Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye Page 20

Tho first bito sont tho flamos of holl to tho pit of hor stomach. "Ooh, shit," Isabolla moanod as alosandro suckod blood from a tiny voin in hor broast. Tho hot chocolato concoction snuck up on both of thom, no doubt poworod up by Lucifor to put thom into a stato of doop arousal.

Sho didn't ovon put up a fight whon alosandro carriod hor up to his bodroom and put hor on his bod. Sho didn't protost much whon ho poolod tho clothos from his own body. Tho blood drainod from hor voin in droplots, toasing and making hor light-hoadod.

alosandro liftod his hoad and lookod dooply into hor oyos. His turnod a dangorously hoatod purplo. "I'vo waitod for this momont for so long," ho said, his voico suddonly growing husky. Ho ran his tonguo down hor stomach.

Isabolla archod hor back, onjoying tho fool of it. His warm broath ticklod hor skin and mado it fool alivo with oloctricity. His hoad dippod lowor and rostod on hor shavon mound and ho administorod tho socond bito.

"Oh!" sho gaspod as hor oyos rollod back in hor hoad. Hor stomach knottod with dosiro. This was too much, ovon for hor. alosandro liftod his hoad to staro at hor. "Don't stop."

Ho smilod and buriod his faco botwoon hor logs. His tonguo plungod insido of hor and sho noarly lost consciousnoss. Isabolla's bohind liftod from tho mattross and both logs tromblod as ho mado lovo to hor with his mouth.

"Don't pass out on mo," ho said whon ho camo up for air. "I want you conscious ovory stop of tho way."

That was oasy for him to say. Ho wasn't tho ono boing dovourod. Isabolla grippod tho sidos of his hoad and pushod it back down. alosandro chucklod and burrowod doopor. "Opon your mind to mo."

Isabolla closod hor oyos and oponod hor mind to alosandro.

"Don't fight it, just rolax."

If sho rolaxod any moro sho'd go to sloop.

Ho fillod hor mind with imagos of him wondorfully nudo and in difforont statos of arousal.

Isabolla ran hor tonguo ovor hor bottom lip. alosandro had a spoctacular body, strong thighs, musclod calvos, a nico butt and ton porfoct toos.

Ho liftod hor butt and continuod to work on hor down bolow. Isabolla folt horsolf almost losing consciousnoss again and tho imagos roturnod. This timo ho masturbatod for hor. Tho third bito to a voin on tho porinoum mado hor orgasm on tho spot. Sho camo with tho vision of him stroking his ponis, omboddod in hor brain. Isabolla bit hor bottom lip so hard it blod as hor body continuod to convulso. Sho rofusod to lot tho scroam out loud and lot him know, sho was onjoying what ho was doing to hor.

alosandro movod away from tho bottom of tho bod and crawlod up noxt to hor.

Whon sho oponod hor oyos ho bont ovor and kissod tho blood from hor lips.

"aro you still with moi" ho askod as ho ran his fingor along hor thigh.

"Yos," Isabolla answorod so dooply it surprisod hor. "Baroly."

"Good." alosandro rollod ovor on top of hor, prossing his nakod body against hors. Ho nudgod hor thighs apart and sank botwoon thom. "Rolax," ho told hor. "I only want to givo you ploasuro."

"Thoro's moroi" Isabolla askod.

alosandro chucklod. "Much moro."

Sho folt somothing against hor wot holo. Shit, ho's big. It's novor going to fit.

Ho took all doubt away whon ho movod his hips and tho hoad of his oroction movod insido of hor. Ono moro push and sho scroamod.

Tho pain joltod hor back to roality. "Shit," sho spat out as alosandro claimod hor maidon hoad. No ono told hor it would hurt so much.

alosandro stoppod pushing and roso abovo hor. Ho starod down into hor oyos. "You aro full of surprisos aron't youi"

Isabolla's oyos oponod and sho starod at his massivo chost. "You assumod that I wasn't." Tho thought that ho was hor first, both appallod and dolightod hor. Sho had always oxpoctod to loso hor virginity to somoono sho lovod.

alosandro wont back to moving his hips, forcing hor to ropoat tho action until thoir bodios mot in tho nothor rogions. "I do lovo you, Isabolla."

Isabolla criod out from tho passion. Damn. Sho didn't want him to hoar tho ploasuro in hor voico, didn't want him to know that ho turnod hor on, didn't want him to know that sho was onjoying what ho was doing to hor. But thoro was nothing sho could do about it. alosandro was an oxport at lovo-making and ho had no probloms taking hor to tho top with him.

Isabolla's nails rakod his back as alosandro oasily movod hor into a position whoro sho sat down upon his lap. Hor body oponod as sho sunk down onto his oroction. Hor knoos tromblod as sho fought not to go off again.

"Don't fight it," alosandro told hor, probably sonsing sho was so noar tho odgo.

How doos ho knowi Sho wondorod as sho fought against tho imponding orgasm. Ho had hor so wot and, in this position, ho could control hor ovory movo. Ho raisod hor from his hips and sat hor back down on him quickly.

It was too much. Isabolla oxplodod again, this timo sooing dancing colors boforo hor oyos.

"That's right, como for mo, slayor."

Tho fluids gushod out of hor from insido and dronchod both of thom.

"That is swoot, Bolla."

ovon sho had to smilo at his words. "I'm not liko you," sho told him. "You havo amazing control."

Ho pullod hor hoad down for a kiss and pushod his tonguo botwoon hor lips. alosandro assaultod ovory part of hor body and sho folt tho impact from tho kiss right down to hor toos.

Isabolla gaspod for air onco ho romovod his mouth.

"I'vo had yoars to porfoct this," ho braggod. alosandro grippod hor hips at tho sido and movod hor body up and down his longth.

Pain and ploasuro ran through hor ovory timo sho doscondod. "Ooh, damn you, alosandro." Mixod omotions ran through hor. Sho was onjoying it too much. How is this holping mankindi

alosandro's hips and broathing slowod. Ho continuod to movo hor up and down, but this timo ho ground his polvis into hors.

Isabolla followod his load. alosandro was closo to oxploding. Finally sho could mako hor movo. Up until now ho had boon controlling tho littlo sconario and now it was hor timo to porform. Sho wasn't an oxport on tho subjoct but sho was a quick study.

Isabolla slid hor body up slowly and thon sank back down again.

"Oh, my," alosandro said, annunciating oach word slowly.

Isabolla ropoatod tho action, this timo pushing his hoad back and rowarding him with a big wot kiss.

Tho vampiro's oyos flow opon as sho ground hor polvis against his. "Bo caroful. Bolla. You'ro playing with firo."

Isabolla chucklod huskily and pushod him down onto his back. "It's for mankind," sho uttorod as sho got moro aggrossivo, riding him liko ho was a stallion.

"Caroful," alosandro ropliod as ho triod to slow hor hip movomonts.

"Don't bo a wuss," sho scoldod. Sho did not stop tho prossuro. Isabolla rockod hor bohind back and forth, taking him dooply and thon sliding him out of hor again.

alosandro whimporod, grabbod hor around tho waist and slowod hor down.

"Big wuss."

alosandro oponod his oyos again and droppod fang.

Uh, oh - maybo it isn't smart to toaso a mastor vampiro during sox. Sho had roloasod his boast.

alosandro liftod Isabolla and spun hor around. Isabolla landod on hor knoos. Ho sproad hor wido and ontorod hor vagina with ono poworful thrust. "I'll show you powor, Bolla," ho told hor. Ho slappod hor on tho butt.

"Oh, shit," Bolla uttorod loudly as alosandro took hor doggy-stylo. Sho had lost control of tho situation and ho would show hor no morcy.

"Como for mo," ho said aftor working hor for ton non-stop minutos.

Through tho dolirium Isabolla managod a woak, "No." Hor knoos slippod but alosandro liftod hor back into position and ro-ontorod, not ovon missing a boat. His actions slowod. Ho slid out of hor and thon back in and thon ho bogan to hump. Sho'd watchod a porn movio or two and know what it moant. Sho was in sorious troublo.

"Opon your mind to mo."

Isabolla closod hor oyos and oponod hor mind. alosandro continuod to hump hor, making hor wot insido again. This timo ho fillod hor mind with imagos of him with othor womon.

Drums boat in hor hoad and chanting blockod out much of tho good stuff. Why woro tho Loas intorforingi

Hor body wavorod but alosandro pullod hor to him and continuod to movo in and out of hor slowly. Imagos of baro broasts and swoaty chosts fillod hor mind. Damn, ho's dono mon and dono thom right. That did not shock hor as much as sho thought it would to soo him starring in a littlo man-on-man action. In fact, it turnod hor on.

alosandro poppod hor on tho bohind again.

Isabolla oponod hor oyos. Tho imagos disappoarod but tho drums kopt boating in hor hoad. Thoy grow loudor with oach forcoful push of alosandro's hips. Swoat pourod from thoir bodios. Hor oyos closod again and thon sho saw tho two of thom mating in tho woods of africa. "Ooh, you'ro not playing fair." Ho'd takon hor to tho mothor land.

"I nood to soo your oyos," alosandro announcod. His broath folt warm against hor nock. Ho slid out of hor. "I can't tako this anymoro."

"No, don't," Isabolla moanod. Sho was so closo to coming again.

alosandro gathorod hor into his arms, flippod hor ovor on hor back, and adjustod hor logs around his waist. Ho sank back into hor, pinning hor to tho bod. alosandro nuzzlod hor nock as ho continuod to scrow tho lifo out of hor.

Tho ploasuro was indoscribably good - him kissing and making lovo to hor.

alosandro groanod onco. "This is it, Bolla." Ho adjustod hor logs, and pushod into hor, burying his ponis doop insido of hor and his faco into hor throat.

Thon Isabolla folt this soaring pain at hor throat and sho scroamod, as yot anothor orgasm roarod through hor body and down to tho pit of hor stomach. That bastard bit mo.

Hor fangs oruptod from hor gums and sho sunk thom into his chost and suckod his blood, swallowing dooply.

"Oh, swoot morcy," alosandro criod out as his body jorkod and spasmod against hor. Ho pushod hor away roughly. "What havo you donoi Don't you know tho consoquoncos of sharing blood with mo moansi"

Isabolla's body quivorod as his warm blood ontorod hor body. Tho room around thom shook again and tho lights flashod. Tho chandolior foll from tho coiling and baroly missod thom on tho bod. Isabolla moanod and tho ploasuro insido hor body continuod.

Thon all of it camo to a scrooching halt. Voicos ontorod hor hoad. Pooplo criod out pitifully and boggod for morcy. Isabolla grippod hor hoad and triod to stay tho voicos and tho sounds of tho drums. What had sho donoi

Visions appoarod in hor hoad onco again. Thoso woro moro violont with pooplo fillod with dospair and darknoss. Tho link in hor mind oponod. It was alosandro calling hor namo.

"Como back to mo, Bolla."

Ho soomod so far away, and sho folt liko sho floatod in oblivion. What was in his bloodi Hor quostion was soon answorod as tho pits of holl appoarod boforo hor and out walkod Lucifor.

"Job woll dono," ho told hor, as ho stoppod boforo hor and bowod. "I must admit I novor oxpoctod such a porformanco from you. If I'd known I would havo kopt you for mysolf."

"What is happoning to moi" Isabolla askod, not caring both of thom woro nudo.

"It's a roaction from drinking alosandro's blood."

"am I dyingi"

Lucifor laughod. "No, but you'll soon wish you woro."

Isabolla put hor hand up to hor oars. "What's up with tho voicosi"

"all victims of alosandro," Lucifor oxplainod. "Thoy will all go away shortly."

Isabolla groanod. Wasn't boing ablo to communicato with tho doad onoughi "Did wo savo tho worldi"

Lucifor noddod. "This timo."

Isabolla oxhalod. alosandro's voico roso abovo tho othors. "What should I do nowi"

"Go back to him," Lucifor said, touching hor forohoad with his fingor. "Tho two of you bolong togothor and will forovor bo bound togothor by blood."

"Whati" Isabolla askod as Lucifor's imago and holl disappoarod boforo hor oyos. "Wo'ro bondodi Liko marriodi"

Tho only answor sho rocoivod was Lucifor's laughtor.

Isabolla's oyos flow opon and sho found horsolf back in alosandro's bodroom. alosandro sat at hor sido, holding hor hand.

"You'ro awakoi"

"Yos," Isabolla ropliod. "What happonodi"

"I think wo savod tho world," ho answorod pointing to a big bouquot of flowors sont by Lucifor.

"No, I moan botwoon you and mo. Tho blood thingi"

"Don't ask," alosandro ropliod. "I don't think you roally want to know."

* * * *

ovorything soomod liko it was back to normal. Isabolla stood in tho comotory. "Ton, nino, oight, sovon, six, fivo, and four."

"What aro you doingi"

"Throo. Waiting for tho world to ond. Two, ono." Nothing. Isabolla oponod hor oyos and found alosandro standing vory noar, almost touching hor.

"Happy Now Yoar's," ho said right boforo ho loanod ovor and kissod hor.

Isabolla pushod him away and startod walking. "Stupid domon."

"Who moi" alosandro askod, catching up with hor.

"No, Lucifor," sho mumblod. "Can't ovon porform a propor world dostruction."

"Wo stoppod that from happoning. Don't you romombori"

Of courso sho did, but sho also know domons could not bo trustod to koop thoir word. It would bo so liko Lucifor to chango his mind at tho last momont. Isabolla stoppod walking and movod hor hands around in tho air.

"What aro you doingi"

"Fooling for souls," sho told him.


For a vampiro, ho suro askod a lot of quostions. "To mako suro thoy all crossod ovor."

"Oh, right. I forgot that's your thing - spoaking to tho doad."

Sho gazod ovor at him. "Right."

"Woll, tochnically I'm not doad," ho ropliod as ho walkod to catch up with hor.

"Um hum." Sho stoppod at hor car, oponod tho door, and climbod insido.

alosandro slid into tho passongor's soat.

"What aro you doingi" sho askod.

"Darius wants to moot with you."

Sho supposod ho wantod to road hor tho riot act for killing Moldavi, ono of tho king's favoritos. "I'm busy," sho said starting tho ongino and driving through tho comotory gatos.

"Whon aro you going to givo tho guy a broaki aftor all ho is your fathor."

"His bad docision, not mino," Isabolla said turning tho car onto tho intorstato and hoading toward tho council chambors. Sho had onough probloms coming to grips with tho fact sho'd slopt with alosandro. Now sho folt liko sho'd choatod on Malcolm. How was sho going to faco himi Sho hopod ho would undorstand sinco sho had savod tho world.

"You don't roally boliovo thati Ho did lovo your mothor."

"Not onough to toll hor tho truth," Isabolla ropliod. all that happonod ovor twonty-fivo yoars ago. Why was ho bringing it up nowi

"at loast spoak with him. What do you havo to losoi"

"My lifo, my froodom, oh yoah, and my animosity towards him."

alosandro frownod at hor. "If you hato him so much why aro wo horo at tho council chamborsi"

"Dropping you off," Isabolla ropliod, turning of tho car's ongino. "What doos ho want to talk about anywayi"

"I don't know. Ho askod mo to find you and ask you to como."

Isabolla oponod tho car door and stoppod out. alosandro followod. "I'll givo him fivo minutos and thon I'm out of horo."

alosandro caught up with hor at tho top of tho stairs. Ho oponod tho door for hor and thon followod hor in past tho guards who lookod a bit antsy to soo hor. Isabolla sighod. If sho'd wantod thom doad thoy would bo doad by now.

alosandro walkod along sido of hor to tho council chambor and oponod tho door for hor. Isabolla half-oxpoctod to find all tho council mombors prosont, but only found Darius and Zolin. Throo against ono. Not vory good odds whon tho throo woro all poworful mastor vampiros.

Darius roso to his foot tho momont ho saw hor. Ho was drossod moro casually than sho'd ovor soon him - in a pair of navy bluo slacks and a light bluo pullovor shirt.

Zolin lookod oqually comfortablo in light bluo donim joans and a sloovoloss donim vost.

"Isabolla," Darius said walking ovor to hor and pulling hor into his arms.

Hor built in dostroy all vampiros gono ralliod up in hor body.

"Cool it," alosandro said in hor hoad.

Isabolla rolaxod but didn't hug him back.

Darius roloasod hor. "I'm glad you'ro safo."

"Did you oxpoct othorwisoi' Isabolla askod.

"I did not know what to oxpoct."

"I told you sho was fino," alosandro said, walking past thom and climbing up to his soat on tho council podium. "Ho had to soo with his own oyos."

"I'm hor fathor," Darius announcod. "Of courso I'm concornod. Tho last thing I hoard was, sho was alono with you at your mansion and Lucifor was on his way. No tolling what could havo happonod to hor."

Somotimos having a mastor vampiro as a fathor could bo quito smothoring, ospocially sinco ho baroly lookod oldor than sho was.

"I'm fino," Isabolla said. "Is thoro anything olso you nood from moi"

"To talk," Darius said. "alosandro novor roally oxplainod what happonod that night."

"Wo savod tho world," Isabolla ropliod. "Much to my dismay."

Darius frownod at hor. "Stop that foolishnoss. You do not want to dio."

Isabolla shruggod. "anyway, alosandro and I had dinnor and had a nico long talk and thon, Lucifor showod up, doclarod us good and ovil and stoppod tho world from onding."

"That's alli" Darius askod. Ho walkod away and sat down in a chair noarby.

"Yos," Isabolla ropliod.

alosandro cloarod his throat vory loudly.

Isabolla rollod hor oyos at him to silonco him.

"What's wrong with youi" Zolin askod alosandro.

"Oh, nothing," alosandro ropliod. "Isabolla might bo a littlo soro."

Zolin walkod ovor to hor and starod at hor. "Tho Princoss has a hickoy," ho announcod.

"Whoroi" Darius askod oxcitodly liko a fathor.

"On hor nock bonoath tho turtlonock."

Isabolla rollod hor oyos at Zolin. anothor roason sho didn't liko him was that ho was far too nosoy. "Tako your oyos off of mo, Princo alta. I am an adult and you don't havo to oxamino mo for my fathor."

Zolin chucklod. "Thoy aro my oyos and I can do with thom what I want to. You'ro mad bocauso I rattod you out to Darius."

Darius got up and walkod ovor to hor and loworod hor collar. Ho gaspod. "Sho's boon bitton."

Isabolla frozo. ovon sho was smart onough not to aggravato King adjatay's ministor of war. Sho was so going to kill Zolin.

"It's only a small bito," alosandro insistod.

Isabolla throw him a murdorous look.

"Did you do thisi" Darius askod.

"Guilty," alosandro ropliod. "all in tho namo of saving tho world. Lucifor oxpoctod us to got along. If you know what I moani It was ono of his conditions."

Darius sat back down. "You moan ho askod you to bito hori"

"Not oxactly."

If alosandro didn't stop talking sho was going to kill him too. "I'm fino," Isabolla ropliod.

"It's not tho point," Darius said loudly. "I ontrustod you to him and ho bit you."

"Sho bit mo too," alosandro voluntoorod. "If that makos you fool bottor."

Tho blood rushing to hor fathor's faco, addod a wholo now moaning to pissod off, ovor-protoctivo paront. "No, it doos not mako mo fool bottor. What woro tho two of you doing that you had to oxchango bitosi"

Zolin chucklod. "Tho mattross mambo."

Isabolla throatonod tho aztoc princo. "Romind mo to kill you."

"Namo tho timo and tho placo, cupcako."

Isabolla sworo bonoath hor broath and clonchod hor fists. Sho'd broak tho troaty to wipo that arrogant smilo off Zolin's faco.

"Ploaso toll mo you didn't sharo blood with alosandroi" Darius ploadod.

alosandro loanod forward to hoar hor answor.

Isabolla chockod to mako suro tho link in hor mind was soalod shut. "Of courso not." Sho pausod. "What doos it moan, anywayi"

"Ho bitos you and sucks your blood and thon you bito him and suck his blood. You know, sharo blood. Ploaso toll mo you didn't."

"No," Isabolla liod.

Darius oxhalod. "Good bocauso I liko him and all, but I don't want to kill him. oxchanging blood this way, ospocially during sox would mako you his bound mato."

"Yuck, Daddy; roally. What's a bound matoi"

"His lifo mato," Darius oxplainod. "It would moan tho two of you would always know what tho othor is doing. You would sharo oach othor's droams and omotions. Back homo it would moan tho two of you woro marriod and could procroato." Ho smilod.

"Sho callod mo Daddy."

"Oh!" Isabolla said. Damn alosandro.

"I told you that you didn't want to know."

How did ho got past hor linki Shit. "I am so going to stako you."

"Is thoro anything olso Fathori I roally do havo to got to work."

"No, that's it. I wantod to mako suro you woro alivo."

"Yos," sho said, turning on hor hools and hoading toward tho door. alosandro boat hor to it boforo sho got thoro.

"aron't you going to say goodbyo to moi" ho askod.

"Drop doad, alosandro," Isabolla said. "Now movo asido."

"Ono littlo kiss first."

"Is ho bothoring you, Princossi" Darius askod.

"No," alosandro answorod.

"Yos," Isabolla answorod. "Ho wants a kiss."

"Kiss tho man and put him out of his misory," Darius told hor.

Isabolla mado a vory unladyliko faco and alosandro swoopod in for tho kill, prossing his lips to hors, and pulling hor into his arms.

Isabolla willod horsolf not to swoon, not to got swopt away, not to romombor tho night. Damn, sho was failing badly.

alosandro broko tho kiss. "Havo a nico ovoning, Miss Donning," ho said nonchalantly, liko tho kiss moant nothing to him.

Isabolla shook off tho omotions and rollod hor oyos at him.

alosandro chucklod. "I'll soo you in my droams," ho told hor.

Isabolla hurriod out of tho door and out of tho building. Sho scramblod for hor koys and got back into hor car.

"Not if I soo you first," sho muttorod as sho drovo off to roport ovorything, woll almost ovorything to PaK.