m tired of constantly being eclipsed by him.

Because he’s sensitive, weak, fragile, and fake.

Because he’s allowed to have flaws.

Because he’s everything I’m not.

“Because you’re you.”

And I’m me.

He scowls. “W-w-well, m-m-maybe I hate you t-t-too.”

I look him right in the eyes. “Good.”

It will be the only thing we ever agreed on.

I turn the doorknob. “Leave.”

He sniffles, wiping his face with his blanket like the baby he is. “Please, Colton. I d-d-don’t w-w-want to b-b-be alone.”

He tries to close it, but I don’t let him. “And I don’t want to have an annoying twin brother who refuses to leave my room, but hey…life’s not fair.” I get close to his face. “Now get out before I punch you.”


I point to the hallway. “Out. I’m tired of looking at your stupid face.”

Head hanging low, he finally leaves my bedroom.

I slam the door behind him so fast his blanket gets trapped.

“My b-b-blanket.”

If I open it, I’ll have to see him again. Screw that.

“Oh, well.”

There’s some grunting and tugging on his end until I hear the tearing of fabric.

Finally, he’s gone.


Sharp shooting pain that makes my entire chest feel like it’s caving in.

I spring up in bed. Liam.

I look at the clock on the nightstand. It’s just after three in the morning.

Liam’s probably sleeping.

Another sharp shooting pain stabs through my heart like a needle through a pincushion. It hurts.

It hurts so bad I have no choice but to cry out. “Liam.”

The idiot better not be doing something he’s not supposed to. I’m not in the mood for another diet change or ear-piercing trombone playing incident.

I should go check on him. Make sure he isn’t hurt while doing God only knows what.

Lifting the covers, I swing my legs over the bed.

But just like that…the pain subsides.

He’s fine.

Yawning, I slide back into bed and fall asleep.

“What do you want to eat, Cole?” Jace grunts as he continues making pancakes.

Only they aren’t just pancakes. They’re Liam’s favorite breakfast food.

“My favorite breakfast food.”

I know I’m ruffling his feathers, but I don’t care. Why should Liam get special treatment when he destroyed Jace’s room?

“Fine,” Jace says, visibly agitated. “Since it’s no longer scrambled eggs, what’s your new favorite?”

Smiling smugly, I push my cereal bowl away. “Frittatas and crème brûlée.”

I’m not sure what a frittata is, but I once heard our father ask his secretary to get him one.

It sounds fancy and difficult to make. Perfect.

Jace looks up at the ceiling. “You’ve never had a frittata in your life. Also, crème brûlée isn’t a breakfast food, it’s dessert. And just so we’re clear—I’m not a motherfucking chef, so either eat the shit I’m making or don’t.”

“Why is everyone still yelling?” Bianca whines as she plops down in the seat next to me.

“Because Jace likes Liam more than he likes me.”

I’m not one to beat around the bush.