The Tycoon's Vacation Page 4

Drew looked into her desired filled eyes and growled low in his throat, pulling her more tightly against him. There wasn’t one part of their bodies not touching. She could feel his obvious arousal pressed against her and wanted the clothing out of the way, so he could plunge inside of her.

She watched in wonder, as his eyes dilated, seconds before he lowered his head to hers and brought their lips together in the most passionate kiss she’d ever received. She’d never been kissed so erotically and her body was quivering in excitement.

A deep moan escaped her throat, as his tongue traced the contours of her mouth. Her hands lifted up around his shoulders and her fingers tangled in his hair. It was breathtaking. Her body continued to shake as his hands rubbed up and down her bare back. She was grateful for the tiny bikini that didn’t hide much of her skin from his hands but it still wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

Trinity lost all ability to think as Drew ran his mouth down the smooth column of her throat and sucked the skin in at her pulse point. He continued caressing her neck and reached the vee between her breasts, making her breath hitch in anticipation.

She didn’t realize they were moving, until she felt a cool sensation of water rushing over her head, as he pulled her underneath the waterfall at the end of the pool. They were suddenly enclosed in a cave, with the waterfall hiding them from any prying eyes.

Drew unlatched her bikini top and tossed it aside while he continued exploring her body. As his lips traced the top of her soft mounds of flesh, she couldn’t stop squirming in pleasure. When he finally latched on to her aching nipple, her back arched forward, wanting more.

He wanted more light, so he could finally see the color of her beautiful, hardened peaks but the taste of her body was sending him quickly over the edge of sanity.

He untied her bikini bottom and it floated away to parts unknown. She didn’t care; all she cared about was him uniting their bodies together. She needed him more than she needed air. He brought his lips back to hers and she grabbed ahold of him like she was starving.

He pulled her legs up and she wrapped them around his waist, while her stomach continued quivering with need, as she realized he was uncovered and pressing against her opening. She moved her hips forward, needing him inside of her. He obliged her body’s request and with one deep thrust, buried himself inside her core.

She cried out as he filled her up. She’d never been filled so fully before. Before she had time to catch her breath, he was gripping her hips tightly, as he moved in and out of her moist heat. She threw her head back and cried out. Drew traced her collar bone, sucking on her pounding pulse, as he moved faster in and out of her folds.

She felt heat shooting from her core and through her limbs, as he continued to move quickly in and out of her. She could feel her muscles tensing, the faster he moved. Suddenly it was too much and she jerked in his arms, as her body tightened convulsively around his engorged staff.

Drew shuddered as her already tight body, started convulsing around him and he couldn’t hold off any longer. He thrust deeply inside her body, not leaving any space between them. He released his seed deep inside her womb, while his body shook from the power of the orgasm. He was very grateful for the ledge they were leaning on because his legs could no longer hold him up, let alone the both of them.

Trinity stayed wrapped around Drew, as her breathing started to return to normal. They were still connected together intimately and she didn’t want to let go. After a few minutes of being wrapped together in the water, she started to shiver. They were no longer making love and she realized she was naked in a public pool. She was grateful Drew had thought to drag them to privacy because she hadn’t been thinking of anything but her body’s intense need.

“I don’t know where my bathing suit is,” Trinity finally said and was grateful for the darkness because she could feel the heat in her face.

“I’m sorry about that,” Drew said but the huge smile splitting his face didn’t seem very apologetic. Trinity saw the humor in the situation and started to giggle. If only her friends could see her now, they would certainly not recognize the bold woman she’d just been.

“Hey, who’s in there?” they both heard someone calling. Her laughter instantly stopped and she was mortified someone knew she was in the secluded cave and most likely knew what she was doing. She began to look around with real panic. She spotted her top and put it on but couldn’t find her bottoms.

“I’ll go find them, wait here,” he said, still sporting the same grin. He quickly disappeared, back out to the main pool and she stayed in the privacy of the cave, shivering with cold. She heard Drew speaking with whoever was out there but couldn’t tell what they were saying.

He came back through the waterfall and she was incredibly grateful to see her bottoms in his hands. He handed them over and she struggled to put them back on under the water.

“I knew the night guard out there and he’s gone now. Let’s sneak out of here and go back to the room,” he whispered, when she finally had her suit situated. She nodded and followed him out of the cave. She looked around nervously and there was nobody around. She climbed out of the pool, quickly wrapping a towel around her shaking body.

Drew grabbed her hand and they headed through the back hallways and stepped onto an elevator. Trinity didn’t breathe fully until they were safely inside the luxurious suite.

“I can’t believe I did that,” she said, as she stared up at the man who had just rocked her entire universe. She was shocked to realize she didn’t feel any guilt over the incident. It had been amazing and she’d carry the memory with her on those long, cold, rainy nights back home.

“Believe it or not I’ve never been so hungry for a woman that I lost my head,” Drew replied with a look of disbelief on his own face. She felt better knowing he didn’t do that with all the tourists. She knew it was just a vacation fling but still, every woman wanted to feel special.

“I’m going to take a shower because I’m freezing and can’t quit shaking,” she told him and headed toward the shower.

“I’ll join you, to save on water,” he said with a wiggle of his brows. She’d already thrown caution to the wind and decided to enjoy her last two days of vacation. They made love once again, under the warm water streaming over their bodies. Trinity didn’t think she’d be able to see water again without her stomach quivering with need.

They crawled from the shower and straight into bed. Drew pulled her tightly into his arms, caressing her back, which made her want to purr. She had to be careful because she could feel her heart swelling.

Drew felt more relaxed than he had in too long to remember and thought he could lay there with her until the end of eternity. He didn’t think he was going to be able to let her go in two days. He tried to say the words aloud and didn’t know where to start. If she found out who he really was, she was going to be angry but they couldn’t possibly continue to see each other under false pretenses.

He didn’t understand how he’d gotten himself into such a bad position. He needed to figure out how to fix it. Hell, he built billion dollar resorts visited by royalty. He could certainly figure out how to work things out with a woman.

He fell asleep, still trying to work it out. He reassured himself he had a couple of days left to do it. He’d done more difficult things, with far less time.

Trinity stepped out of the elevator, with Drew by her side. It was her last day in paradise and she had to keep reminding herself her time with him was a one-time thing. She allowed herself to be impulsive for the first time in her life and she was trying to convince her mind it was a great vacation and that was all it was.

It was taking everything in her, to not ask for his number. She couldn’t call him once she left, or she’d just be going from one relationship to another and besides, long distance relationships never worked.

“Where do you live in the states?” Drew asked her, as they entered the restaurant for breakfast.

“If I tell you, then the magic of our time together starts to fade,” she said jokingly.

“I make it there sometimes and would love to come see you, if I’m in town,” he said.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. This has been unbelievable and if we try to stay in contact the real world will break in,” she quietly told him.

“You don’t have to tell me exactly where you live, just a state and if it’s meant to be, we’ll run into each other at a romantic little café, on a rainy day and realize we can’t stand to be apart,” he said, with a wicked smile. She realized even if she told him the state, the likelihood of him actually finding her was slim to none.

“I live in rainy Washington,” she finally replied. He seemed to tense for a moment and then relaxed and plastered his easy smile back on. She most likely imagined the moment, as Drew never seemed to get stressed.

He couldn’t believe his luck with her living in Washington. Here was the most perfect woman he’d ever met and she lived in his home state. What were the odds he’d meet her in another country? He traveled a lot but mostly by choice now, as his resorts were ran well without his constant surveillance. He found he was spending a lot more time home anyway, with his cousins, Derek and Ryan. With Derek married, they all seemed to center around him and his wife Jasmine.

He was a bit irritated with himself for getting so hung up on his vacation girl. He was usually much better at sticking with a plan and he’d planned on dating a lot of different ladies, not falling for the first girl he decided to run over with his surf board. He smiled to himself, thinking his cousins would find his predicament hilarious.

“I’m in the beautiful North West often,” he finally told her. Trinity hated the quickening of her heartbeat at his words. She didn’t want to hope to see him again. It would make those long winter nights even longer. She was starting to fall a little too hard for the enigmatic man.

“I’m going to be honest Drew, even though it’s kind of hard for me to do so. I’m always the pushover. My last boyfriend, who I thought I was going to eventually marry, decided to bed his secretary, which led me to this very impulsive vacation. I’m grateful I took it and met you. I regret nothing but if I keep in contact with you when I get back to the real world, it’ll change how I feel. I’ll start thinking of happily ever after, instead of right now and I’m not this girl you think I am. You won’t like me when I’m back in the real world,” she said, as a tear escaped her eye.

“I could never dislike you Trinity, no matter where we are, so here’s what I’ll do. Here’s my phone number and I’ll wait each day for the call to come in. If you’d trust me, even a little bit, you could offer me yours,” he said hopefully.

After thinking a moment in the booth of her romantic getaway, she decided it couldn’t hurt to simply exchange phone numbers. If he never called, she’d just look at this as a magical dream but if he did call, then maybe they could have a nice night together, in the future. She’d try and leave her heart out of it but she could tell she was already failing there.