Cruel Prince Page 52

Just the thought of everything I’ll need to do soon makes my head spin. Not to mention the fact that I’ll be so broke, ramen will be a splurge.

But where there’s a will there’s a way, and I’m determined to make it happen.

“I still can’t believe he’s in jail.” Disapproval lines his face. “I’m guessing Savannah might’ve had something to do with it?”

Does a bear shit in the woods? “Yup. However, she managed to get off scot-free by claiming she was an innocent young wife who didn’t know a thing.” Anger plows through me and I sit up. “Meanwhile, she was the one who got him the job in the first place. The CEO was her friend’s husband. And with the way she kept pushing him for more money after we moved—there’s no way it wasn’t part of her big plan from the get-go.”

“What a bitch,” Jace grinds out. “But with her out of the picture now, your relationship with your dad must be better.”

“Not really.” I avert my gaze because what I’m about to say will no doubt make me sound like a heartless bitch. “I still can’t bring myself to answer his phone calls or visit him.”

“Oh.” There’s surprise, but not a hint of judgment. “Why not?”

“Because I’m angry,” I say, swallowing the lump building in my throat. “I guess it’s my way of punishing him for forgetting about my mom and choosing Savannah over me.” I close my eyes. “Jesus, how fucked up is that?”

“No, I get it.” Swiftly, he withdraws inside of himself again, that cold demeanor firmly back in place. “There are some things you can’t forgive.” The look he gives me slices right through my heart. “No matter how much time has passed.”

I can’t take it anymore. I feel like a blind person trying to dismantle a bomb. “Wh—”

“Don’t.” His gaze sharpens. “Drive me home.”

With a nod, I push a button and adjust my seat. The one thing I didn’t want to do was ruin his birthday, and of course that’s exactly what I ended up doing.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper as a bolt of lightning illuminates the sky and the rain comes down harder. “But it’s killing me—”

“Good.” His tone is clipped, lethal. “Now you know how it feels.”

Frustrated, I slam my hand against the steering wheel. “I don’t want to fight with you.”

“And I didn’t want to ever see you again, yet here we fucking are.”

Jesus. No matter what I say or do, he’s determined to make me pay. I need him to get the fuck over his resentment and realize I’m not his enemy.

I know he wants to go home, but I’m the one with the keys. Which means I still have time to get through all his layers of stubborn.

I glance at the clock on the dash. It’s a little after two a.m.

“Technically it’s still your birthday in Hawaii.” Shifting in my seat, I look at him. “If you could have one thing for your birthday—excluding the obvious, because I can’t bring them back—what would it be?”

He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “You think a stupid birthday gift is gonna make it all better?”

“No.” Reaching over the console, I poke his rock-hard stomach. “But the sooner you tell me, the sooner I’ll shut up and take you home.”

Irritation etches his features. “You’re a real pain in the ass, you know that?”

I smile wryly. “Trust me, I’m aware.”

The corners of his lips twitch for a second before they compress, and his expression turns solemn. “I wish I could turn it off.” His gaze snaps to me. “Just for a little while.”

His pain is so palpable it takes the air from my lungs.

Inching closer, I run my fingers along the stubble of his jaw. “Turn what—”

His mouth crashes against mine.

The kiss is vibrant desperation laced with spiteful greed. Our lips soothe and clash like lovers and enemies who are indulging and sinning…trying to see which will win out.

One of his hands hovers around my throat and the other cups my face as he feeds me his tongue with passionate strikes, daring me to join.

He growls when I do, and his hand slithers downward. A shiver courses through me as the edge of his thumb sweeps the curve of my breast.

“Jace,” I pant into his mouth.

He dips his head, sucking and biting his way down the column of my throat. I run my nails along his nape before latching onto the fabric of his sweatshirt. “I need this off.”

Without warning, he breaks the kiss…and gets out of the car.

I sit in confusion for the better part of a minute, trying to comprehend what just happened.

Anger rolls through me like the thunder above when I realize…and I begin shaking with the force of it.

He doesn’t get to keep doing this to me.

One minute he’s hot, the next he’s ice. I’m sick of it.

I’m not a damn video game he can turn off and on whenever he pleases.

I’m not someone he can keep punishing because he can’t get a handle on his emotions.

Jace Covington wanted a fight…but he’s going to get a whole lot more than he bargained for.

Because I’m about to give him a motherfucking war.

My chest heaves and my blood pressure soars as I step out of the car.

The rain is coming down in buckets, but my eyes stay locked on his tall form as I march toward him.

“Yo, Covington.”

Another bolt of rage lights me up when he ignores me.

I pick up my pace. “Hey, asshole!”

The muscles in his back tense and he turns. “What?”

“Fuck you,” I scream.

Then I launch my fist into his face.

He staggers back a little, no doubt caught off guard.

Then he straightens his spine. “Do it again.” Lightning zaps through the sky, illuminating the dangerous look he’s pinning me with. “I fucking dare you.”

I must be full-blown crazy because the threat isn’t enough to stop me.

If anything, it spurs me on, and I punch him again.

He’s downright seething as he takes a step in my direction. “Harder.”

So I do, hard enough to split his lip.

Nerves pluck at my belly as he spits blood on the ground and advances forward, backing me into his car. “Done yet?”

Not even close, but I give him a small nod.

“Good,” he rasps as his hands latch onto my hips. “Now it’s my turn.”

In one fell swoop, he jerks me around, bending me over the wet hood. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Taylor.”

“Who says I’m not prepared to finish?” I grit through my teeth.

He unzips my jeans and shoves them down. “I guess we’ll find out.” His hand slips between my thighs and he snaps the crotch of my panties before ripping them off. “Won’t we?”

“Do your worst.” I look over my shoulder at him. “I dare yo—”

I gasp when two long fingers slip between my flesh.

He chuckles. “I knew you’d be wet for me.” The hard swell of his cock nudges my ass as he pumps his fingers. “So nice and tight.”