The Tycoon's Secret Page 11

“Okay, I don’t know what the whole deal is with you insisting on hiring me, but I’m obviously not qualified for the position as you haven’t had me do a single thing. I wouldn’t normally complain about a trip to Australia, but considering I haven’t gotten to do or see anything, it’s not much different than being back home. Why don’t you just let me fly home while you finish up here? I can go stay with my best friend for a few days, or a week, and then when you return to the states, you can decide if you still want to employ me.”

Damien instantly tensed. On one hand what she was suggesting was perfect. She’d go running to Brianne Anderson, where he could then come and get her. He’d show up at the door, and they’d never be the wiser that they were allowing the enemy free access of their home.

On the other hand, he found himself not wanting her to leave. He didn’t understand why. She was right, he’d done nothing but avoid her all week. It was true that he was busy, but he could have brought her to the office with him so she could at least begin learning how to do her job.

He figured after a week, his strange pull toward her would be gone, if not extremely dim. He was wrong, each day only made him seem to desire her more.

“That doesn’t work for me,” he heard himself saying.

“Why not?”

“I hired you for a job. I need you to stay here.”

“What the heck is my job, then - to keep anyone from breaking into your hotel suite? If that’s the case, I’m telling you, the security at that hotel is excellent. Your clothes will be just fine with or without me there.”

“There’s no need to be a smart ass, Sierra,” he said in a tone of steel. She didn’t even flinch.

“I don’t know what way to be because you haven’t given me the time of day since we landed. All I have is a short job description. Some people may love getting paid for nothing, but I’m not one of them. I’m bored and don’t see any point in being here when I kept myself busy enough doing volunteer work before your job offer,” she said, not backing down.

He was impressed.

“I’ve already told you. Your job is to assist me...” he said, making sure to pause just long enough to make her wonder.

She glared at him, reading his message loud and clear.

“I have no idea what’s going on between you and my father, but I’m a human being, Mr. Whitfield. I deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and if you want me to work for you, then you should at least give me tasks to complete.

Damien sat back, liking the fire in her eyes and the way she almost growled his name. There were images in his mind of many things he’d like her to do for him, none of them appropriate, none of them having anything to do with public relations.

His body tightened more as he took in her flushed cheeks and the rapid movement of her chest as her breathing sped up in her agitation. With all her pent up passion and anger, she had be incredible in the bedroom.

They could use those emotions for much better uses than fighting.

“Fine. You want to work. We’ll start tonight,” he said in a whisper, his throat suddenly dry.

His tone did the trick. She leaned back, her eyes widening as she looked at him warily. Good. She needed to be wary of him. He was hanging on by a thread and it wasn’t going to take much to push him over the cliff – let all rationale fly out the window.

“What exactly do you have in mind?” she asked as she picked up her cup, her fingers slightly shaking. He ignored her question as his mind drifted.

Nothing she could do at that moment was going to lessen the desire coursing through him. He wanted her and now that he had that on his mind, he was fixated on it. He was picturing her lying beneath him, a moan of pleasure escaping her lips as he slowly sank himself deep inside her slick folds.

He could practically taste the softness of her lips; feel the tightness of her body gripping him. He wanted out of the spa and back in their room.

It wouldn’t change anything if they slept together. His plan wouldn’t be altered. He’d just feel a lot more satisfied, and be able to focus. Yes, he reasoned with himself, taking her to bed was the smart thing to do. He’d rid himself of the mystery of her.

It was really quite brilliant of him. He saw the hunger in her eyes, the longing in their depths. He noticed how she kept glancing at his chest, the way her tongue would nervously moisten her soft pink lips.

She was hungry – for far more than just food.

They were consenting adults and there was just no use in them suffering, when they could both so easily relieve each other’s pain.

Yes, he relaxed as he made up his mind. His previous thought of getting his workout was long forgotten as his eyes focused on her. Once he made a decision, he didn’t go back on it. Sierra Monroe would be his – soon.

“Wait here, I need to change. These clothes are already damp from my wet shorts,” Damien curtly spoke, before he quickly got up and left.

Chapter Ten

“You drive. I have some work I need to finish,” Damien said as he tossed her the keys.

Sierra thought about protesting since he was arrogant enough to demand she drive for him instead of politely asking her.

She looked at the shiny red convertible and her eyes widened in excitement. The site of the car encouraged her to suck up her pride and climb inside the driver’s door. She’d never driven such a fun car before.

She turned the key and the motor purred to life in the sleek mustang. She knew the car was actually a cheaper rental for him, but to her it was a fine piece of machinery.

She threw the gear shift into drive and quickly pulled out of the spa parking lot. She couldn’t help the laughter that spilled out as the wind whipped through her hair. What a fun time she could have exploring the island if only he’d let her borrow the car while he was at his endless meetings. She wouldn’t be so anxious to leave if she got to play a little.

With a frown, Sierra slowed for a red light, almost pouting as she had to stop her acceleration.

“Can we take a drive around the island before going back to the hotel?” she asked. She hated to beg, but she was willing to do it to feel the exhilaration of fresh air blowing through her hair.

“I have a lot of work to do,” he told her in an annoyed tone.

“Can I drop you off then and go explore for a while?” she asked, trying to sound pleasant, but thinking it wasn’t coming across that way by the glare he sent her.

“It’s not safe for you to be out driving in unfamiliar territory,” he answered in a final tone of voice.

“I’m sick to death of your chauvinistic pig attitude. I get it from my father, his permanent bodyguards, the few men I’ve dated, everyone! Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I’m incapable of making a decision or keeping myself safe,” Sierra snapped as she turned to glare at him.

Damien looked at her in astonishment for a moment before his lips slowly spread upward in a grin.

“You think I’m a pig?”


“Just because I believe a man is stronger than a woman, more capable of taking care of himself in dangerous situations?”

“That’s exactly why,” she answered as she rolled her eyes. He was nothing more than a typical male, thinking he was the protector of the universe. Why did men either have to beat their women into submission, or else think they had to always save them? Why wasn’t there a middle ground?

She thought of her best friend, Bree. Her husband, Chad, had tried the he-man stuff on her, but she’d quickly put him in his place, and he’d actually listened to her. Sierra liked Chad. He was kind, yet she had no doubt that if it came down to it, he’d fight to the death for those he loved. Sierra also knew he’d never even think about hitting his wife, or any woman, for that matter.

As Damien continued gazing at her, she wanted to stay angry, but he was so dang adorable with his amused expression. She should be even more infuriated with him that he thought so little of her, but it was hard to stay angry while looking at his chiseled jaw, and very kissable mouth, which was still grinning at her.

Her thighs quivered as she glanced at her own reflection in his dark sunglasses, suddenly wanting to know what was going through his mind.

Dang it! She didn’t want his confident sexuality to throw her equilibrium off balance. She needed to stay focused around him.

“I think you just hate women, look down on them, believing they’re an inferior race,” Sierra said when the silence stretched on too long.

He pulled his shades down so she was finally looking into those deep green depths, leaving her no doubt of the desire behind their stare. His eyes dropped down her body, causing her nipples to tighten in response, before they came back up and met her widened gaze.

“I love everything about women… every…single….thing,” he said slowly. His lips spread even more as his stare kept her rooted to the tan leather seat.

A horn blared behind her, alerting Sierra that the light had changed. Thanking her lucky stars for the interruption, she managed to tear her eyes from his. She looked forward as she placed the car back into drive and slowly accelerated. She was too shaken up to drive fast.

She forgot all about her desire to tour the island. She needed to get as far from Damien as she possibly could, before she pulled the car over and jumped into his lap.

After they drove in silence for about five minutes, her irritation was back, replacing some of the all-consuming desire still bubbling its way to the surface.

“You know, I don’t need a babysitter. I’ve managed to survive this long without getting kidnapped, raped, or joining a cult. I don’t need you on top of me.”

“Oh, Sierra, I think that’s exactly what you need,” he quickly responded with a wicked grin.

Sierra felt her face flame, berating herself for not using a different choice of wording. The man was throwing her hormones off the charts. She slammed her foot down on the accelerator, trying to outrun the raging desire he ignited within her.

“I’m right next to you, Sierra. Speeding up won’t get you away from me. I have a feeling you don’t actually want to get away. I think you’re just as worked up as I am, and can’t get back to that hotel fast enough. Don’t worry; I’ll quench the burn…” Damien uttered, his mouth only inches from her ear.

She swerved unintentionally, causing him to sit up and send another glare her way.

“Slow down,” he commanded.

“Are you worried? Think messing with me while I’m controlling a vehicle at sixty miles an hour is a bit unwise? You’d probably be correct,” she taunted.

“Do you want to play games, Sierra,” he asked, his hot tone sliding across her skin.

“No,” she quickly answered, knowing she could never keep up with him in any kind of game he chose to play. Still, her heart was thundering, a huge part of her wanted to take that answer back. She wanted to be that girl who could look seductively at him while she flirted with her eyes, and asked, what game do you have in mind?

Sadly, that just wasn’t going to happen. They’d get back to the hotel, and she’d go directly to her room and he’d go to his, then tomorrow, he’d be gone, and their routine would be the exact same.