The Tycoon's Proposal Page 12

He thrust his tongue inside of her mouth, giving as much as he took. He moved his hand from her body and she cried out at the empty feeling. She needed more but she didn’t even know what that need was. “Please,” she cried out not knowing what she was crying out for.

She felt the weight of his body, as he settled over her thighs. He was gloriously naked above her and she greedily rubbed her hands along the muscled length of his back and arms. He was kissing her so deeply she could barely breathe but she didn’t care. She didn’t need oxygen. She didn’t need anything but the feeling he was bringing her. She suddenly felt pressure as he pushed up against her opening and a new wave of heat hit her, moistening her body for his entrance.

He lifted his lips from hers and bit gently down on her neck again, as he thrust inside her in one long motion. She tensed up from the sheer size of the man. She knew it would be a long time before she could take him inside her, without feeling stretched beyond her limits. Her body took him in and as she adjusted around him, the pleasure was almost too much to bear. She heard him swear, as he tried to gain some control of himself. She felt him start to pull out of her but she was finally adjusting to his size and she wanted him to move within her, not leave her empty.

Ryan could feel he’d stretched her too much. He was too big for her and needed to get some control over himself. How could he forget the sight of his sheets the last time? Then she wrapped her legs around his back and jerked her hips upwards and he lost all sense of control. With her thrust upwards, he was sent over the edge and there was no going back.

Nicole could feel the sheen of sweat from both their bodies, allowing them to easily rub against each other. As he grabbed her hips and started thrusting in and out of her, faster and faster, she was quickly building up to a crashing crescendo. Her nipples were rubbing up against his hard chest and every time he sunk deep inside of her, her swollen nub would brush against his pelvic bone. Between all the sensations he was giving her, she could feel the orgasm getting ready to take her away. She held onto him and didn’t even think about fighting it.

He was pushing into her harder and harder and suddenly she couldn’t take any more and her body tensed, as the most earth shattering explosion washed through her. She shook as wave after wave of electricity shot through her body. Her legs were in a death grip around his back and her nails dug into his shoulders. The release washed through her, over and over again and she couldn’t prevent the cry that rang from her scorched throat.

Ryan was barely hanging on to his sanity as he pushed deep inside of her and when she started gripping him, he was completely lost. He let his own cry of pleasure ring out as he emptied himself deep inside of her. She was the most passionate woman he’d ever taken and he didn’t want it to end but how could he not want to feel total completion? It was unlike anything else he’d ever experienced. She continued to grip him in convulsions, draining him of every last ounce of himself. He fell against her in satisfaction, then shifted them to their sides.

His body was burning up and he was grateful for the gentle breeze blowing against them. He couldn’t open his eyes as he laid there with her in his arms. He stroked her back and neither of them said anything. They could always talk later.

Chapter Six

Nicole woke up because she was freezing. She started to panic as she wondered where she was. As she moved and felt the arms around her, everything came back to her with the force of a wrecking crane.

She couldn’t believe how easily she’d fallen into his arms once again. She was never going to convince the man he didn’t want to be in a relationship with her, when she continued to fall into bed with him the second he touched her. Her entire goal was for him to get sick of her so she and Patsy could get on with their lives. She was already starting to have deep feelings for him again and that would never do. He was simply with her to exact some kind of revenge for the way she’d left him. He couldn’t know she’d done it for the best possible reasons.

She slowly began to untangle herself from his arms. He started to stir and she went completely still. She wanted nothing more than to get as far from him as she could and figure out what she was going to do next. She knew he would be angry with her, as he’d told her she wouldn’t run from his bed again but that was one thing in her control and she couldn’t let it go. Besides, she wasn’t technically in a bed so she wasn’t breaking any of his ridiculous rules.

She finally managed to untangle herself from his arms and searched the darkened deck for her missing clothes. Luckily, the dress never came off all the way and her light jacket was easy to find. She couldn’t spot her panties and decided she didn’t care.

She walked towards the doors and spotted the deck chair under the door knob. She was both horrified and relieved to see it. She was glad no one had been able to come out and spot her lying in his arms, half naked and yet horrified that he’d thought to enclose the two of them. He must’ve had zero doubts she would succumb to him once again.

She was trying to decide how to remove the chair, without making any noise, when she spotted a stair case to her left. She walked over and was relieved to see it led to the yard below. She knew the walk back to his house was a long one but there was a trail and it would be good for her. She would have plenty of time to think about what she was going to do next.

Ryan woke up a while after Nicole slipped away and looked around in disbelief. He couldn’t believe she’d once again run out on him. He’d told her she wasn’t to leave his bed. He had to smile to himself mockingly, considering she didn’t really break his rule as they’d fallen asleep in a lounger. He jumped up and straightened out his clothing. The sun was just starting to come up in the sky, giving him a bit of light.

He spotted her delicate panties, which were completely destroyed. He threw them in his pocket, then looked over the deck. There was no sign of her, anywhere. He saw the chair was still under the doorknob so he knew she must’ve escaped down the stairs.

He squared his shoulders and headed towards his vehicle. There was no way he wanted to risk running into his cousin, with his knowing eyes. He wouldn’t live it down that his woman snuck off in the middle of the night. Hell, Derek and Drew were both incredibly lucky men. They had beautiful wives who idolized them. Their women were in no way push-over’s and had certainly given his cousins a run for their money. But he knew they didn’t slip from their beds in the middle of the night. No, his cousins most likely woke up to be satisfied fully each morning, instead of left aching.

Luckily, there was no one about at the early hour of the morning and he was able to sneak off. He headed straight for home, where he planned on having a rip roaring fight with his woman and she would certainly learn her place. He was going to teach her that her place was in his bed. He cringed a bit at what a chauvinist he sounded like but he didn’t care, she was his and she needed to learn that.

Ryan wasn’t normally a man who ever accepted defeat, which was why he had billions in his bank account and she would soon learn this fact. He pulled into his driveway in anticipation. He slowed the car as he drove up the long driveway. He could take his time now because he knew soon he would get what he wanted.

He stepped through the front doors and all was quiet in the house. He peaked in on Patsy, who was sleeping soundly. He smiled at her much healthier complexion, knowing she was going to be okay. That alone was worth all the heartache her sister was giving him.

He climbed the stairs and of course she wasn’t in his room. He blew out a breath of frustration. He next went to the room he’d found her in the last time and opened the door. His breath was knocked out of him. Standing before him was Nicole in nothing but a towel. She was so unbelievably gorgeous, even without a lick of make-up on her face and her hair hanging wetly down her back.

She glared at him and he glared right back. It was time to let her know how a proper mistress acted. She seemed to have forgotten in the last couple of weeks.

“I woke up alone again,” he stated the obvious.

“And this concerns me how?” she asked with a raise of her brows. Her snide answer sent his blood to boiling.

“I told you that you won’t leave my bed in the middle of the night,” he growled at her.

“And I told you I’ll do as I please,” she snapped right back. He slowly began to stalk her and he was satisfied when her eyes rounded and she started to retreat from him.

“Are you trying to break our agreement Nicole?” he asked quietly.

“You don’t own me,” she whispered.

“Oh but I do own you Nicole. Our agreement is I help your sister and you’re my mistress until I see fit of disposing of you. You aren’t keeping me very happy right now so I guess I could throw you and Patsy out of here. Then she wouldn’t get the medical treatment she still needs,” he threatened her. He knew he was sinking to an all-time low but he was so angry he didn’t even care.

“You wouldn’t do that,” she said but not with much confidence.

“Try me. Leave my bed again before I’m ready for you too and you’ll see exactly what I’ll do,” he said with a confident smile. He prayed she wouldn’t call his bluff because there was no way in hell he’d punish Patsy. His ace in the hole was that Nicole had no idea what he would or wouldn’t do.

“I hate you,” she spat at him. He smiled hugely at her, as his gaze flicked over her body. She was flushed and her breathing was coming out in pants. She may hate him but her body wanted him and she couldn’t deny that.

“You sure haven’t acted like you hate me when you’re moaning in my arms,” he said with confidence.

“How can you be so sure I’m not faking the whole thing?” she said with her own version of a cocky smile. She wasn’t pulling it off. His eyes narrowed even further and he stalked closer to her. He now had her backed up to the bed, with nowhere for her to go. He was breathing just as heavily as her and his temper was close to the snapping point.

He ran his hand along the top of the towel, making her body shiver, betraying her words. He smiled in triumph once again and she continued to glare at him. She’d thrown down her bluff and he’d won. It was definitely a heady feeling.

“Deny it all you want but you want me just as badly as I want you. You can play the martyr but we both know sharing my bed is no hardship for you,” he said, as he continued to caress her skin.

She said nothing else, she knew she’d lost the small battle but she wouldn’t concede the entire war. She tilted her chin in defiance, which only made him smile more. He grabbed the knot on her towel and in one movement he ripped the thing off of her, leaving her completely naked in front of him.

Nicole gasped aloud at his boldness and wanted badly to cover herself up. She felt exposed, standing before him completely naked. There was no way to hide his affect on her, with her nipples already hardened into tight peaks.

Ryan felt like he’d been kicked in the gut, at the sight of her luscious curves before him and he was no longer angry. He was hungry and he was going to prove to her how much she needed him. He did exactly that over the next several hours and felt immense satisfaction as she lay in his arms, sound asleep afterward.