Den of Vipers Page 131

This place is nothing but a house, and he is nothing but a man.

Me? I’m a fucking snake, baby.

“I used to be so fucking scared of you,” I admit, those ghosts and phantom fears rising within me. “I used to fear the dark because it was when you hurt me, but then I faced those demons. I looked into the dark and embraced my fear because hurt comes both day and night. The monsters don’t wait for the sun to set, this isn’t a goddamn fairy tale. This is life and monsters…monsters are everywhere. But they are human. Flesh and blood like me and you. I hated you for so long, your control over me even after I left. But I’m finally moving on, and to do that, to move on from you, I have to forgive you. To yank those claws free, to let the pain and the fear go. To forgive the dark and myself for hating you for so long and holding onto that until it warped me.” He blinks hard in confusion. “I see it now—how weak you are. Your own fear is in your eyes, fear of yourself. Of what you are…of what you have become, but, Daddy? You should fear what you created more.”

“What the fuck—”

I shake my head and slap him, shutting him up. “I’m talking, and you will fucking listen!” I yell. “I was ready to walk away, to leave you here to rot, but now? Now I won’t. You will never hurt my family or me again.

“Maybe it would make me a better person, a stronger person, to walk away, but fuck knows I don’t care. I don’t care that I want to kill you, and what that means for me and my soul, because these men? They love me for it, and I’m tired of fighting myself. I am who I am. Born out of blood and pain, I’m a fucking Viper.”

“You are nothing, just a cheap whore sleeping her way to the top, and when they don’t want you anymore, they will throw you away.” He chuckles.

“Nah, they won’t.” I laugh. “We are family, we are the thing people fear in the dark now. All of us are born from necessity, from people like you. They slayed their pasts, and now it’s time for me to do the same. So any last words, Father?”

“Fuck you,” he snarls, throwing himself at me.

I move, my hand already cupping the blade at my hip. He blinks in astonishment as I stare at him from inches away, my knife buried in his chin, piercing it from underneath and spearing into his mouth as blood bubbles at his lips. His eyes dart from side to side in fear. “Not very inventive last words, but they will do,” I murmur. “Don’t ever fuck with the Vipers.”

I pull the blade free and quickly slice it across his throat. Blood sprays me as his jugular is cut, covering my face and chest until I have to blink the droplets from my lashes. I can taste it on my lips, but I still don’t move as I stare into his eyes.

His hands come up to cover his neck, but Diesel is there and slaps them away quickly, laughing as we all watch the man, my father, finally meet the end he deserves.

Maybe I should have walked away, been a good person, and let him live.

But I never claimed to be a good fucking person.

It takes longer than I would have expected, and when he finally stills, his chest unmoving, his eyes are still open…but empty. Like me. Because I feel nothing. I thought I would, but I don’t. This was just another job to do, to take care of.

Diesel leans into my view, his hand tracing down my cheek and coming away covered in blood. “I love you, Little Bird, it’s over.”

I nod, and he leans in, uncaring of the blood, and presses his lips to mine as I feel the others move closer, always there, always protecting me.

Sometimes you don’t need to find a hero, it’s enough to find someone who will stand with you in the dark and not be afraid of blood and death. No, sometimes you don’t need a hero…you need a criminal, a villain.

“Let’s go home, love,” Ryder murmurs, as his hand lands on my shoulder and squeezes.

Yes, home.

With my men, my family.

My Vipers.

Chapter Sixty-Five


Two weeks have passed since Roxy killed her dad. We dealt with the aftermath of course, calling in clean-up and our police buddies so they would never know what really happened. Just another junkie dying in the slums. That’s how they spin it.

He can never hurt her again.

If she hadn’t killed him, I would have for what he did to her. He deserved worse, but it was her justice to give, and she did so beautifully… I could taste his blood on her lips when I kissed her. Can still hear her screams as Ryder and I washed her clean in the shower and filled up that emptiness we saw in her eyes with pleasure.

I haven’t seen much of Little Bird today, not since breakfast, and now it’s almost the middle of the night. I’ve been busy at the house, getting our new dungeon ready, but I’m starting to think she’s suspecting something, because she hasn’t replied to my messages all day. So instead of pulling a long night to finish the dungeon, I head home intent on finding her after Ryder texts me.

When I reach the penthouse, though, the door is open and everything is black. Narrowing my eyes, I rush inside, fear pounding through me. “Little Bird?” I yell. “Roxy!”

No one answers. Grabbing my phone, I dial Ryder as I stride through the room searching for answers, only to stop at a note on the table just as Ryder answers. He chuckles. “Have fun, D, try not to kill her.” He hangs up while I’m still staring at the note.

Fancy a hunt? Find me if you can. I’m yours if you catch me.

Signed with a drawing of a little bird.

My cock hardens instantly as I toss my phone away and rip off my shirt so I’m just in my jeans and boots. She wants to play? About fucking time. I’ll find her, and just like she said, she will be mine. I’ll have her screaming for more, even as I carve open her skin.

My favourite fucking game—her.

“Little Bird, Little Bird,” I call, tilting my head to listen. “You want to play?” I prowl around the dark living room, grinning as I check every place to hide. “You should have said so, because I want to play with you.” She’s clearly not here, so I head down the hallway to her room, not that she really sleeps there anymore.

“When I find you—” I suck in a breath, moaning at the images crowding my head. “I am going to make you wish you had just asked.”

My voice is the only sound as I slip into her room. There’s a bulge under the quilt, and I yank it back, laughing when I spot the pillows shaped like a person. I check the bathroom and wardrobe too, but they are all empty, so I head back out to the hallway, running my finger across the wall as I hunt.

“Little Bird!” I call. “Come out, come out, wherever you are! You know you want my cock…and hands…and pain.”

I hear movement upstairs, so I race through the living room and take the stairs two at a time until I’m on the landing, and then I look around. “Little Bird,” I coo, “don’t make this worse for yourself. The longer it takes, the more I will make it hurt.”

I hear a scuffle again, so I turn to Ryder’s room and quickly check it before emerging into the hall again. “Did you organise this just for me, Little Bird?” I yell, as I head over to investigate my room and the others. “Have you been wet all day, waiting for me, imagining what will happen when I find you? Which I will.”