The Tycoon's Vacation Page 8

He watched as Derek and Jacob splashed around in the pool, then his stomach growled as the smells started drifting out from the kitchen. He knew he’d made the right decision coming over. He finally started to relax and then make plans for how he’d win Trinity. He was a business man; he didn’t lose his head over any situation.

“Dinner will be ready in ten minutes, get cleaned up,” Jasmine called from the other room. The boys didn’t have to be told twice. Jacob and Derek scrambled from the pool and headed towards the changing room. They were back out within minutes. The three of them walked inside.

“Let me take her from you, so you can eat,” Jasmine said as she held out her arms. He was reluctant to give the baby up. “You can hold her again after dinner, besides she’s asleep and just lying there, anyway,” Jasmine said with a laugh, as she took the baby. His arms suddenly felt so empty.

“I love it when she’s asleep and all cuddly,” he said with a grin. “Nothing like a beautiful lady lying across my chest,” he added with a wiggle of his brows. Jasmine slapped his arm, then walked to the den to lay Britney down in her portable crib.

They ate an incredibly great meal together and Drew decided to stay overnight. He had no desire to go stay at the hotel he normally stayed at when in town. Actually, since his cousin had purchased the house, he normally stayed there when he was in town. He was there for only a few days at a time, before he was off to either building another resort, or checking out one of the many finished ones. He knew he could slow down and be home more but he was so used to running all the time.

He thought it was time to get his own place, with a child to think about. He’d look for something near his cousin because he wanted the kids to grow up together. That was more important to him than anything else. Derek, Ryan and Drew had all grown up together, creating a solid bond and closeness like no other. He knew their children would feel the same way.

He sat in the den and had a drink, while waiting for Derek and Jasmine to put the kids down for bed. Derek joined him after a bit and the two men sat for a while, relaxing and talking business, among other things.

“What are you going to do next?” Derek finally asked him.

“I’m going to marry her, although convincing her of that may be a bit difficult, since she will barely even talk to me,” Drew said, more than a bit frustrated.

“Yeah, I’ve certainly been there,” Derek said with understanding.

“I should’ve told her the truth of who I was from the beginning but it was nice to have a woman like me, thinking I was just an everyday resort worker,” Drew told his cousin. They both understood how he felt, considering where they’d come from. They had been so poor growing up and so many people had looked down their noses at them. Now that they were wealthy, it was the opposite and far too many people wanted to be with them for what they could get out of them.

“Sometimes money is a real curse,” Drew said with frustration.

“It will all work out. You guys obviously have a connection and now you have this child together. I know you’ll be able to work things through,” Derek said.

Drew made his way to the apartment above the garage and laid there in bed, for hours. His mind would not shut off and allow him to sleep. Finally sometime around mornings first light, he fell into a restless sleep. He was anxious to see Trinity again and just wanted the night to end.

Chapter Five

Trinity stepped out of her apartment and walked down the stairs. She was exhausted. She’d tossed and turned the entire night, thinking about Drew and what was going to happen next. She was still beyond angry with the man. He’d lied to her because he was afraid she’d sue his precious resort.

Even if he had been worried about the resort, he didn’t need to play out the whole seduction thing. It was downright insulting, she thought. She’d been grateful he hadn’t been there in the morning because she may have thrown a mug at him. She figured he’d come to his senses and ran away.

She stepped down onto the street and the man who she hadn’t been able to get out of her thoughts was right there, leaning against an expensive vehicle, with his typical cocky smile on his face.

As she studied the man in his custom made Armani suit she couldn’t believe she’d ever believed he was only a resort worker. She must’ve been really shook up over her ex-boyfriend’s betrayal. He exuded raw masculine power from the tips of his thousand dollar loafers, to the cut of his expertly done hair. The man radiated power and she knew she needed to put a wall between them or she could easily fall under his spell once again.

She ignored him and began her walk down the street. She was hoping if she pretended he wasn’t there he’d take a hint and disappear. She wasn’t that lucky. He quickly caught up to her and didn’t look too happy about being ignored.

“You know we need to have a talk,” Drew said to her. She continued walking, choosing not to acknowledge his presence. She knew she was acting childish but she didn’t care. It was her prerogative if she wanted to act that way.

Drew followed beside her and had to control his temper. She was getting too comfortable ignoring him, which was making him angry. He wanted to push her up against the wall and remind her who he was. She hadn’t ignored him when his hands had been roaming all over her body. She’d been crying out his name and begging him for more.

“I’m not going away and the longer you pretend like I’m not here, the longer you’re going to have me trailing you,” he said through clenched teeth. Trinity in no way wanted to have a confrontation with the man in the streets so close to her shop. She continued walking and once she reached her shop she unlocked the door and went inside, with him right on her heels.

As soon as they made it past the doors, he seemed to have had enough and grabbed her arm to spin her around. The look of fury on his face halted her protest. She’d seen many faces of the man but never once had she seen this on his features.

“I’m trying to talk to you,” he growled at her. She tried to pull her arm away and realized it was useless. She didn’t see how he could grip her so tightly without hurting her. She really didn’t like the way her body responded to the smallest touch. She was far from over the man who’d nearly destroyed her.

“I don’t see what we have to talk about Drew. You were worried about your resort so you romanced me. I was feeling impulsive for the first and only time in my life and was a willing body who practically jumped into your bed. I’m not justifying all of that because we happened to make a mistake and not use any protection. My child isn’t for sale and neither am I,” she snapped, losing her own temper.

“I never once tried to buy you and if you think I’d ever walk away from my child, you’re sadly mistaken,” he snapped at her.

How would she know what he would or wouldn’t do? She’d only spent one week with the man. It had been the most memorable week of her life though, which frightened her. She had a bad feeling he wasn’t going to be easy to forget. It had already been five months and she still had erotic dreams.

“This is my child, make no mistakes about that,” she snapped right back. She couldn’t believe this person she was becoming. Normally, she would’ve been quivering in her boots at the look on his face. She’d always been the first to back down and that’s how it had always been so easy for people to walk over her. She figured the pregnancy had brought out her protective instincts.

“We will get married,” he demanded of her. She looked at him like he had lost his mind. There was no way she’d marry him. He was everything she’d vowed to stay away from in a man. If she did marry, it would be to someone like Damien, someone kind and understanding. She wouldn’t marry someone who openly deceived her and she wouldn’t marry just because she got pregnant.

“You need to understand this really quickly, Mr. Titan,” she said with sarcasm, “I won’t marry you, ever,” she finished and tugged at her arm again. He wasn’t hurting her in any way but the grip was firm and he didn’t seem to be in any hurry to let her go.

“You didn’t call me Mr. Titan when you were screaming out my name in passion,” he said to her, taking more offense to the formal name than any of her other words. She narrowed her eyes further at him. She didn’t need to be reminded of how she’d behaved on that island. There must have been something in the water because she’d done things there she’d never even begin to think about doing in the real world.

“I didn’t know that was who you were,” she told him.

“You’re seriously the most frustrating woman I ‘ve ever had to deal with,” he almost shouted at her.

“Then stop dealing with me and go away,” she yelled back.

They glared at one another, neither willing to back down. They were both breathing hard as the silence drug on. Drew suddenly pulled her up against him and crushed his lips down on hers. She was too shocked to react at first and stood there like a rag doll, as his tongue rubbed over her lips, looking for a way to enter.

When she came out of her shock, she pushed against him for about three seconds, before the heat started to pool in her stomach and thighs. She hadn’t been kissed like that for five months and her hormones were all over the place with the pregnancy. Her anger quickly changed to an all-consuming passion as his lips continued to stroke hers, while his hands rubbed up and down her back.

His own temper had seemed to evaporate as he continued to stroke her body and mouth. She gasped as a current of electricity shot down her core, making her knees go weak. The gasp was all he needed to slip his tongue inside. He tangled it with hers and the fire built up to an inferno inside of her.

She was no longer trying to push him away but clutching him closer to her. She forgot about the fight, her anger, or even who she was, as he deepened the kiss. His hands moved down to grip her backside and pull her up against his very obvious arousal. Her stomach was sticking out but not so far yet that she couldn’t feel his impressive erection pressing into her. Within minutes she wanted him.

He backed her up against her counter and lifted her, so he could slide between her legs. He never broke contact with her lips. She had never been so devoured in her life and she didn’t have any desire for it to end. There really was a very thin line between anger and passion and she had crossed it without any thought.

He spread her legs apart, pressing himself up close against her, as he continued with the heart-stopping kiss. Her hands circled up, around his neck, while her fingers dove into his thick hair. She tugged on the strands, pulling him closer to her. He growled in his throat as he gladly obliged her unspoken request. In the back of her mind, there was a voice shouting at her to stop but she didn’t want to listen. She wanted to keep feeling the exquisite pleasure he was bringing her needy body.

He slipped his hand up under her blouse, running his fingers over the bump of her stomach and up to her aching breasts. She groaned in need as his hand rubbed over her nipples, poking through her thin bra. He tested their weight and groaned again as he felt their increased size spilling out into the palm of his hand. He pinched her nipples and she almost released right there on the counter. She’d been responsive to him before but it was nothing in comparison to what she was feeling now.