The Tycoon's Revenge Page 23

The men were a stunning sight, all dressed in old fashioned tuxedo’s with tails and white shirts. They were all truly breathtaking. Jacob was smiling at her as she slowly made her way down the aisle and he looked like it was taking everything in him not to run up and hug her. She felt the same way.

When her eyes connected once again with Derek, the rest of the world seemed to fade away and she could look nowhere else. The man was beautiful and she couldn’t believe he was all hers. She picked up her pace, without even realizing what she was doing, until she heard a chuckle from Daniel.

They reached the pulpit and then Daniel reached down and gently kissed her on the cheek, before taking his place next to her son. The wedding party was complete, with all these stunning men surrounding her. She really did feel like a princess, in her fluffy white dress, in the middle of the masculine men but especially with Derek at her side.

She repeated the vows, while continuing to stare into Derek’s eyes and the whole thing passed in a blur. After the wedding, he took her around the back of the church, where huge tents were set up, with caterers running around, poring champagne and serving appetizers.

They did all the traditional things such as cutting the cake and having their first dance. He slowly pulled her into his arms, her heart bursting in pure happiness. He was looking at her as if she was a buried treasure he’d just discovered and the lump in her throat wouldn’t go away.

“Thank you for taking such great care of my son. I’m sorry you had to do it alone all those years. I’m sorry you thought I walked away from you. I’m a real fool to think anything could’ve made you do that. You’re the purest person I’ve ever known and I promise you I will spend the rest of my life proving how special you are to me,” he said as he spun her around.

The rest of the people disappeared as they shared the intimate dance together. She felt like she was floating on a cloud. She hoped they’d remain in the stars for the rest of their lives. She loved Derek so much it seemed impossible. How could she have gotten so lucky to have all her dreams come true?

“I missed you every day. When I looked at our son I was filled with a mixture of joy and sadness. The older he got the more I missed you. The earlier days were the hardest because I wanted to share all those moments with you. I’ve never felt such pain as when I thought I’d never be in your arms again. I was never able to hate you,” she said with her eyes filled with emotion.

“We won’t even talk about the negatives anymore. From this time forward we’ll only focus on our future. If you can forgive a fool, I promise to love you the rest of our lives,” he said. She wrapped her arms more tightly around his neck, loving she’d never have to withhold her feelings from him again.

Drew stood up and the room silenced. There was a lot of noise from the clinking of glasses. “It’s time for the toasts,” Drew said. She was struck again at how lucky she was.

“Derek and I are closer than even siblings could ever possibly be. He and Ryan are about the only two beings on this planet I’d take a bullet for until today. I have known Jasmine since she was just a tiny little tot in grade school and her beauty has only ever been outshone by her truly kind heart. It’s such a great privilege to have her as a part of my family, starting today. I’m so glad to have her and Jacob as additions and I’d take a bullet for them as well,” he said. “To a lifetime of happiness and many more babies to come, congratulations Derek and Jasmine,” he said, to the thundering applause of the crowd.

Jasmine managed to break away from Derek, to throw her arms around Drew and thank him for his kind words. She then engulfed Ryan and told him how much she loved him as well. The night continued on, with much laughter, dancing and kissing and by the time it was over, Jasmine was a little sad for it to end.

Daniel had insisted on keeping Jacob for a few days, so they could have a proper honeymoon and she knew Jacob would be spoiled rotten by his grandfather. He’d been leery at first since his only other example of a grandparent hadn’t been a good one but they were incredibly close now, in such a short amount of time.

As Derek and Jasmine ran through the birdseed, out to the awaiting carriage, she knew her life couldn’t have gotten any better than at that moment in time. She was wrong though, because as Derek took her to his bed as his wife, she realized passion and love together made everything better and better with each new day.


Jasmine was in her second favorite spot in the house, cooking a huge meal. She was so happy with her life and couldn’t believe how well things had turned out. They’d spent their honeymoon at home, since neither of them had any desire to go anywhere without Jacob. They had plenty of time to take romantic vacations together.

Derek vowed to take her and Jacob to every one of Drew’s magical resorts and they were off on their first adventure to one of them soon.

On that first night they were together he’d taken the prenuptial agreement and burnt it in the fireplace. His trust in her was overwhelming and she knew nothing would ever keep them apart. They really were going to be a family together and she did get her fairytale.

His family was coming over that night to celebrate Jacob’s tenth birthday and she was on cloud nine. She turned too quickly and her protruding stomach bumped into the island. The baby kicked inside of her as if to say, hey watch it mom. She laughed out loud, as she rubbed the spot.

“What are you laughing about in here on your own,” Derek said, as he came up behind her and placed his arms around her rapidly expanding middle.

“I bumped into the island and your son or daughter decided to kick back. I don’t think he appreciated it,” she said, with another giggled. Derek immediately dropped to his knees and lifted her shirt over her stomach to check the entire area.

“Are you okay? I think we should go into the hospital just to make sure,” he demanded, as he rose to his feet. He was about to pick her up and head towards the car.

“Derek I’m fine, it was just a little bump. I need to get used to this big belly,” she said, enjoying her overprotective husband.

“I’m just saying it’s better safe than sorry,” he mumbled and she could tell he was thinking about physically making her go in. She laughed some more and then pulled him close for a kiss. She knew how to distract the man. She rubbed up as close as her belly would allow and soon they were both groaning with pleasure, as his hands rubbed down her body, to grip her behind in his hands.

“Okay, you two are disgustingly happy together and it makes the rest of us sick, so can you please, for two minutes, manage to tear yourselves apart from each other,” Drew said, as he walked into the room.

Derek turned to glare at his cousin, not liking him much at that moment. Jasmine let him go, which furthered his dislike. She walked over to Drew and pulled his head down close, so she could kiss his cheek.

“You know you’re all talk. You’re going to fall head over heels in love soon and then I’ll get to pick on you. I love you to pieces Drew Titan and the lucky woman who gets to spend her life with you will be incredibly special,” she said. Drew’s face turned red, as he pulled Jasmine into a big hug.

“Okay, find your own woman and leave mine alone,” Derek told his cousin, before dragging him out of the room.

Jasmine watched them leave, her heart swollen with love. She had finally spoken to her father and it hadn’t gone well. He was a sad man and was running away from his problems. She was sad he’d rather she wasn’t in his life but she had a new family and they were the type of people you were proud to call your own.

“Something smells good in here but make sure you don’t overdo it,” Ryan said, as he came into the kitchen.

“You boys worry far too much, you know,” she said, as she gave him a hug. “The boys are all out at the pool,” she finished.

“Why don’t you take a break and join us, so we at least have a great view,” he asked her, with a wiggle of his brows.

“I think I’ll do that. My feet can use a break,” she told him and then threaded her arm through his and walked out back.

“What’s up with you lousy guys pawing all over my wife?” Derek asked, as they stepped out the door.

“When your wife is so extremely hot, it’s too difficult to keep your hands off her,” Ryan said, as he bent to kiss her cheek. She smacked him and then settled down into one of the comfortable lounge chairs.

Derek immediately headed over towards her and pulling up a chair and lifting her feet onto his lap. He immediately started rubbing them. She moaned in pleasure, as he inserted just the right amount of pressure.

“You can stop in about ten years,” she said, on a moan of pleasure. He leaned over and kissed her gently, before continuing. The family all came and surrounded them and as she looked around, she knew her life was so much better than it had ever been. The baby kicked her gently in the ribs and she smiled. “Don’t worry, I know you’re there,” she whispered and then she counted her blessings, as she knew she’d do the rest of her life.