Cruel Prince Page 13

And nothing has changed…except Jace.

“Which royally sucks,” she says, taking the words out of my mouth.

“Big time.”

She holds out her hand. “My name is Sawyer Church. I’m a junior and I drive an old ass mini-van. I’m not rich like everyone else here, but I enjoy studying so I managed to get a scholarship to RHA—really, it’s only because Principal Ryan is close with my family. Oh, and I dislike ninety-nine percent of the general population, but that doesn’t stop me from helping all the dipshits in the world because WWJD.”

I shake her hand. “WWJD? Is that like a band or something?”

“I wish. That would be awesome.” She motions to the bracelet on her wrist that has the same initials inscribed on it. “What would Jesus do.”

Not quite the answer I was expecting. “Oh…”

She grimaces. “Ugh. Don’t do that. I thought you were cool.”

I have no idea what she means. “Do what?”

“Look, just because I’m religious doesn’t mean I’m some kind of Jesus freak. Well, I mean I am, because he’s awesome, but I promise I’m normal.” She averts her gaze. “Okay, maybe not normal—but I cuss a lot, stay out past curfew, and watch bad movies.” She blushes. “I’ve also watched porn a time or two. And if Nick Jonas wanted to spend the night with me, I’d seriously consider tossing my virginity out the window.”

“I think he’s married.”

“God, don’t rub it in—” She quirks an eyebrow. “You never told me your name.”

“Dylan Taylor.”

She taps her foot. “And…”

Oh, boy. This girl is a trip. “I’m a senior. I have my license, but my car was repoed when my—” I stop mid-sentence because I don’t know her well enough to tell her about my dad being in the slammer. “It’s a long story.”

Sawyer tips her head to the side, studying me. “It’s okay. We’ll get there.”

“Get where?”

She adjusts her glasses. “The way I see it, we’re both misfits in this hellhole. Why not be friends?”

In theory, it makes perfect sense, but superficial friendships for the sake of not being alone don’t really appeal to me. “Um. No offense, but—”

“What? Did your best friend have sex with your boyfriend or something?”

“More like my worst enemy,” I whisper before I can stop myself.

Evidently, I’m in need of a friend more than I thought because I’m one extra shirt away from spilling all my secrets.

Sadness clouds her eyes. “Ouch. That would definitely explain your trust issues.” She smiles. “For what it’s worth, you don’t have to worry about me having sex with anyone but my future husband.” There’s a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Or Nick Jonas. Because heaven help me, I would ride him frontward, backward, and sideways on a Sunday.”

I start to smile, but it occurs to me that if we’re going to be friends, I should let Sawyer in on the truth. “Since we’re on the subject of sex, let me state for the record that I didn’t fuck my cousin. Oakley started the stupid rumor to get back at me because he thinks I ratted him out to his dad about smoking weed in the basement.”

“Okay, let me get this straight…you’re saying you didn’t fuck your cousin?” Her face falls. “Damn. I’m not sure I want to be friends with you anymore. The apple’s lost its shine, you know?”

I kind of love that she’s as fluent in sarcasm as I am. “Well, shit. Would you reconsider if I tell you about the time I got drunk and dry-humped my uncle?”

A mixture of shock and intrigue washes over her features. “Really?”

“No. My dad’s an only child.”

She starts to laugh, but the sound of the late bell ringing cuts it short. “Crap.” Before I can protest, she steers me toward the exit. “What’s your next class?”


She winces as we walk out the door. “Mrs. Beck can be difficult, but I can help yo—”

Her sentence is interrupted by the sound of something heavy hitting a locker…followed by shouting.

When we turn to see what the commotion is, my breath freezes in my throat.

Jace’s arm is pinned over some poor guy’s neck while Oakley and Cole stand in front of a visibly irate girl who’s so pretty, I have to do a double-take.

“Leave him alone, Jace. We were only kissing.”

Sawyer tugs on my arm. “Let’s go. Jace Covington is not only bad news, he’s Britney’s obsession. Your life will be so much easier if you stay away from him and the drama his family causes…especially now that baby Covington has entered the chat.”

Oh, shit. Last time I saw Bianca she had a mouthful of braces and still watched cartoons.

Now she’s…

I can see why Jace wants to pummel her make-out buddy.

“Go to class, Bianca,” Jace grits through his teeth. “I’ll deal with you when we get home.”

Before she can protest, he seizes the guy’s collar and slams his head against the locker. “She’s a goddamn freshman, pervert.” The guy starts to speak, but Jace pulls him forward and slams him against the metal for a second time. “She’s also my baby sister.”

The dude looks positively petrified and I can’t say I blame him.

Jace has always had deep-rooted anger issues—but most people wouldn’t know because they usually mistake his silence for contentment.

However, deep down, he’s quietly stewing in all the rage simmering beneath the surface…like a deadly volcano on the verge of erupting.

It’s why I sought him out on the playground that day.

We were best friends…but our demons were kindred spirits.

“I had no idea, man,” the guy chokes out. When Jace eases up slightly, he adds, “She told me she was a senior and a foreign exchange student.”

Bianca winks at him. “Bonjour.”

Sawyer motions for us to leave again, but I stay rooted to the spot. Jace is a jerk, but I can’t shake this intrinsic need to make sure he doesn’t do something stupid.

Like commit homicide in the middle of a school hallway.

“See?” he proclaims innocently as Jace takes a step back. “It was all her. She was practically beg—”

His sentence is cut short by Jace’s fist.

“Try not to rough him up too much,” Cole utters as Jace winds his arm back, preparing to deal him another one. “The first game of the year is Friday and Declan’s one of the better players on the defensive line.”

The knee Jace sails into Declan’s groin makes it clear he doesn’t give a shit about his brother’s upcoming football game.

“Jesus Christ, Covington,” the guy wails as Jace strikes his jaw. “You made your point, all right? I won’t go near her again.”

Bianca rolls her eyes. “Pussy.”

Oakley and Cole snicker, but Jace isn’t amused. In fact, he appears to be growing angrier with every passing second.

Whatever’s happening now goes beyond some guy hooking up with his little sister.