Cruel Prince Page 42

“Yeah? Well, you’re not much better.”

He’s downright certifiable. “Screw you. I’m a great friend. I haven’t done a damn thing wro—”

“You ruined everything,” he shouts so loud I swear the lockers rattle. “We were fine, but then you had to act like some kind of lovesick puppy and dare me to kiss you.”

It would hurt less if he punched me.

Because he’s right.

We would still be friends and my heart would still be intact if I hadn’t fallen in love with him.

I ruined everything. Just like he said.

“Right, well, don’t worry. It won’t happen again.” Curling my arms around myself, I head down the hallway. “You should get your nose checked out. It looks pretty bad.”

“Dylan,” he growls.

Closing my eyes, I force myself to breathe. “Go back to Britney.”

I hate the way my voice cracks.

My mom used to tell me it was okay to cry if someone hurt me, but after the pain subsided, I needed to get up off the floor and dust myself off…because I didn’t belong there.

However, I don’t know how to get back up when Jace keeps kicking me down.

Every time I see him, he steals another piece of me.

Pretty soon there won’t be anything left.

“Dylan, stop.” His voice is rough, unsteady. Almost like he’s unraveling too. “Please.”

“Go back to Britney,” I repeat with conviction I don’t feel.

“I can’t.” He sounds out of breath, like he just got done running a marathon. “I can’t.”

That does it. I turn around. “Why?” I laugh, but there’s not a drop of humor. “Let me guess—”

“She’s not you.” The force of his stare has my heart pounding and my knees going weak. “She doesn’t make me feel even half the things I feel for you. I don’t think anyone ever will.” He looks utterly defeated. “God, I’m so screwed.”

My heart stops cold. “Why?”

A combination of turmoil and determination lines his face as he starts walking toward me. “Because what I’m about to do will change everything.”

Nerves pluck at my belly the closer he gets. I can’t tell if this is about to be the greatest moment of my life…or the worst.

I find my answer when he grabs my face and his mouth captures mine.

Chapter 26


I knew it was a bad idea the second I jumped in my car.

But like a moth to a motherfucking flame, here I am.

Watching in disgust as he wraps his arms around Dylan and hugs her like she’s the most precious thing in the world.

Part of me wants her to resist his advances. Kick him in the nuts and run inside.

But the other part—the one that’s winning—wants to walk over there, douse them in gasoline, and light a match.

Make them suffer for their sins.

Relief fills me as they break apart. However, it’s short-lived when he lowers his head and leans in.

Don’t kiss him.

For the briefest of seconds, her body goes rigid and I think she’s going to turn away…but then she rises on her tiptoes.

The hand around my steering wheel flexes as their lips meet.

He kisses her like she’s made of glass, liable to shatter at any moment.

It proves how little he knows about her.

Dylan Taylor is stronger than steel and tougher than leather.

There’s no way she’s enjoying Tommy handling her like a little porcelain doll.

I smirk when I see her hand flinch ever so slightly, like she wants to push him away, but she’s forcing herself to withstand it a little longer.

Eat it up, baby.

Because it will be a cold day in hell before I touch you again.

Reaching over my dashboard, I tap a button on the touchscreen.

Britney picks up on the second ring. “Hey.”

“You busy?”

“No, why?”

“Meet me outside your house in ten.”

Chapter 27


“Do you need a ride home?” There’s no hiding the slight edge in Oakley’s voice.

“Nope.” I take my blazer out of my locker. October in Royal Manor means the weather is gorgeous during the day and chilly at night. “But thanks for asking.”

The look he gives me is full of contempt. “I don’t like this, Dylan. I don’t like this one bit.”

Oak’s made his aversion to me seeing Tommy well-known. Whenever I ask him what exactly he has against Tommy personally when he’s never even spoken to him, he goes on a tangent about how Jace is like a brother and if Jace hates Tommy’s guts, then he does too.

It’s so juvenile. Almost as juvenile as the fact that Jace hasn’t spoken to me in a month.

Actually, that’s not quite right. Him not speaking to me is something I can deal with.

The asshole literally doesn’t acknowledge my existence.

“Yo, Oak,” Cole calls out as he and Jace sidle up to my locker. “Let me holler at you real quick.”

Speak of the devil and he’ll appear.

Oakley leans against my locker, closing it. “What’s good, man?”

I poke him in the shoulder. “Do you mind? I still have to get my Chemistry book.”

He starts to move, but then Cole says, “How do you feel about strippers?”

Oakley stays rooted to the spot, grinning like a fool. “I feel awesome about strippers.”

I nudge him again. “Can you mo—”

“Great,” Cole interjects. “I think we should hire some for Jace’s birthday party next week.”

“Hell motherfucking yes,” Oakley exclaims. “That’s the best idea you’ve ever had.”

I throw my hands up. It’s clear Oakley’s attention is elsewhere, but I refuse to leave without my textbook.

“I know.” Cole slaps Jace’s arm. “Now please tell this asshole that, because he said he doesn’t want them.”

Oakley looks insulted. “Dude, why?” Reaching over, he places his palm on Jace’s forehead. “You feeling all right?”

Jace swats his hand away. “I’m fine. I just don’t see why we need to hire strippers for my birthday.”

“Because you’re turning eighteen,” Cole says. “You’re officially legal.” He drapes his arm over Jace’s shoulder. “The least I can do for my big brother is buy him a few dozen exotic dancers.”

“And a big booty hoe jumping out of a cake,” Oakley adds.

“My man.” Cole gives him a pound. “I like the way you think.”

Seriously? “They’re human beings, jackasses. Not hoes.”

Cole gives me the stink eye. “Take that feminist bullshit elsewhere, party pooper. This is between me and my boys.”

“Hate to point out the obvious, but one of your boys doesn’t seem to be into the idea. Seeing as it’s his birthday, you probably shouldn’t force him to do something he doesn’t want to.”

Too far, Dylan. Too far.