Happily Letter After Page 45

“What’s that?”

“Have you forgotten? It’s spinach, silly, remember? Veggies?”

“Oh yeah. I was hoping you’d forget.”

“No such luck.” Sadie added a handful of raw spinach to the blender.

“Are we done?”

“That’s it!” Sadie put the top on. “Are you ready to blend it all up?”

“Can I?” Birdie asked excitedly.

“Yup. You do the honors.”

Birdie pressed her little finger down onto the “Blend” button and watched as all the ingredients turned into a dark-green color, almost a purple with the blueberries.

“You know what I call this drink?” Sadie said.


“The green monster.”

“That’s so cool.”

Sadie stopped the blender and grabbed a plastic iced-coffee cup and straw from the cupboard.

“Are you ready to try it?” Sadie asked as she placed the cup on the counter.

My daughter nodded.

Sadie poured the concoction into the cup and fastened the lid before adding the straw. She slid it down the counter to Birdie.

Sadie and I watched with bated breath as Birdie tried it. After a hesitant first sip, she stopped and licked her lips, then took another, longer sip. She looked over at us.

Sadie rested her chin in her hands. “And?”

“It’s really, really good!”

Sadie began to dance around in celebration. We high-fived each other. Birdie started giggling and proceeded to drink down a good portion of the smoothie.

Sadie poured some of the drink into another glass and handed it to me. “Something tells me even your dad can make this.”

I took a sip and licked my lips. “Mm. Really good.” I was sure she could tell from the look in my eyes that I wasn’t exactly thinking of the shake when I’d made that sound. Although I had to say, the drink definitely didn’t taste anything like spinach.

I looked over at the clock. It was late for my daughter to be up. “Birdie, it’s way past your bedtime, and you have school tomorrow. How about you go get washed up, then come back and say good night to Sadie.”

She looked disappointed to see this night coming to an end. I hoped there would be many more like it.

When Birdie finally disappeared down the hall, I wrapped my hand around Sadie’s waist and pulled her in for the kiss that I’d been so incredibly hungry for all night. She moaned into my mouth, and that was confirmation that she’d wanted it as much as I did.

Pulling her into me, I bit her bottom lip and slowly released it. “You are so fucking delicious, you know that?”

“Oh my,” she said, clearly noticing the growing bulge in my pants. “Wow. You’d better get that down before your daughter comes out to say good night.”

“Yeah.” I sighed. “This isn’t exactly a scenario I’m used to.”

Figuring it was a good idea to heed her warning, I took a walk down the hall and used the bathroom for a breather.

When I returned, Birdie was standing in the kitchen in her nightgown, her hair wet, looking up at Sadie.

“Can you braid my hair before bed, Sadie?”

Sadie looked over at me, seeming to want permission. I nodded.

“Sure. Let’s do it,” she said.

Sadie disappeared down the hall to Birdie’s room and was gone much longer than I expected. When she came back out, I was waiting for her on the living room couch.

“That was a long braiding session.”

Sadie sat down next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. “She’s so cute. She just wanted to talk.”

“Thank you for being so sweet to her.” I kissed the top of her head. “You want some wine? What can I get you?”

“No. I’m good. I just want to lie here in your arms for a while if that’s okay.”

I adjusted my body so that she was completely enveloped in my arms. “That’s more than okay.”

After a long while, she raised her chin up to me and I took that as a cue to plant a long kiss on her lips. My dick rose to attention. I was horny as hell tonight but knew she wouldn’t agree to spend the night even if I suggested it. This was a complicated situation. I knew she shouldn’t spend the night, but I wasn’t ready to let her go, either. As I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, her familiar taste ignited a need so intense that I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to stop. When she moaned this time, I wondered if she was as wet as I was hard. The strongest temptation to slip my finger inside her panties to check consumed me.

“This is painful. I need to be inside you,” I muttered over her mouth. “It feels like it’s been forever.”

I wondered if there was a way we could sneak into the bathroom, anywhere. I just needed her.

Sadie must have sensed that I was spiraling, because she pulled back from our kiss. “I’d better get going.”

I let out a frustrated groan. “You know how much I don’t want you to leave, right?”

“Of course, I know that. But it’s better if I do.” She stood up.

I wrapped my hands around her cheeks. “I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about you.” My eyeballs moved from side to side as the wheels in my head turned.

“What are you thinking?” she asked.

“I’m trying to scheme a way for you to be in my bed tonight and disappear magically by morning.”

“Except that’s not possible. It’s way too soon to risk anything. So I’m gonna go.”

She was right. It just felt wrong to let her go for some reason. She felt like she belonged here.

I ended up calling her an Uber, and we spent every second until it arrived kissing like two horny teenagers.

After she got in the car and took off, she sent me a text.

Sadie: I forgot to clean up the green monster remnants. I meant to go back into the kitchen and do that.

Sebastian: The real monster is in my pants, and he’s not able to be tamed tonight.

Sadie: LOL

Sebastian: No worries about the shake. I got it. I owe you for getting my daughter to eat vegetables. Seriously, that was some magical shit.

Sadie: I was so happy she liked it.

Sebastian: She likes YOU.

Sadie: That makes me so happy.

Sebastian: I might like you, too. A LOT.

Sadie: I like you, too, Sebastian. I might even be crazy about you.

Sebastian: I have a new story idea for you.

Sadie: Yeah?

Sebastian: Dating the Horny Single Dad.

Sadie: LOL. What does this assignment entail?

Sebastian: Several meetups in the afternoons at various places and lots of sex. You in?

Sadie: Definitely.


Monday morning, I still couldn’t stop thinking about Sadie. So I decided to push what I’d mentioned last night about a daytime meetup.

Sebastian: Good morning. How did you sleep?

Sadie: Pretty good. I had a nice dream. You might’ve been in it.

I caught myself with a gigantic smile on my face as I went to text back.

Sebastian: What time do you go to lunch? Maybe I can swing by and take you out and you can tell me about that dream.

Sadie: That sounds great. Except . . .

My shoulders slumped waiting for what would come after the word “except.” I assumed it would be something like “except . . . I can’t because I have too much work to do.” Or . . . “except I have a meeting.” But the next text perked me up . . . some parts might’ve gotten more perky than others.