The Tycoon's Vacation Page 13

He made a cash offer for the place and used his connections to push things along. He drove back to her place, feeling pretty good about himself.

He’d snagged her keys on his way out and let himself back in. He looked in on her in the bedroom and felt his body tightening. She must have been too warm because she had kicked the covers off and was laying there in her tiny tank top and short shorts. She looked unbelievable and it took everything he had not to join her in the bed and strip those pieces of clothing from her.

Her curves had grown and he wanted to test their weight in his hands. He wanted her so badly he didn’t think he could take it much longer. He groaned low in his throat and headed towards her tiny bathroom for an ice cold shower. It didn’t help him much.

Drew tried to work in her small kitchen but he couldn’t concentrate. He hadn’t slept well since the day he’d found out she was pregnant and his eyes were trying to shut on him. He looked over at her couch and wasn’t enthusiastic. He peaked back in at her and she was still sound asleep. He decided to damn the consequences and climbed in next to her.

Trinity immediately snuggled up next to him, after he lay down. She may be fighting her attraction for him but in her sleep, her body clearly was seeking him out. He wrapped her in his arms and fell into his first restful sleep in too long.

Chapter Eight

Trinity woke up and attempted to stretch. Something was blocking her, though. Her bed wasn’t against the wall so she couldn’t figure out why she couldn’t move her arms. She opened her eyes and realized she was pressed tightly against Drew.

Her initial thoughts were to grab him and finally relieve the ever increasing pressure that had been building up in her body. Then she began to panic as she thought about taking that step again. She tried to extract herself from his arms without waking him but his arms around her may as well have been iron shackles. He wasn’t budging.

“Mmm,” he mumbled and his hands started moving over her body. She sucked in a breath as his hands rubbed down her back and over her behind. She tried arching into him but her stomach was in the way. The pressure was building up in her core and she was forgetting her reasons for not making love with the man.

He continued to stroke her, up and down her back and then his hands started to move along her sides and she was holding her breath, waiting for him to reach her aching breasts. She started to wiggle and she could tell the moment he woke up fully, by the urgency in his touch.

“We shouldn’t do this,” she tried once.

“We definitely should do this. Please Trinity, I need you,” he begged her. She couldn’t say no to him. She wanted him so badly and his voice was filled with such need she felt sexy for the first time in forever.

He pushed her onto her back and continued stroking her body up and down. He pulled her shirt off and let out a gasp of pleasure at her larger breasts. They’d grown a full size in the months since he had last touched her and from his reaction he was pleased by the change.

He bent his head and began kissing her throat, sucking the sensitive flesh. He moved down to her aching breasts and continued kneading them, then following behind with the swipe of his tongue. He was circling around her incredibly sensitive peaks and she arched her back, trying to get him to take them into his mouth.

He finally gave her what she wanted and licked the darkened orbs. He gently sucked first one into his mouth, then gave equal attention to the other. She could feel the pressure building deep within her core, from his mouth and hands playing with her body. She was so much more sensitive than she’d ever been before and he was quickly sending her over the edge.

He continued to play with her sensitive nipples as his hands were wandering down her body. He reverently rubbed his hands over the mound of her stomach, making trembles rush throughout her body. Then his hand slid between her thighs, pushing them apart. He reached up and flicked his fingers over her sensitive flesh and she cried out as the orgasm rocked her body.

He continued to stroke her flesh, as he brought his lips back up her throat. He finally kissed her with so much tenderness she felt tears fill her eyes. He stroked her mouth with his warm tongue and even before the last of her trembles were receding, she could feel her body building up for more.

She wanted him so much; she needed him to fill her. He continued to caress her mouth and she couldn’t stop the trembles that continued to rock her insides. Everywhere he touched her, fire shot through her blood. It was the most exotic experience of her life.

He dipped his fingers deep within her heat and her hips jerked off the bed in pleasure. She groaned as the sensations washed through her over and over again. “Please Drew, I need you,” she cried out.

He turned her onto her side and lay down behind her, still caressing her body. She could feel his erection pressing against her backside and she’d never felt such an ache. She pushed against him, needing him to enter her. He kissed along her neck, as he massaged her breasts.

He then finally started pushing inside of her heat. He was stretching her folds inch by beautiful inch and she could feel her body start to come apart at the pure pleasure of him inside of her again.

He continued licking her neck and rubbing her breasts, as he began moving in and out of her core. She started shaking, as all the sensations began sending her over the edge. He moved one of his hands down to her hip and pumped in and out of her faster. She couldn’t take anymore and was quickly sent over the cliff in a wash of total ecstasy. She gripped his hand tightly, as her body gripped around his thick shaft.

He let out a groan, as he sunk deep inside of her and she could feel him pumping deep within her womb. They lay there pressed tightly together, both trying to get their breathing back under control. He rubbed her gently from her neck to her hips and back again. Every time his hands passed over her sensitive flesh she moaned in pleasure.

“Now that’s the way to wake up,” he whispered in her ear, which sent a shiver down her spine. She couldn’t believe how sensitive she was to his every movement.

“That shouldn’t have happened though,” she tried to be reasonable. He flipped her around onto her back and looked into her eyes.

“You’re carrying my child and we both want each other so what’s wrong with us making love?” he questioned her.

“I’m just not ready to jump right back in,” she said.

“It’s too late for that,” he told her, before kissing her silent once more. He showed her why they should have no regrets for the next hour. By the time they managed to crawl out of bed, Trinity was feeling relaxed and more loved than ever. She was going to give herself this day to feel good, with zero guilt. Tomorrow would be soon enough for that.

Drew jumped in the shower after they ate breakfast together. Trinity knew she was supposed to be on bed rest but she wanted to go check on her shop and make sure the temp person was working out and everything was fine. She decided to sneak out before he got done.

She dressed quickly and left the apartment as silently as she could. She couldn’t believe she felt guilty as she climbed down the stairs and started walking down the street. He didn’t own her; she could go for a walk if she wanted to.

She was a few doors down from her shop when someone came up behind her and poked something into her back. She tried to move out of the way, thinking it was some person not paying attention to where they were going.

“Give me your purse and you won’t get hurt,” a man’s voice sneered into her ear. She was shocked speechless, as terror seized her. She was too shocked to do what the man asked of her.

“Let go now,” he shouted at her, as she gripped it tightly to her side. She was in the habit of wrapping the handle around her arm so she didn’t drop it. It was far too hard to bend down now. He grabbed the strap and tugged on her bag and she automatically pulled back.

“Are you insane lady, give me the bag now,” the man said, with bulging eyes, as he pulled a knife out. She started to shake all over but she couldn’t make her arm let go of the bag. He sliced the knife out towards her and she felt a stinging in her arm. He then shoved her hard and she stumbled backwards, landing on her butt.

Pain shot up her spine from the impact and her arm was throbbing. He took off running and her only thought was she still had her purse. She then looked at her arm and saw the blood streaming down and the sight made her pass out cold.

“Trinity talk to me, are you okay, please be okay, wake up,” she heard Drew yelling at her, through a bank of darkness. “Please baby, open your eyes. The ambulance is coming right now, please just wake up, you have to tell me where it hurts,” he continued to yell in a panicked voice. She couldn’t understand why he was yelling. She was just trying to sleep.

“I’m tired,” she finally managed to mumble and she felt his hands roam all over her body. She tried to push him away because she just wanted to sleep. He passed over her arm and pain shot downward, waking her right up. Her eyes flew open, to look into his terrified eyes and the whole thing came back to her.

“Ouch,” she finally managed to get past her tight throat.

“They will be here in a few more seconds, do you hear the sirens?” he told her as he continued running his hands up and down her body.

“He tried to take my purse. I tried to let it go but my hand wouldn’t listen to my brain,” she tried to explain to him.

“I should’ve been with you, I’m so sorry baby, I’m so sorry. If anything happens to you or our daughter I’ll never forgive myself,” he sputtered as he rubbed her face and head. “Tell me where it hurts,” he pleaded.

“My arm and back hurt,” she told him with a grimace.

“I’m so sorry baby, he cut your arm and someone said they saw him push you down. Does your stomach hurt?” he asked her, terrified of what her answer would be.

“I don’t know Drew, my back hurts really badly, I can’t tell if it is my stomach too,” she said, as tears started streaking down her face. “My baby,” she cried out, as her hands groped her stomach.

The ambulance pulled up and the paramedics rushed out. They asked her a few questions and placed a neck brace on her, before lifting her up to the gurney. Drew never left her side the entire time. He rode next to her in the ambulance whispering reassurances and holding her hand.

They rushed her into the emergency room and a doctor came over immediately. They hooked all kinds of monitors up to her and soon she could hear the sound of her baby’s heartbeat. Both her and Drew breathed out a sigh of relief at the strong sound.

“The baby doesn’t seem to be in any immediate danger but your blood pressure is through the roof. You were supposed to be on bed rest, from these notes I’m reading and had no business out on the streets,” the doctor scolded her.

“I’m sorry, it was just a small walk,” she tried to explain but she was feeling a lot of her own guilt and would do whatever the doctor asked of her.

“We’re going to stitch up your arm, You’re staying overnight so we can monitor you and the child. If we can get your blood pressure down, then you can get released tomorrow but only if you’re on strict bed rest. That is you go from your bed to a couch and back again. You’re not to take walks, you’re not to work, you’re to be waited on hand and foot,” the doctor told her sternly.