Cruel Prince Page 8

I don’t know what’s been going on with him lately, but he’s more dependent on her than usual.

Well, whenever he’s not off somewhere smoking himself stupid.

I decide to throw him a bone. “Fine.” I scan the classroom to see if Dylan’s arrived yet. She hasn’t.

“But not until tomorrow.”

She’ll be long gone by then.

Chapter 7


The girls’ restroom in a high school is the equivalent of a warzone.

Half the girls are trash talkers…the other half are targets.

And the handful who don’t fit into the above boxes are casualties—they neither want to participate in drama nor defend it.

They just want to pee in peace.

Usually, I’m a casualty. But not today.

Today, I’m the girl who has a target on her back the size of Texas.

All because Oakley had to open his stupid mouth and tell everyone we slept together. Which was pretty shitty of him considering he was the one who asked me to keep quiet about him greeting me with a hard-on.

“I mean, seriously,” some girl on the other side of the bathroom stall utters. “Who sleeps with their freaking cousin? So gross.”

I grit my teeth as I finish my business in the stall.

“I heard she’s new,” another girl chimes in. “Maybe she’s from one of those hillbilly states?”

I roll my eyes so hard I’m surprised I don’t go blind. I don’t know what pisses me off more. The stereotypes, or the fact that she referred to me as new.

“I think you guys are being a little too hard on her,” a third girl interjects.

Hope springs eternal…until she finishes her sentence.

“Oakley’s hot. And before you two roast me—I know he’s a pothead and going nowhere in life…but cousin or not, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to jump his bones on the lowdown if I was given the chance either.”

Ew. It’s a good thing I’m near a toilet.

Laughter echoes off the walls.

“Don’t worry, Gina,” one of them assures her. “I’m sure you’ll have your chance soon. He passes that big stoner dick of his around like candy on Halloween whenever him and Hayley breakup.”

More obnoxious laughter.

Jesus. They’re so good at gossiping and judging, they should consider starring in a reality T.V. show.

I’m about to walk out and put an end to their little chit-chat, but the next sentence halts me in my tracks.

“Speaking of couples—what’s the deal with Jace and Britney?”

“I don’t know,” someone says with a sigh. “I think Brit-Brit finally snagged her man for the long haul. They were awfully close this morning.”

The tiny hairs on the back of my neck prickle. They sure were.

“Nah, I don’t believe it. Everyone knows Jace Covington doesn’t do relationships…not even with popular girls like Britney.”

Considering how they were kissing and flirting this morning, that’s a bit…strange.

I tuck this newfound kernel of information away for safekeeping.

“True.” I hear the rustling of paper towels. “At least there’s Cole. He’s no Jace, but he’s the closest any of us will get.”

Ugh. These girls are terrible.

“I’ll happily take Cole as a consolation prize.” She giggles. “Heck, if he wasn’t a junior, or such a player, he’d probably be a better catch than Jace.”


The look of surprise on their faces tells me I caught them off guard.

“It’s the cousin fucker,” one of them—from the sounds of it, Gina—whisper-shouts.

They stare at me with wide eyes, but I keep my demeanor impassive as I walk over to the sink to wash my hands.

“I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you with Oakley…given we’re so close and all.”

Their expressions change from curious to horrified.

Some people run and hide at the first sign of a scandal. Not me.

I prefer to confront the jerks responsible for spreading rumors head-on. See what they’re really made of underneath all their hair extensions, push-up bras, and makeup.

“We’re late for class,” the tall blonde declares before they make a mad dash for the door.


People rarely have the balls to say the shit they spew behind your back to your face.

Chapter 8




“I caught your boyfriend staring at Britney’s boobs in gym class today.”

Given Britney’s the only girl in eighth-grade with double Ds, I’m not surprised. Especially since she loves showing them off in her tight, low-cut tops whenever the opportunity strikes.

Rumor has it she set her sights on Jace and wants him to ask her to the upcoming end-of-the-year dance, but he told me he isn’t into her.

My tormentor is going to have to try another tactic to get his attention.

Swallowing my annoyance, I turn to face Tommy DaSilva.

With his dark almond-shaped eyes, shiny black hair, and bronzed skin thanks to his half-Japanese, half-Brazilian descent—a lot of girls in my grade have huge crushes on him.

But not me.

The day he made fun of Jace’s younger brother, Liam—he officially became Jace’s arch-nemesis.

Which automatically makes him mine, too.

He grins. “He’s planning on asking her to the dance next week.”

Despite knowing better, my stomach drops.

No matter how hard I try to push the newfound and intense feelings I’ve developed for Jace down…they aren’t going away.

They’re only growing stronger.

Averting my gaze, I continue organizing the stands in the band room closet. Mr. Rigo knows how much I love anything music related, so he usually lets me stay after rehearsal and clean up.

“You must be lost, Tommy. Last I checked, after-school tutoring was held in the cafeteria.”

Tommy is nice to look at, but he isn’t very bright. He struggles in almost all his classes and has been caught cheating on tests more than once.

Brows furrowed; he crosses his arms. “Why are you always such a bitch to me?”

He’s standing in front of the doorway, but I attempt to shove past him. “You know why.”

His hand wraps around my wrist. “Because your stupid boyfriend says you’re not allowed to talk to me?” Disgust sweeps over his face as he releases me. “Does he give you a treat after you roll over?”

The jerk is way out of line. “Jace isn’t my boyfriend and I’m not his pet. The reason I don’t talk to you is because you’re an asshole.”

He studies my face intently. “Have I ever been mean to you?”

Tommy hasn’t, but it doesn’t matter. He’s mean to others. Particularly, Liam.

From the moment Jace’s younger brother set foot inside our junior high school, he has been Tommy’s target.

However, Liam is too shy and anxious to stand up for himself, and since his twin Cole isn’t the type to fight anyone else’s battles, it’s up to Jace to watch over him.