Den of Vipers Page 91

“What’s our move?” Kenzo questions. No one is eating now.

“We get them back, of fucking course, and we kill them all,” Diesel snarls, stabbing his knife into the table, his face twisted in anger.

“No, not yet. We show them we can easily get to them. We prove our power, we make them fear us like everyone else. Then, we destroy them,” I outline, as I calmly put my teacup down and straighten my suit.

“I’ll get the rocket launcher,” Diesel adds.

“No, they own a restaurant, don’t they? Their parents ran it for many years and lived above it, get me the address. Also, get me the address of all three brothers. It’s a Sunday, so they will be at home having a family day.” I start to grin, and Kenzo mirrors it.

“I’ll make the calls. I like where you are going with this, big brother.”

Picking up my own phone, I stand. “I want police at all three doors, arrest them on any charges, show them up, let them know it’s from us, and shut down that restaurant, repossess it, it’s ours now.”

“What are you going to do?” Roxy inquires curiously, not seeming upset in any way.

“I’m going to check the papers for all of their family members and employees. Any who are here illegally will be deported immediately. We are going to take them down, this is war.”

She stands then. “Let me help.”

The others are rushing off on their phones, but I hold my call and stare at her. “You want to help?”

She nods, a sly grin covering her lips. “You think you’re the only one who can? I have an idea. Do you trust me?”

I stare at her, and she steps closer. “Ryder, do you trust me?”

The words echo around me as I nod my head in affirmation. She grins wider than before, kissing my cheek. “Good, because shit is about to get real.”

She strolls away while I stare at her retreating form, wondering if I should be more worried about her than Diesel and his launcher, but I don’t have long to debate. If I want this done today, I need to make calls and fast.

By the time I’m off the phone, it’s hours later, and Roxy comes back looking way too pleased with herself with Garrett on her heels. “It is all done, now we sit back and watch.”

“And what did you do, love?” I ask, calmer now.

She drops into my lap, smirking at me, and leans in. “Watch and learn, baby.” She kisses me and stands again, whistling as she heads to the living room and flicks on the TV to the news.

I follow after her, leaning against the back of the sofa, and watch above her head as it mentions raids in the city—no doubt on their homes and restaurant, which makes me smirk—but then it flips to a new news report, and my mouth drops open.

It’s focused on their import business, the Triad’s. “Turn it up,” I demand, and the TV booms through the room, making Diesel and Kenzo appear.

The news reporter explains a whistle-blower has verified the business has been stealing from the city and importing drugs, with informants, which they call local dealers, confirming they are their suppliers.

I turn off the TV and glance over at Roxy, who’s examining her nails with a grin on her face. “Love…”

“How the bloody hell did you do that?” Kenzo gawks. He looks at me in shock. “Did you know?”

I shake my head, and Roxy turns and stares at us. “You aren’t the only ones with friends. The one who reported their business? He comes in all the time to complain about his wife, loves bourbon, and owed me a favour.” She shrugs. “I did promise him a job here though, seeing as though he’s lost his now. It probably won’t stick for long, but it will shut them down for a while and drag their name through the mud.”

“The dealers?” I ask with a frown, while Diesel laughs maniacally.

“Oh, Wheels and Timmy? Yeah, good boys, lived with them for a while on the streets. They had cops breathing down their necks anyway, so this helped throw them off and to their suppliers.” She wiggles her brows. “I promised they wouldn’t be arrested, and if they did, we would get them out. Problem?”

I just stare at her, unsure what to say.

“Holy shit, darling, that’s fucking incredible. I swear I’m way too goddamn hard right now.” Kenzo laughs.

Garrett even grins. “Baby, you are definitely one of us, you cruel bitch.”

She winks at him as Diesel swoops in and kisses her hard. “Told you, Viper through and through.”

They all look at me as I just stare at her, and she tilts her head with a grin. “Your plan was better, but attacking from every angle will keep them running and give you time to take them down.” She shrugs.

“Love.” I shake my head and crook my finger at her. She slides closer, and I cup her chin, her eyes blown a little with desire, those lips parting. “You’re a genius,” I murmur, as I lean down and brush her hair behind her ear. “Keep doing things like this, and we might start to think you don’t hate us at all, that you even like us,” I tease.

She snorts and pulls from my grip, throwing her hair over her shoulder. “Don’t get cocky, I was bored and this was fun, that’s all. I still hate you.”

I smirk at her, running my eyes down her body. “Is that right? Still sticking to that old lie?”

Diesel sidles up behind her, smirking now too. “Little Bird, I don’t think you hate us at all.”

She narrows her eyes and then spins, smashing her knee into his junk. He falls to the floor laughing, even as he winces and covers his cock. The idiot loves it. She grabs his hair and tugs his head up, staring down at him like a fucking queen. “Don’t go annoying me, we both know that will only end up with you bleeding again.”

She looks over at us then, not afraid even in the least, hoping we will push her, get her all riled up. “Anyone else want a reminder?” She zones in on Garrett. “Want to go for round two?”

He grins at her. “You couldn’t handle me, baby. Remember what happened the first time?”

“When you had to ice your cock?” she retorts sweetly, and he booms out a laugh.

My phone rings, and I answer it as she threatens Kenzo next, a smile on my lips. “It’s done. It won’t hold for long, but it’s long enough to send a message. You were right about those papers though. We’re on our way to secure ten employees and five family members.”

“Good.” I hang up and look back at her. “Stop teasing them, love, we have work to do.”

She strides past Kenzo, who leans in. “You love us, admit it.”

She socks him right in the face, and he falls back to the chair, laughing even as blood pours from his nose. Shaking out her hand, she storms up to me, her eyes alight. “If I had my fucking gun…”

“Yes, well, that’s why you don’t get weapons, you have a tendency to use them.” I smirk as I wrap an arm around her. “Come on, you’re coming with me to a meeting. We’ll give those poor bastards a break from you beating them up.”

She huffs but lets me lead her away, and when we get to the door, I hear Diesel declare, “I’m going to marry that woman.”

She struggles in my arms. “Let me stab the bastard—”