The Tycoon's Vacation Page 2

He caught the person before they sunk too far, realizing it was a woman. He threw her up on his board and quickly paddled back to shore. He immediately began CPR and let out a relieved sigh, when she choked up some water and started to breathe.

She looked up through blood-shot eyes and groaned, reaching for her head, where he could already see a large lump forming. He was surprised by the clenching in his gut. She was spectacular, in an understated girl next door way.

She had long blonde hair, which was currently plastered over her face and emerald colored eyes. He’d never quite seen that shade before. They had a sparkle to them, holding his attention. They were surrounded by long lashes, which were quickly blinking up at him.

Her body was lithe and far to pale, to be so unprotected on these beaches. He could already see a tint of red all over, which was going to bother her in the morning if she didn’t get plenty of lotion on her.

He felt his body tighten, at the thought of rubbing lotion all over her smooth skin. Her curves were perfect, neither too small nor too large. He was picturing his large hands running all over her body. He had to shake his head to clear the inappropriate thoughts. He’d almost drowned the poor woman and now he was ogling her like a piece of candy. He really needed to take more time off.

He reached down and scooped her up in his arms. She needed to get some medical attention, so he could verify she’d be okay. As he walked across the beach, with her in his arms, he could feel her soft heat wash through him. The scent of her hair was causing more erotic images to pop into his mind. Her tiny bikini wasn’t hiding much from him and he wanted to move the top aside, those last couple of inches, to see if her peaks were pale, like her skin. He groaned out loud, as he tried to think of anything but devouring the stranger in his arms. He didn’t normally undress a woman with only his eyes. His partners were usually chasing him down; they didn’t look at him with wide, innocent eyes.

“What happened?” she asked him, in a scratchy voice and then winced. He was sure her throat was pretty sore. His guilt over hitting her, at least took his mind off of his inappropriate thoughts.

“I ran into you with my surfboard, I didn’t see you out there. We’re going to the first aid station, to make sure everything is okay,” he answered her, as he entered the air conditioned building. She immediately began to shiver and his eyes were drawn to her beaded nipples, making his breath come out in short pants. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d knocked the poor girl out, almost drowned her and to top it off he was lusting after her. He seriously needed to take some time for a date, one that ended with them in his bed.

He reached the first aid station, laid her down and quickly found a blanket to cover her up. It was both for her benefit and his. The doctor was there within minutes, as people tended to come running, when it was the owner of the place who needed service. She couldn’t seem to keep her eyes open though and fell asleep before he could begin his examination.

“What happened, Mr. Titan?” the doctor asked with concern, as he headed toward the girl.

“I was paddling out and ran into her in the water. I hit her pretty hard in the head and had to perform CPR. There wasn’t much water in her lungs, thankfully. She was only under the water for a few seconds,” he explained.

The doctor examined her thoroughly, before turning back to Drew. “She will be just fine. Her head is going to hurt pretty badly but other than that, there’s no permanent damage. She shouldn’t be alone tonight though, so if no one is with her, I strongly recommend she stay here overnight,” the doctor said. “She also needs to rub this aloe lotion on her skin, or she’s going to be hurting pretty badly,” he finished.

The resort’s biggest medical issue was always sunburned clients. They weren’t used to the intense heat of the island and never protected themselves enough, even though there were signs all over the place and the resort provided free sunblock in every room.

“I’ll make sure she’s taken care of,” Drew said and shook her awake. She partially opened her eyes, as if it took real effort.

“What’s your full name?” Drew asked her.

“Trinity Mathews,” she squeaked at him. “I’m on vacation,” she added with a smile. Her small smile lit up her face, making his breathing shallow once again. He was trying to shake off the dizzying effect she was having on him.

“Are you here with someone?” he asked and found himself holding his breath. He’d noticed she wasn’t wearing a ring but that didn’t necessarily mean anything.

“No I’m here on my own,” she answered. “My head really hurts,” she added with another wince of pain.

“The doctor gave you a shot for that. It will work much faster than pills. It should kick in soon,” he told her. She lay back down and drifted off to sleep once more. Drew sent a staff member out to get him the information he needed on Trinity. She came back quickly and confirmed Trinity was there alone and staying in one of the smaller rooms in the hotel. Well, he thought, Ms. Mathews just earned herself an upgrade to his nicest suite in the building.

He called in a bellhop, “move Ms. Mathew’s possessions to the executive suite,” he said. He then had to wake her back up again.

“Trinity, the resort is going to move you to a suite,” Drew said to her. She smiled at him, as if she was only half listening to what he said. Drew picked her back up in his arms, leaving the blanket on her and trudged through the hotel. A few employees tried to approach him but quickly backed off, after one look.

He made it to the elevator and rode it to the top floor. There were only a few rooms on that level and you had to have a special room key to even get up there. The doorman was waiting when he approached the door and held it open for him. He carried her inside and laid her down on one of the huge beds.

She snuggled down into the feather mattress and sighed. The doorman left and he found himself all alone with the gorgeous female. He shook her awake again and she glared at him. He had to suppress the smile that wanted to break out on his face. It was obvious she was getting tired of his interruptions.

“Trinity, I’m sorry to wake you but the doctor said you need to get this lotion on, or you’ll burn badly and hate life even worse, come morning,” he said to her. The drug the doctor had given her must have also been a sleep aid because her eyes closed again and she was out cold.

Drew groaned, as he realized he was going to have to apply the lotion himself. He looked skyward and wondered how much he could take of touching her supple body. He sang out loud, as he poured the lotion into his hands and began rubbing them together. He didn’t want to shock her, with cold lotion, on top of everything else. Once he rubbed it around his hands for a while, he began applying it to her legs.

He figured if he started with her legs, it would be easier on his libido. He was wrong, so very wrong. By the time he got the lotion all over her incredibly beautiful body, he had a throbbing erection and was breathing like he’d just run a marathon. On top of that, he had sweat dripping off his brow.

He walked out of the room and quickly jumped into a very cold shower. He stayed there until his skin started turning blue and his goose bumps had their own goose bumps. He got dressed and took out his laptop to start working on some business. If he was stuck indoors, he may as well get back to work.

Trinity woke up and her first thought was how famished she felt. She smelled something delicious drifting towards her and laughed as her stomach growled very loudly. She noticed she was in the softest bed she’d ever slept in and then looked around her. This wasn’t her room. She began to panic as she looked around. She vaguely remembered everything that had happened.

She’d been swimming and the next thing she remembered was the sexiest guy she’d ever seen in her life, leaning over her, with panicked eyes. Those eyes had been the same color as the gorgeous sea behind him and his uncovered chest had been dark and muscled. She tried to keep her eyes open and listen to what he was saying. She hadn’t known men that gorgeous really existed, beyond a Hollywood movie or one of her romance novels. She was thinking it must have all been part of her delusions because men that hot certainly didn’t exist in real life.

The next thing she remembered was the throbbing headache. She had been really irritated when someone kept waking her up because then she had to endure the pain. She reached her hand up to her head and felt around. There was a large lump on the side but the headache was gone. She could vaguely remember a doctor giving her something. Whatever it was had worked magic because she felt really good.

She climbed from the bed and looked into the closet to see her few clothing items were there. She slipped a sundress on and followed her nose. The man from the beach was sitting at a table, in an enormous room, removing lids from what looked like a very good salad and seafood pasta. He spotted her and immediately jumped up. She had to blink twice to make sure she was really seeing him. She couldn’t believe he was real. She came really close to asking him to remove his shirt, so she could see if his chest and stomach were really as gorgeous as she remembered, while delirious.

“How are you doing, Trinity?” he asked her, with concern.

“I’m fine. Where am I and why are you here?” she asked with curiosity but not really caring all that much. She wanted the food that was on the table, though. He saw her gaze focused on the food and laughed, before he led her to the table and removed some more lids. She grabbed the bowl of salad and started shoving bites into her mouth. It was the best thing she’d ever tasted. She actually groaned, before she could stop it, then laughed.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know when I ate last,” she said and gobbled up more food. She couldn’t remember ever being as hungry as she was right then.

“It’s fine really; I was getting ready to wake you up when you came out. You have been asleep for fourteen hours. The doctor said he’d given you a pretty large dose of pain killer and I was checking on you often but still, I was beginning to worry. He also didn’t want you alone, so I volunteered to take care of you,” he finally answered her earlier question, or at least half of it.

“Where am I?” she asked him again.

“The hotel upgraded you, since you went through such a bad accident,” he said with a shrug.

“That’s so great. My old room was pretty spectacular but come on, look at this room,” she said with excitement. He looked around, trying to see it from her eyes. It was really nice but he’d gotten so used to luxury rooms he tended not to notice them anymore.

“So what exactly happened? I was swimming one minute, then all I know is I felt this horrible pain in my head, then blackness, till I woke up to see you above me,” she asked him, as she continued eating.

“I was out surfing and didn’t see you. I ran into you with my surfboard,” he said, afraid she was going to get angry. She surprised him when she started laughing. He stared at her, like she really did have a concussion and maybe he should call the doctor.

“Sorry, really I am but you have to admit, it’s pretty funny. I’ve never had a vacation before, ever in my life. I’m always the good girl who does everything right and always plays it safe and then on my first day of vacation I take a swim and get whacked in the head. It’s pretty amusing,” she said still laughing.