Cruel Prince Page 81

Determination fuels my steps, but it’s quickly replaced by rage when some guy comes up behind her and places his hands on her hips.

A haze of red mist clouds my vision and I clench my hands into fists as I push through the crowd.

He’s a dead man. I’m going to crush every bone in this motherfucker’s body and…

Dylan sails her fist into his jaw two seconds before I reach her.

The asshole staggers back before running away like a little bitch.

Well, shit.

“You just ruined my big romantic gesture.”

Her eyes widen with shock when she peers up at me. “What are you doing here?”

At least I think that’s what she says. It’s hard to hear her above the music.

“I’m an asshole.”

It’s not the best opening line, but hell if it’s not the truth.

Scrunching her pretty face, she gestures to her ear. “What?”

Evidently, she can’t hear me either.

Closing the distance between us, I place her hand on my chest, right over the organ that belongs to her.

Then I repeat the same words I told her in the closet that day, picking up right where I dropped the ball.

“The Mariana Trench isn’t deep enough for what I feel for you.”

And I’ll gladly bleed my heart out to prove that shit to her if that’s what it takes.

She points to her ear with her free hand, signaling she still can’t hear me.

Oh, hell.

I know a better way we can communicate.

Cupping her face in my hands, I crash my mouth against hers.

Chapter 47


Jace is kissing me like I’m the oxygen he needs to survive, in the middle of a rock concert…in the pouring rain.

I want to pinch myself to make sure it’s real, because I’m positive this is exactly what sweet dreams are made of.

My head spins and my heart pounds against my ribs as he teases me with little flicks of his tongue, coaxing me to give in.

The moment I do, whatever tether we had between us snaps and the kiss becomes desperate and all-consuming. His fingers dig into my hips and he lets out a low, rough grunt that has me throbbing with need.

I never want to come down from this high.

Unfortunately, this magical moment is bittersweet, and it comes at a hefty price.

Because I know the second Jace pulls away, his guilt will consume him, and he’ll look at me like I’m a mistake. Again.

I don’t want that for him...or me.

Being this close to me rips him to pieces, and I love him too much to let him keep hurting himself.

I love myself too much to keep spinning on his merry-go-round.

It’s not healthy for either of us.

Pressing my hand to his chest, I push him away.

I would do anything in the world for Jace Covington.

Including giving up my happiness to spare him from his sorrow and guilt.

“I can’t do this.”

He looks so bewildered it slashes right through my heart.

He tries to reach for me again, but I pull away from his touch.

We can’t be together…so it’s best we stay far apart.

Before he can stop me, I push through the crowd and start running, putting as much distance between us as I can.

When I reach the parking lot, I make a beeline for the small row of taxis and Ubers.

“Where you headed, Miss?” the driver asks after I get in.

I quickly rattle off the address for Sawyer’s job and he steps on the gas.

If anyone can reassure me I’m doing the right thing by walking away from Jace, it’s her.

I pull out my phone so I can text her, but the driver snaps, “Stop riding my ass.”

I look up. “Everything okay?”

“Sorry, sweetheart,” he says. “This damn car has been riding my bumper since I left the parking lot.”

Well, shit.

I look out the windshield behind me, and sure enough, a royal blue Lexus is tailgating us.

The driver slams on his horn. “What the fuck!”

My heart jumps to my throat when Jace’s car swerves into the next lane, narrowly dodging a vehicle driving the opposite way, before cutting us off.

A moment later, his Lexus is nothing but a blue speck in the sunset.

The driver snorts. “Can you believe that asshole? Some people are so—what the hell? He’s blocking the road!”

My mouth drops open as we skid to a stop.

He’s out of his goddamn mind.

Irritation races over my skin as I open the door and step out onto the shoulder. “What the hell are you doing?”

My heart stops and then picks up, pounding as Jace stalks toward me.

His lip is curled, his jaw is tight, and his dark eyes are shining with so much vehemence he looks like a predator.

“You fucking left me,” he seethes.

He’s got to be kidding. Considering all the times he’s left me, he has no right to be so hostile.

“We’re not good for each other.”

His eyes flash. “Bullshit.”

I’m trying to do the right thing. “Ja—”

“Tell me what it will take to get through to you?” he roars. “Name it and I’ll fucking do it.”

No. He doesn’t get to fight for me this hard…not now.

Not when he’s just going to push me away again.

“You can’t.” Frustration rises in my chest when he opens his mouth to argue. “Jesus, don’t you get it? Every time we touch, you look at me like I’m a mistake. I’m hurting you and you’re hurting me.”

He faulters. “I’m sorry.”

Never in a million years did I think I’d ever hear Jace Covington apologize.

But for once, this isn’t his fault. “For what? You can’t help…” I pause because I don’t want to say the wrong thing. “Neither of us can change what happened.”

His breath leaves him in a rush. “No…we can’t.”

At least that much we can agree on.

I stroke his cheek. “You were the best thing that ever happened to me, Jace Covington.” Tears prickle the back of my throat as I drop my hand. “I’m so sorry I ended up being the worst for you.”

I can physically feel my heart breaking as I turn around.

Tragedy brought Jace and me together…and, in the end, it’s what tore us apart.

“That’s not true.” He grabs my wrist and spins me around. “I love you, Dylan.” The veins in his forearm bulge as he pounds on his chest. “I can’t change the past, but I can change the future…and mine includes you.”

Shock roots me to the spot. “I—”

“No. Goddammit.” My heart beats wildly as his hand slides to my nape. “You can try to fight this thing between us as hard as you want…but I promise you won’t fucking win.” His nostrils flare on an indrawn breath. “I lost you once…and I’ll burn the whole fucking world to the ground before I ever make that mistake again.”

Tears blur my vision and my lungs seize. Every word he says cracks me wide open. “Jace—”

His teeth graze the shell of my ear. “Go ahead, try to run from me again, baby. I fucking dare you.”