Unexpected Treasure Page 24

Really, what would it hurt for her to stay another week or two? It wouldn’t alter her life in the least. It may even make her that much stronger in the end.

“I don’t know…” she hedged, trying not to be rash.

As if he’d already won, Crew smiled before standing up and pulling her into his arms. “Let me convince you, then,” he said as he lifted her up and carried her toward the bedroom.

“I need to think, Crew,” she whispered as he set her on the bed.

“No you don’t. Obviously you get poor ideas in your head when you try to reason out what the right choice is. Let me remind you of why you can’t leave,” he replied as he parted her robe and began nibbling on her neck.

“Ohh,” she moaned, trying to focus but quickly losing the battle. The man did crazy things to her crazier mind, and that was fine by her.

As he began moving his head down her body, she gave up any ideas of going “home.” Her heart was right here — at least for the moment.

They didn’t make it out to see the bison…


Haley kept checking the calendar, counting the days, and shaking her head in disbelief. August had hit and she was still with Crew.

Marlin had told her that Crew was choosy about his women, that the scandals about him in the papers were made-up lies. Still, even Aunt Mae was surprised by the length of time that she and Crew had been together. He wasn’t known for long relationships. Should Haley still be afraid? He’d said nothing of a more permanent relationship, but he also didn’t seem in the least bit of a hurry for her to go. She had to make a decision about whether to get back to the real world or not, though. School started in a month. She needed to choose that or travel…

Most mind-boggling of all was that he continued his lessons with her. She found small trinkets on the nightstand, flowers on the bathroom counter, her favorite coffee waiting for her when she woke up after he’d had to rush out and miss their breakfast together.

The greatest present she’d received had been the day he’d taken her on his private boat to a secluded beach on the island. They’d had a picnic, and he presented her with a map he’d had made, then walked with her as she went on a treasure hunt.

At the end of the hunt, she’d found an antique chest, and inside had been a beautiful old journal, antique sterling silver cup and hankie from the eighteen-hundreds. She’d treasure those items forever. Already, she’d spent countless hours poring over the words of the journal, tears falling as she read about the heartbreak of the woman writing in it when she’d lost her infant child.

In this new age, it was hard to imagine that common ailments that we simply shrug off today could lead to death back then. Still, even though it broke her heart to read the words of this brave woman, she couldn’t put the gift down, knowing she’d treasure it forever.

Twice, Crew had had to leave for a couple of days, and when he came back, he hadn’t been empty-handed, bringing her a glorious string of sapphires and gold that she refused to take off, and an anklet that was their own personal joke.

He told her that if it had been the days of old, he’d have had her chained to his bed, where he could feast upon her day or night. She replied that she would be an open buffet for him any time he liked, no chains required. Still, each time she looked at the little lock on her ankle, she felt herself grow warm as she imagined what new adventure he’d take her on that night.

The sex was otherworldly. Sometimes it was hot and passionate, with clothing shredded and flying in their passionate frenzy to fuse with each other. At other times, it was slow and sweet. He’d lick her all over while his hands caressed her heated skin. No matter how they made love, the crashing conclusion was always the same — explosions and fireworks and an afterglow that bonded her closer to him.

But it couldn’t last. Haley knew that good things never did. Once a servant of her grandparents had given her a Pound Purrie, an adoptable “down on her luck” kitty found in a charity thrift shop. She’d loved that ratty, stained stuffed animal with all her starved soul. Then one day it just disappeared. OK, Crew couldn’t be likened to her grandparents. He was kind and attentive, but he was simply too wonderful, too good for her. The other shoe was poised to drop. After all, the Catalina Couture Resort was for sale, and there was a very interested buyer.

But she had to be grateful. “Take this day as if it’s your last, Haley. Live, love, laugh,” she told her reflection in the mirror. To live truly happy for even a short time was so much better than to walk through life as an empty shell.

There was no time to dwell on the future. She didn’t know what it would hold. All she knew for sure was that for today she was a happy person — carefree and with a terrific man. Well, she would be carefree and happy if she’d quit stressing over every little thing for ten seconds.

Crew had business meetings all day long, so she planned to go shopping. The island wasn’t a place for good bargains — for that, you needed to go to the mainland — but laziness was seeping through her bones. She’d stroll the beaches and check out some of the gift shops here on the island, part of a private tour to take it all in before she moved back home.

One thing she knew for sure was that her life was forever changed. She wouldn’t hide in the corner anymore, and she wouldn’t be afraid to go after what she wanted. Once she’d left Catalina Island behind, she would move forward, finish her degree and go on that dig someday. She wasn’t going to give up on herself ever again. Hey, maybe she’d even get a cute little house, or a nice apartment with access to a swimming pool.

Wherever she ended up, she was going to be a grown-up and make adult decisions. There was no need to keep being fearful she was this person her grandparents had convinced her she was — an abomination that no one wanted.

Now that she’d had a small taste of security and love, she wanted it on a more permanent basis. Her grandparents’ taunts were a thing of the past; she wouldn’t let those people haunt her from the grave.

Leaving the room with a smile on her face, and a future filled with endless opportunities, Haley pushed aside her fears of no tomorrow with Crew as she entered the lobby, then decided to go out the back door and walk to town by way of the beach. The breeze was a bit warm, but the waves were calling to her.

Stepping onto the patio, she looked to the right and froze. Crew was standing in the center of a group of people with big smiles on their faces as a petite redhead had her arms wrapped tightly around him.

With Haley’s jaw gaping open, she watched as the woman kissed him loudly on the cheek and then told him how much she’d missed him and civilized life. With a burst of laughter, Crew lifted her from the ground and spun her in a circle.

After the initial shock, fire ran through Haley’s veins, and she fought the urge to rush forward and rip the girl’s hair out. How dare he humiliate her like this! No, she and Crew were not committed, there were no promises of forever, but he could have at least had the decency to end it with her before moving on to his next conquest.

She’d certainly been giving him enough sex to appease ten men, and yet he’d still felt a need to cheat on her. She wanted to destroy both of them, then kick him so hard he’d never be able to please another woman.

Before she could screech and act on her impulse, she took a fortifying breath and thought back to all the lessons he’d taught her on how to be more confident, how to make a man desire her so much, he couldn’t see straight.

Squaring her shoulders, she strode into the small alcove, watching as Crew’s eyes lifted and met hers. The jerk didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed that he’d been so blatantly caught out.

“I see your morning meetings are going well. It seems you’ve even made your next major acquisition,” she spat. She was trying to control her voice, but the venom running wild in her blood seeped through her words.

His smile fell away, replaced by a look of surprise. The cheating creep hadn’t even removed his arm from around that little bimbo’s waist. Was he really that cruel?

“I know we never talked about being exclusive, but I figured if you can sleep in the same bed with me all night, the least you could do is stay away from harlots during the day.” Haley shook with mounting frustration; tears welled up in her eyes.

Trying to calm herself and keep her cool, she took a few deep breaths. He wasn’t worth her tears.

When his mouth lifted and a sparkle entered his eyes, she saw red and lifted her hand to smack the grin from his face. He easily caught her and pulled her against his side, finally releasing the woman beside him. And the little winch also happened to be smiling. How punishing could these people be?

Toast. They were toast.

“Haley, I’d like you to meet my sister, Brielle.”

It took several heartbeats for Crew’s words to sink in, and once they did, Haley’s face flamed. Now he would know for sure how crazy she was. She couldn’t even look in the chuckling woman’s eyes. She’d just called his sister a whore. Who did that?

“It’s nice to meet you, Haley. Don’t worry about it; I know what a rake my brother can be. You have every right to assume the worst, though I will tell you, he was just gushing about you five seconds before you walked up in all your terrifying glory.” Brielle stuck out her hand.

Suddenly unable to speak, Haley met Brielle’s outstretched hand and shook it, feeling like a fool. It was Crew’s fault — she just couldn’t quite figure out how. Never before had she wished for a natural disaster, but she was praying for a hurricane to appear instantly and carry her off deep into the sea. Or a boiler could blow up…

“Sorry,” she finally mumbled when her wish wasn’t granted and the sky remained clear.

“My father wanted to surprise me by showing up out of the blue. Last time we chatted, he just said he was coming sometime. I figured he’d give me notice, but he likes to pop up unannounced. This is my dad, Richard,” he introduced.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Sutherland. As Brielle told you, Crew was speaking highly about you moments before you appeared. I hope you will be joining us this evening for dinner so we can get to know you better.” The twinkle in his eyes looked familiar, but Haley couldn’t trust anything she was seeing right now. She could barely meet the man’s eyes, let alone try to figure out why he looked like someone she’d met before.

Haley would rather be dropped off a cliff than spend time with the people she’d just insulted, but she nodded and smiled, trying furiously to think of any excuse to go running back into the resort. She’d bury herself under a mound of blankets and inhale a gallon of ice cream.

“Excellent. Our family has much to talk about and much to celebrate,” Richard said, taking her nod for affirmation, and then looking back at his son.

Haley spoke a bit too brightly. “That’s wonderful. I really have to be getting back inside. I’ll let you all catch up,” she said, tugging against Crew, ready to make her escape.

“Mmm, I like this jealous streak. Maybe you can punish me later,” he whispered in her ear, making her cheeks heat all over again. “Too bad the anklet doesn’t fit me.”