Hard to Love Page 6

Chapter 7


I parked my truck and wondered where the hell Becca’s car had gone. Had she taken Lily somewhere? I didn’t like the idea of Becca driving Lily around in that deathtrap of hers. I grabbed my toolbox from the bed of the truck and stashed it in the garage before heading inside.

I was greeted by sounds of giggling coming from Lily’s room. So Lily was here, but what about Becca? I stopped at the kitchen sink to wash the grime from my hands and then headed down the hall to find out what was going on.

The sight that greeted me wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Lily was lying on a big exercise ball and Alexa was kneeling beside her, helping her to roll across the ball. I watched in stunned fascination for a second trying to understand what she was doing here and where the hell Becca had gone to.

“Caden!” Lily shrieked, spotting me in the doorway. She lifted herself from the ball on shaky legs, crossing the few steps without her walker and throwing herself into my arms.

“Hi baby doll.” I pulled her little body to mine in a brief hug. “What are you guys doing?” I wanted to ask Alexa what the fuck she was doing in my house, but the grin on Lily’s face calmed me.

“Lexa is teaching me some new exercises for my legs!” She returned to the ball, and bounced excitedly while Alexa grinned at her and held it steady. Lily’s cheeks were flushed pink and I had to admit I hadn’t ever seen her this excited to do her stretches. I just hoped she wasn’t overdoing it.

“That’s…nice. Um, Alexa, can I have a word with you in the other room?” I turned for the living room without waiting for her response.

“Stay here while I talk to Cade, okay?” I heard her say to Lily. She followed me into the living room, worry etched on her face.

“What are you doing here? Where’s Becca?”

“I came over to see Lily and then Becca left.”

“She left? The person I’m paying to babysit her just left her, with… you. What are you even doing here?”

“It really isn’t a big deal.”

“It’s a big fucking deal to me.” I turned and faced the window, not wanting to lose my temper on her. Damn, I trusted Becca. How could she just leave Lily alone with a stranger?

“Hey.” Alexa’s hand on my forearm caught my attention. “I told her I was a friend of yours, and a nurse. I think she assumed…”

“That you were Lily’s nurse?”

“Something like that.” She shrugged and removed her hand from my arm.

I blew out a breath and pressed the heels of my hands across my eyes. Fuck I was exhausted and dirty from working construction all day. I didn’t expect to come home to this.

“I’m sorry, I wanted to help,” Alexa squeaked out in a soft voice. “Becca left only five minutes before you got here. And she did try to call your cell, but she couldn’t get through.”

I opened my eyes and met hers. Soft blue and wide with worry. Shit. I was being a dick. “Listen, it’s all right. Lily is safe and happy. I shouldn’t have blown up at you like that. Finding good help to watch her is hard, and I don’t think I’ll be using Becca again, but that’s not your fault.”

“Don’t fire her on my account. It was just a misunderstanding,” she pleaded.

“I’ll think about it. At the very least we’ll be having a little talk about safety and strangers at the door.” I sighed, not wanting to argue with Alexa. “Thanks for working with her today.”

She pulled in a breath and her shoulders visibly sagged with relief. “You’re welcome.”

“I can’t afford a private nurse—”

“That’s not why I came. You don’t owe me anything.”

I cocked my head, studying her. “Then why did you come?” I honestly hadn’t expected to see her again, and now she was here, in my house, looking sexy in a pair of low-rise jeans and a fitted tank top that clung to her chest.

Alexa didn’t get a chance to answer my question, because at that moment, Lily came barreling down the hallway, her walker clattering against the wood floor. “I want Lexa!”

Alexa met my eyes and we both smiled. Lily’s enthusiasm was contagious. “Do you mind, um, staying with her for a few more minutes? I need to hop in the shower.” I looked down at my grimy jeans and T-shirt.

“Sure, not a problem.”

I kissed the top of Lily’s head. “Be good, okay?”

She nodded and lunged for me, wrapping herself around my leg in a hug. I winced, and bent over, moving her out of the way from clobbering my nuts. Alexa held in a laugh, realizing what I was doing. Then she headed back to her room with Alexa. I disappeared into the bathroom, completely confused at this turn of events.

Alexa was in my house, melting my damn heart by how sweet she was being with Lil.

I could hear happy sounds of conversation and laughter, and I poked my head out of the bathroom door to listen in.

“What does your brother like for dinner?” Alexa asked.

Lily took her time answering, and I held my breath, wondering what she’d say. “Um, usually he likes to eat ice cream. And I do too.”

“You do, huh?” Alexa chuckled. “Well let’s find something healthy to make and maybe we can have ice cream after dinner.”

I took my time in the shower, my mind momentarily at ease that Lily was in good hands. I let the rough spray of water beat down on me, and closed my eyes.

After my shower, I threw on jeans and a T-shirt and made my way into a kitchen that was filled with amazing smells. Garlic. Tomatoes. Roasting meat. My mouth watered. It had been a long time since anyone had cooked for me.

Alexa was wiping down the kitchen counter, and I suddenly I felt out of place in my own home. I didn’t know whether to go in and help her, or see what Lily was up to.

Alexa spotted me, and made the decision. “Dinner’s ready. Get Lily for me?”

I nodded and found Lily in the living room, playing with the ball from earlier.

“Come on munchkin, let’s eat.” I lifted her onto my hip, and carried her into the kitchen.

The table had been set with a big platter of spaghetti and meatballs, and a small cup of milk for Lily and a glass of ice water for me.

Lily stared in wonder at the place mats, napkins and dishes for two. Her stomach rumbled loudly and she slapped a little hand over her mouth and giggled.

Alexa’s eyes caught mine and we both laughed.

“Hungry, little one?” I asked, settling her into her chair.

“Yep. And guess what?”

“What’s that?” I placed a napkin over her lap.

“I helped Lexa roll the meatballs.”

“Oh yeah? I bet they’ll be extra good then.”

She basked in the compliment. It was times like this, witnessing her sweet innocence and desire to belong, to fit in, that pulled at my heart and made every hour of hard work worth it.

Alexa gathered up her purse from the counter. “I had fun with you today, Lily.”

“You’re not staying?” I asked.

“Oh, no.” She looked down, adjusting the strap of her purse. “You guys enjoy.”

“But you haven’t had dinner yet, have you?”

She shook her head.

I stood and directed her towards the table. “Sit.” I guided her into the chair next to mine then retrieved an extra plate and silverware from the kitchen, setting them in front of her. “Here.” I scooped up a heap of spaghetti for Lily first, then some for Alexa.

“Oh, that’s too much.” Alexa gestured to the full plate.

“Mine’s too much too,” Lily said, grinning over at Alexa.

“Hush. Both of you girls are too thin. Eat up.”

I sat down and dug into my own plate, noting the satisfied smile tugging at Alexa’s lips.

We enjoyed the delicious pasta and flavorful meatballs in relative silence. For once I didn’t have to prod Lily to stop playing with her food and eat. She gulped the food down greedily and was soon coated from chin to cheeks in tomato sauce. I couldn’t help but steal glances at Alexa throughout the meal, and I remembered that she hadn’t answered my question earlier. I wondered just what, exactly, had prompted her to come over.

“We’re going to need to hose you down out back, Lils,” I chuckled.

She slurped the noodle dangling between her lips and grinned. “No way! I want Lexa to give me my bath tonight.”

A smile tugged at Alexa’s mouth.

“Not tonight, baby doll. It’s too late for a bath.”

Lily pouted but let it drop. Alexa exchanged looks with me across the table, and I could tell she wouldn’t mind helping, but there was no way I was doing that to her. She’d already done too much.

Once we were through and Lily thoroughly wiped down, she escaped to play in her room while Alexa and I lingered at the table.

She tapped her fingers against the wood surface, studying me. “So I take it you weren’t shooting a new film today.”

“Ah, no. I work construction most days. That was just a…stupid mistake.”

“So you don’t do it anymore?” she asked.

“I don’t plan on it, but the money’s damn good. And Lily’s healthcare costs…” I shook my head. “Never mind, I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

She tucked her chin down, fiddling with her hands in her lap, not meeting my eyes.

“Are you through?” I nodded toward her plate.

“Yes, thank you.” She folded the napkin and set it on the empty dish.

I took our plates to the kitchen, and after a giving each a quick rinse, loaded them into the dishwasher. Alexa had cleaned as she cooked, because the dishwasher was loaded with the pots and implements she’d used while preparing supper. She leaned against the counter and watched me finish the rest.

“You said it was a mistake, but you did film one video…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes went wide, like she knew she’d been caught snooping.

My breath caught in my throat and my cock stirred in my jeans. “You’ve seen it?” The idea of her watching me have sex with another woman was… incredibly fucking hot.

Her cheeks flushed crimson and I knew she’d not only seen it, but probably even gotten herself off while watching it. Ah, hell.

Chapter 8


Lily’s sudden appearance in the kitchen couldn’t have come at a better time. I needed a heaping dose of shut the hell up. I’d practically admitted to Cade that I’d watched him on video. God, I probably sounded like a creeper. But that wasn’t why I was here. It was this sweet little girl. The fact that her brother made me hotter than hell was beside the point.

I followed her to her room and helped her get undressed, removing her leggings and tunic while she kept one hand on her walker, holding herself up. I could tell that as she got tired, her coordination and muscle control went south. She pointed to the drawer where she kept her jammies, informing me that she wanted the Cinderella ones. I couldn’t help but notice that the drawer also held a few gently worn, adult-sized T-shirts. Cade’s I presumed. Those were probably full-length dresses on her.

I found the pink Cinderella nightgown trimmed in yellow lace and slipped it on over her head. I noted a small puckered scar from a recent surgery and a pronounced dimple where her spine had failed to fuse properly before birth. Poor little thing. I delicately touched the patch of skin, wishing my hands held the power to heal.

I lifted her into bed and secured the covers around her. “Get some rest, sweet pea.” I brushed her blonde curls back from her forehead and leaned in to press a kiss to the center of it. She smiled sleepily up at me, her eyes already beginning to fall closed.

“Night-night, Caden,” she whispered.

I turned and saw his large form filling the open doorway, his expression serious.

Cade remained silent, but his eyes were locked on me. Watching everything I did, my every movement with her. The intensity of his gaze sent a rush skittering along my spine. His look was both curious and possessive.

I crept from the room, and he backed away from the doorway, allowing me to close it behind us. I stood before him in the hallway, which suddenly felt crowded and narrow.

“You probably had better things to do than babysit all afternoon.” His voice was soft, careful.

“No, it’s fine.” I couldn’t believe I’d been here for going on six hours. The truth was it was nice being here, feeling helpful and needed. It was better than sitting alone in my empty apartment, studying.

He stepped in closer and lifted a hand to my cheek, brushing his thumb along the line of my jaw. “Thanks for…taking care of her,” he said, his callused thumb whispering a delicate path along my skin.

I nodded, not trusting my voice to work.

“Do you have to go…or do you have time to stay for a drink?”

I nodded again.

“You have to go?” He dropped his hand.

“No, I can stay.”

A lazy grin tugged at the corner of his lips. “Come on. I have beer, and I think I could even rustle up a bottle of wine.”

“Beer is fine.” Something icy to cool me off would be perfect.

I headed to the living room while he collected two bottles from the fridge and joined me on the couch. The beer was refreshing after such a long day, and I leaned back against the sofa, propping my feet up on the coffee table. He grinned at me, as if in agreement that it was tiring caring for her. I returned his smile, knowing she was worth every second of work.

I glanced around the sparse living room. No feminine touch here. No throw pillows, knick-knacks or candles, or any of the other things that made a house feel like a home. The room contained a large picture window efficiently covered with wooden blinds, a hunter-green sofa and armchair and a pair of matching coffee and end tables, one of which held a softly glowing lamp. It was sparse, but it was enough. You could tell this house was filled with love. It was completely at odds with how I first pictured Cade’s life.