The Tycoon's Secret Page 23

“They would’ve helped your mom if she asked,” Sierra said, regretting her words instantly when she saw the fire flare in his eyes.

“She went to them. She begged for their help, and they shut the door in her face, saying they wanted nothing to do with her or her bastard son,” he seethed.

“That can’t be true. I won’t believe it,” Sierra said, her own anger rising at his ill will of this family she loved.

“Believe it. The world isn’t all fairy tales and pixie dust, Sierra. You need to grow up and face reality. You’ve signed on to help me, and if you go back on your word, I’ll return you to your father and you can face his wrath,” Damien threatened.

Sierra would face a thousand lashes from her father to save her friend. Even though she in no way wanted to return to the horrible man, being away from him for a few weeks had strengthened her in many ways. She still feared him, knew he’d come through on his threats and kill her if he so deemed, but for some reason, the longer she was away, the more she realized what a weak man her father truly was.

If he wanted her dead, she’d already be gone. No, death wasn’t what Douglas wanted for her, he wanted her miserable. Once she stopped giving him the power over her, the thrill would be gone and he’d stop. If not, she’d rather die than live with him again.

Her mind whirled as she tried to figure out why Damien felt so hostile toward the Anderson’s. If she rushed to Bree and told her everything, she wouldn’t learn the rest of Damien’s plan. She needed more information, what his next move would be. If he really knew these people who he thought had wronged him, he’d realized how mistaken he was. The Anderson’s were truly good.

“What’s the matter, Sierra? Will daddy cut you off of your colossal allowance if you displease him? He assured me you’d do whatever I want. Well, the cards are on the table – how much is your integrity worth?” he mocked.

Sierra narrowed her instantly rage filled eyes. Let him think what he wanted. She’d rather he thought she was a greedy socialite than him knowing the reality of the years of abuse she’d suffered, of how long she’d been nothing more than a weak, pathetic, beaten-down child. She’d never get the image of her father’s hand rising high in the air, only to slam down on her innocent flesh, out of her head.

Maybe it was the years she’d taken care of her sister, or the countless times she’d needed rescuing and no one came, but she felt a desire to fix Damien. She had to mend the fences between him and his family. She was clueless on how she was going to do it and she had a feeling she’d despise Damien by the time it was all over, but maybe their family would be healed, and her best friend safe.

She couldn’t seem to get words past her throat to either confirm or deny his accusations, but by the smile on his lips, he already knew what she’d say.

“I knew the thought of losing all that precious money would make you more cooperative. You’re no better than those greedy bastards who couldn’t bother to help a widow and her infant child,” he snarled before his hand came up, causing her to visually flinch, though he only gripped the back of her head.

The heat of his breath brushed across her lips sending flames shooting to her core.

Sierra was repulsed at the renewed desire burning inside her. She hated him in that moment, but yet her body still yearned for his touch. She wished she could pull away, but her body wouldn’t obey her mind.

His thumb traced her cheek, softly wiping a single anger filled tear making its way down her face. He brushed over her lip just as her tongue rushed out to moisten it again, the taste of salt from her tear instantly filling her mouth. His eyes dilated as she brought her tongue back inside.

“I’m not going to be used, Damien. You just said I’m nothing but a convenient step to you, yet you want me to turn over and forget all of that,” Sierra said, trying to keep a clear head.

“I said that’s how it started, Sierra. It’s more, much more now. I can’t resist you. I need you – need you more than anything else in this world right now. I…I can’t explain what you’re doing to me. You chase it all away.”

Sierra was falling fast. She knew they were most likely just words, but they were having a strong impact on her.

“You’re crowding me, Damien. I need air,” Sierra said, trying with every last reserve to gain back a semblance of her sanity.

“I could be a whole lot closer, darling.” Bitterness was radiating off of him in waves, and she was torn in half, trying to find the man she’d spent a week with in Australia inside this man who was so angry. She could see him masking the anger in sexual remarks and innuendos, and she didn’t know how to deal with it.

As if to prove his point, he leaned in, his hips pushing against hers, leaving her with no doubt that their argument hadn’t dimmed his desire. The feel of his solid erection pressing into her stomach created an instant response within Sierra.

“Point taken, you can ease back,” she said, but the breathless quality of her tone bellied her words. It was obvious to both of them that she wanted him – needed him – was hungry like a wild animal. Her pheromones were practically screaming out to take her.

Without another word, he closed the gap and took her mouth in a fit of rage, passion, frustration, and something more. It was the something more that had her moaning as her arms wrapped around his neck.

Chapter Twenty-One

Damien pulled back as he tried to regain control over his body. He was frustrated. He’d just told her everything of his past, something he’d never shared. He was angry at his mother, his relatives, the pain he’d gone through. He didn’t know any other way to reign in the pain other than by taking control. He had to get control, needed it more than he needed air. He had to push away the vulnerability.

As he pushed her, he noticed the flush to her skin, that her eyes were dilated. She wanted him and he had to take her, had to push away the past.

As he focused on desire, he was able to push the ill feelings away, forget about the Anderson’s and revenge. Everything in him pushed him to move forward, claim her as his own and ease the pain inside.

With reckless abandonment, he swooped down and captured her lips, holding nothing back as his tongue filled her mouth, taking immediate advantage of her gaped lips to dip inside, taste her softness, ease his desire.

The flames of his desire stoked out of control, soon reaching the point of no return. His right hand gripped the back of her head, holding her tightly against him, though she gave no effort of struggling, nor a sign of even wanting to.

His other hand moved from the couch, wrapping around her hip, his fingers caressing the tight plumpness of her curvy ass, pulling her tighter against his throbbing erection, making his intentions extremely clear.

Her hands were wrapped around his shoulders, tugging him closer to her, her mouth opened wide, inviting him inside. His movements became frantic as his need for her couldn’t get any greater. He couldn’t wait. He needed to bury himself within her. Even though he’d already taken her only a few hours earlier, he’d dreamed of her for two weeks, his body aching, day and night. Sierra’s responses mirrored his insatiable hunger.

With a groan from deep within, he tried to ease back, his mouth biting the skin on her neck and then sucking softly to soothe the intensity, ravishing each part of her. Damien’s heart accelerated at the soft moan escaping her swollen lips. Her arms clung to him, refusing his attempt to try to slow their eagerness. She wouldn’t allow him to stop. At this point, he couldn’t stop. He had to finish.

The sensations of her fingers boldly moving through his hair, parting the strands as her nails dug into his scalp, was driving him insane. He licked the pulse on her neck, felt the strong beat against his tongue as he inhaled her scent of vanilla and spice, something he’d forever associate with her.

An almost primal growl escaped his throat as he continued moving downward, his lips tasting the slight vee between her breasts. He leaned back far enough to undo her shirt. When he saw the many buttons, he knew he’d never have the patience to undo them all.

“I’ll replace this,” he said, his voice ragged, barely recognizable.

He quickly gripped each side of her blouse, and with the smallest effort, her shirt ripped open, the tinkling sound of buttons filled the air as they ricocheted off the table and walls. Her eyes widened in sheer craving.

If anything, the aggressive ripping of her shirt seemed to send her to another level of desire. She reached for him, trying to draw his head back to hers, but he wanted to kiss her exposed breasts, barely concealed by the lacey peach bra.

He moved his head to her peaked nipple, jutting through the fabric, begging for his attention. With his mouth opened wide, he took her nipple into his mouth – bra and all – sucking it deep, her nipple on the other side of the lace.

“Yes, more!” Sierra cried out, her hands changing direction and gripping the back of his head, pulling his face into her ample breasts.

Her words fueled him on. He sucked harder on her swollen peak, wetting the delicate fabric of her bra, showing him the dark outline of her dusky pink nipples.

His hands trailed up her back, quickly unhooking the latch of her bra. He wanted to taste her skin. He lifted his head only long enough to toss the delicate garment across the room, then his head descended again, this time, to her other breast, immediately devouring it.

Her whimpers of delight and need intensified his already maxed out desire, giving him the strength to satisfy her before plunging forward and taking care of his own needs.

With an ardent touch, his hand moved downward, skillfully unclasping her pants, and pulling them to the floor. As much as he wanted to behold the exquisite display of Sierra’s body in her satin panties, he wanted her naked and wet beneath him even more.

In one swift movement, he slipped off her panties, leaving her bare, vulnerable and glorious before him. His firm staff was dripping its clear fluid in anticipation, no longer able to keep it at bay. His hand paused before gliding smoothly against her silky skin, worshipping the beauty of her incredible body – soft and supple, yet firm and tight all at once. She was perfect in every single way, perfectly made for him to make love to – over, and over, and over... a perfect fit.

He dropped to his knees in front of her. Before she could utter a single protest, he kissed the top of her thigh, his tongue swirling across the quivering flesh.

“Damien…” she moaned and took a sharp inhale of breath, her legs trembling, barely holding her up.

He lifted her, setting her on the back of the couch, leaving her to balance herself as he quickly spread her thighs, her hot pink core perfectly positioned for him.

His mouth again descended, this time for an intimate kiss right at the heart of her. With a guttural growl of possession, he opened his mouth, licking with his tongue up the folds of her most sacred area. She cried out, encouraging him to continue. Damien noticed her soft skin change underneath his hands, with goose bumps surfacing everywhere, and he quickly glanced at her face, relishing in her expression of ecstasy.