The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 12

She ran the towel across her body, still wearing her wet bra and panties, but not willing to fully strip, though he was staying true to his word and keeping his back to her. She’d make him leave the room, but then someone could walk by and see her in a nearly nude state. She didn’t know which was worse.

She reached for the bag and blushed scarlet when she saw a skimpy red laced thong sitting on top. She emptied the contents and found a tight undershirt, sweater, sweat pants, socks and slippers. No bra, of course. He wouldn’t know what size to get.

“I didn’t know what size shoe to buy, so I figured you could wear slippers in the store. I’ll carry you back to the car when we’re done,” Austin said as if he could read the question marks in her head. She looked at his back with suspicion. He wasn’t facing the mirror so he couldn’t see her, but still, she needed to cover herself.

Her need for warmth outweighed her modesty, so she stripped her bra and panties quickly, finished drying and then threw on the new clothes. She had to fight the urge to hug him. It was actually the most thoughtful – almost romantic – thing a guy had ever done for her. Yes, she’d been bought flowers, even jewelry, but Austin had thought quickly, and was… well he was taking care of her.

She pushed the thought down, but it wouldn’t go away.

“Thank you, Austin,” she said, her body still cold, but much better than it had been.

“I never could resist a damsel in distress,” he said as he turned and grinned at her.

She began ringing out her sodden clothes in the sink, and he quickly jumped in to help. They finished and put her wet clothes in the bag before he opened the door for them to leave. Glancing at her reflection in the bathroom mirror as they exited, she cringed when she noticed that she looked like a drowned rat with her hair plastered to her face. She decided she didn’t care. She was feeling much better – well, besides the bruised knees, and tender elbow, so it didn’t matter.

An old couple walked by, then did a double take as they realized she and Austin had just come from the bathroom. The old man actually gave Austin a wink before they passed. Kinsey’s cheeks flamed again.

“Where to?” Austin asked as he snagged a cart.

“You really don’t need to hang out with me as I shop,” she said as she tried to dismiss him.

“I told you, I have things to get, too. I need new razors, toothpaste – you know, all the good stuff,” he said.

She gave up and moved forward, taking the cart from him. It helped to take some of the weight off her sore left knee.

They walked silently down the aisles and Kinsey had to smile at the lost look on Austin’s face. He obviously had no idea what he was doing. She could bust him on the fact, or just accept he was doing a kind thing for her. Considering she didn’t want to get soaked waiting for the bus again, she decided to keep her mouth shut.


Austin looked at what seemed like miles of products. He’d shopped before, he wasn’t a complete invalid, but never in a huge market. He wouldn’t admit to Kinsey, but he couldn’t stand shopping and had his staff do most of it.

If he needed something simple, he’d jot down to the local store. Beef jerky, fresh donuts, a bag of chips – those were simple items to get. But when it came to the right brand of shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, even toilet paper, he had no clue. He’d be damned before he admitted that to Kinsey, though.

They continued walking while she grabbed an item here or there and tossed it in the cart. For good measure, he did the same. He didn’t know what the heck he was buying, though. Heck, if it wasn’t something he needed, he’d just donate it.

For a ‘non-date’ date, he was having a great time. He enjoyed being with Kinsey – when she was happy, mad, surprised – hell, any mood she was in. He just liked… well, he liked who he was when he was around her. He liked that he felt… energized, ready to do anything.

By the third or fourth aisle they entered, he decided that shopping was definitely for women only. He passed a couple of men trailing their wives, and they gave each other sympathetic looks. They looked just as miserable as him as they chased their kids or answered their wives with which products they liked better. If they were like him, he didn’t care if the shampoo smelled like peaches or vanilla. Any scent on Kinsey was enough to harden him.

He needed to get her alone soon. If she wouldn’t have been turning blue in the bathroom…

He shook his head to clear those thoughts, or the entire store would know it had been a while for him. He shifted as they walked, his wet pants were already too tight, he didn’t need to add to the problem.


Kinsey couldn’t seem to take her eyes off Austin. The way his jeans clung to him in all the good places, the sight of his shirt plastered across his flat stomach. She wouldn’t mind helping him out of his clothes, he looked a bit uncomfortable. The thought made her giggle.

She stopped suddenly and doubled over. She was sore, cold, and exhausted and hysterical laughter consumed her. If he could read her mind, he’d probably take her right there in the produce aisle.

When she glanced at Austin’s perplexed expression, she began laughing even harder, finding it hard to breathe. He started patting her back and she tried to suck in breaths of air. Her head was starting to feel light.

“P…please…y…you have…to stop…” she gasped in between fits of laughter. He took a step back, which was wise. He was dealing with a crazy woman, after all, she thought. One minute she was putting him at arm’s length, the next yelling at him, and then her final break in sanity, had her laughing hysterically in the middle of a super-center.

After several minutes, she finally pulled herself together. He didn’t say a word as she began walking again, a few more giggles slipping out.

“I need some healthy snacks. Since I’m practically living in the hospital, I’m gaining too much weight,” Kinsey said as they neared the fruit section.

“You could stand to gain a bit of weight, not that you don’t look great no matter what,” Austin quickly told her. Ah, he was a smart man. She actually smiled at him, her first real smile in a long time. He was easy to be around – which was why she fell for his charm in the first place. She tried to remind herself of that fact, but gave up and decided to just go with the flow. It wasn’t like anything could happen in a huge store.

“I’d say for our first real date, this isn’t too bad,” Austin said with a wink.

Kinsey stopped and looked at him like he was insane.

“This isn’t a date.”

“I carried you inside, helped undress you, and am now shopping. I choose to believe it’s a date,” he countered.

“Fine, but then you’re a cheap date. I didn’t even get flowers.”

“You want flowers? I’ll buy you a room full,” he said with a gleam in his eyes that worried her. She knew he would indeed buy them if she didn’t put a stop to it.

“I was just kidding. I have no room for flowers,” she warned.

“There’s always room for flowers.”

She quickly changed the subject, hoping to distract him.

“Why aren’t you married like the rest of your family?” That stopped him in his tracks.

“I don’t know. I just never found someone I could see myself spending the rest of my life with,” he hedged.

“What about kids? You do so great with your nieces and nephews.”

“I love those little rugrats. I can’t believe how amazing they are. A few years ago I would’ve been convinced I wasn’t father material, but now…” he trailed off.

Kinsey was shocked by his answer. She’d been trying to make him uncomfortable so he’d drop the whole dating thing, not find more reasons to like him. She could easily picture him with a baby girl in his arms, his face beaming with pride. Her imagination took over and she could see herself beside him.


She couldn’t afford to go there. He already told her he wasn’t planning on getting married, that he hadn’t found anyone worth making that commitment. He wanted to sleep with her, sure, but he didn’t want to put a ring on her finger. Besides, she didn’t want that, either. Right? Oh, she was so confused. She just needed a good night’s rest. That was all.

Their gazes locked. She could practically feel the steam rising from their damp bodies. One word, that’s all it would take for her to have the most fantastic night of her life, but she didn’t want that… She really didn’t, she reminded herself.

Finally, she managed to tear her gaze away. She took a step forward, grabbing random items as she tried distracting herself. Without realizing what she was doing, she grabbed a box of condoms, tossing it in the cart.

I’m stronger than this. A way-too-sexy-for-his-own-good guy isn’t what I need right now. He’s the brother-in-law of my best friend. An affair with him would be awkward. I can’t even go there. She repeated those sentences over and over in her head. She couldn’t fight him, and herself, too. She’d cave – she knew she would.

Austin had stopped and was staring at her with fire burning in his eyes. She looked at him, wondering what was going on. Then he reached into the cart and pulled out the condoms, a confident grin on his face.

“Thank you,” he practically purred. Then, he laughed, pleasure obvious as he went on and on.

Kinsey looked at the box of extra-large condoms and her face flamed. She quickly pushed ahead, too mortified to comment. She was hoping the floor would just go ahead and swallow her up right there.

He quickly caught up to her, and they were silent as they strolled through the store over the next twenty minutes. She grabbed a few more items, but she wanted to be done. Once she had everything she needed, they started making their way to the checkout stands. The sooner the trip was over, the faster she could regain her sanity. She knew once she was away from him, she’d remember all the reasons not to date – or sleep with – the very confident and gorgeous Austin.

Austin insisted on loading the belt, then paid for the entire purchase. She wasn’t going to argue with him in front of the cashier, but she’d have words for him once they got inside his car. It wasn’t a lot of money, but still…

They were nearing the front door when they were interrupted.

“Austin?” An annoying female voice called.

She seemed surprised to see him in a discount store. Kinsey was surprised anyone he knew would be in the store. She didn’t picture the kind of ladies he normally associated with, shopping in a discount warehouse, especially late at night.

They both turned and saw a stunning woman, wearing a tight skirt, a shirt with her cleavage on display, and her hair and make-up done to perfection.

She squealed before rushing to them and throwing her arms around Austin’s neck, smashing her huge breasts against his chest.

They have to be fake, Kinsey thought.