The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 23

“No, of course not. I’d love to come over,” he said, his voice sounding anything but pleased.

“Great. Thanks, Dad. Come on, Esther. You can walk out with us,” Bree said as she put her arm in Esther’s and led her from the room. Bree made sure to stand in the middle of them, so they wouldn’t even have a chance for a secret touch.

When they arrived at the cars and the three of them stood around awkwardly, George finally sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get even a moment alone with Esther. He told her a polite goodbye, then climbed in with Bree.

Day Ten

“That’s it. We haven’t had so much as five seconds alone in over a week. I don’t know what’s gotten into the kids lately, but they seem to need either you or me every minute of the day,” George said over the phone.

It was almost midnight and he was lying in his bed worn out because his nephew had insisted he help with the habitat house. Because Joseph was in the hospital, they were a person short. Then they’d all had a family dinner, and finally he’d managed to make it home, only to find Austin spending the night.

He couldn’t even get his evenings alone with Esther. He was done with hiding their relationship.

“It has been unusual. You don’t think they’re purposely trying to keep us apart, do you?” she asked with horror in her voice.

“They don’t even know we’re a couple. Why would they keep us apart?”

“I don’t know… It just seems odd, that’s all,” she said, her voice calming.

“Why don’t you just agree to marry me? Then we can leave on a month long honeymoon with no kids, no distractions,” he pled.

“George Anderson, we can’t leave while your brother’s in the hospital. That wouldn’t be right,” she scolded.

“I miss you, Esther. I love you, and you love me, so why do you still want to keep our relationship a secret?”

“I guess you’re right…” she hedged.

George’s heartbeat picked up at her words. He wanted nothing more than to tell his family what he thought of this amazing woman. He respected her decision to keep their romance private, but he was tired of hiding and sneaking around. He knew his family would be happy for the two of them. Sneaking around had been fun for a while, but now he couldn’t get a second alone with her.

“Esther Lyon, I want to kiss you so badly right now,” he said with frustration.

“I know how you feel, George,” she sighed.

“I’m going to sneak out of here early in the morning before anyone can stop me,” he vowed.

“That sounds good to me,” she said with a laugh.

George reluctantly hung up the phone, then lay in bed with his hands behind his head as he looked at the ceiling. He turned over and opened the drawer where the ring he’d purchased for her months earlier was sitting.

He opened the box and looked at the exquisite diamond set in a beautiful platinum band. His heart quickened as he pictured her wearing it.

He was a lucky man. Not only had he been married once to a beautiful, wonderful woman who’d given him many years of joy and four perfect children, but he’d managed to find real love twice. Esther wasn’t replacing his lost wife, she was adding a new chapter. She was giving him hope.

He counted his blessings to have met such a wonderful woman and he hoped he’d be able to give her as much joy as she already gave him.

George fell asleep with a smile on his face and the ring clutched in his hand.

Day Eleven

“Dad, I’m so glad you’re up. I don’t know what’s wrong, but my stomach has been hurting all night. I think I better have it checked,” Austin said as George crept by the living room.

He’d been so close to the front door. It was five in the morning. He felt like screaming when he saw Austin sitting in the chair.

“You probably just ate something bad. I think the best thing you can do is to try and sleep it off,” George said as his eyes looked toward the front door.

Austin had to look down to hide the smile. He was supposed to be in pain. It was a good thing his friend was on shift so he knew what was going on. Otherwise, he’d end up with all kinds of tubes sticking out of him when they couldn’t find out what the problem was.

Hell, his friend owed him a few paybacks and he just might end up with a few tubes anyway. He hadn’t really thought that one through.

“No, Dad, I’ve been trying all night. You better take me in,” Austin said.

“Okay,” George mumbled, looking ready to explode.

“Why are you up so early, anyway?”

“I couldn’t sleep so was going for a walk,” George answered.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Austin replied as he slowly got up. It was difficult for him to pretend he was hurting. He was always going ninety-miles-an-hour, and he didn’t take much time to slow down. He figured he had plenty of time in his later years to sit back and smell the roses.

“I’ll lock up,” George told him as they stepped into the garage.

“Looks like a bit of food poisoning, Austin. Take it easy, drink plenty of fluids, and make sure you have someone with you today,” his friend, Dr. Whitman, said. When George turned away, he sent a wink to Austin.

“Thanks, Spence. I appreciate it.”

“I’ll call your sister and see if she can stay with you,” George said while taking out his phone.

Austin didn’t try to protest. He knew each of his siblings and cousins would have some pressing matters to attend to. His dad would be stuck taking care of him all day long.

Ten minutes later, George blew out his breath as he turned back to Austin.

“It looks like everyone is busy. I’ll have to sit with you today,” he grumbled.

“I’m sorry, Dad. Did you have plans?” They were all giving him ample opportunity to fess up.

“No,” he muttered. “I’m going to stop and see Katherine. Ring me when you get discharged.”

He walked from the room and Austin cracked up, his friend joining in with him.

“You guys are putting him through the ringer,” Spence said.

“Yeah, we are. We’re all a little suspicious they were sticking their noses in our lives not too long ago. You know what they say, paybacks a…”

“Whoa there, Austin. This is a kid friendly place,” Spence interrupted him with a laugh.

“Speaking of paybacks, did you have to find the biggest needle in this place?” Austin grumbled as he rubbed his sore arm.

“I searched for that one special, just for you. I haven’t forgotten about the pills you slipped me in college. Kathy thought I was a freaking sex addict, suggesting I go to meetings. I couldn’t leave the house for two days.”

“Hey, I was just trying to help you out with your date. I didn’t stab you.”

“I guess you shouldn’t mess with a doctor. Next time, I might knock you out for a few days and leave you lying in your own urine for hours on end in your hospital bed.”

Austin didn’t doubt for a minute he’d do just that. They’d gone through college together and the pranks had been never-ending. He still thought slipping his roommate Viagra had been worth the huge needle, today.

“I better have one of these pretty nurses wheel me out. I’m feeling a bit too queasy to walk. Is Kinsey on shift?”

“Yes. Is something going on there?” Spence asked, obviously curious.

“She can’t resist me,” Austin told him with a confident smile.

Spence paged her, and when she entered the room, her look contradicted what Austin had been telling his friend.

“Doesn’t look like she’s over the moon with you. Looks like she wants to use a needle twice as big on you as the one I did,” Spence whispered.

“Shut up and lock the door on your way out. Make sure no one comes near this room,” Austin growled.

Spence left, laughing as he exited. Austin knew his friend would guard the door for him.

“You had me paged? Seriously? This is my job, Austin. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get me fired,” she said in a huff.

“Hey, I’m injured here. I have to be wheeled out,” he said, his voice sounding weak.

Her entire demeanor changed in a flash as she looked at him with concern. She walked over and noticed the bandage on his arm.

“What happened?”

“My stomach,” he groaned.

Heck, two for one with his fake food poisoning. He’d take all the nursing she could give him. His conscious immediately ate at him for lying, though.

“I’m sorry, Austin,” she said, guilt in her eyes for snapping at him.

“I’m not really hurt, Kinsey. All of us are on a mission to drive my Dad and Esther crazy so they’ll finally admit they’re dating,” he said as he jumped off the bed and moved toward her.

“What?” She took a step back.

“As a matter of fact, I’m feeling pretty good now that you’re here in those sexy scrubs,” he added as he reached her and quickly pulled her into his arms.

“Austin, this isn’t the time or place,” she warned.

“This is the perfect time and place. I see many possibilities. I’ve missed you the past week,” he said before his mouth descended on hers and he kissed her.

She was only stiff for a second before her body melted into his. Austin felt his stress drain the second she was in his arms. His dad could wait. The entire hospital could wait. He needed her.

“I have to work,” she breathlessly protested, though her arms lifted as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Then I better not take too long.”

He backed her up against the small hospital bed, then removed one hand long enough to pull the privacy curtain into place. He’d always wanted to make-love in a hospital room. Chalk one fantasy off his list. He saw the moment her eyes darkened, desire overriding her fear.

Austin pulled away long enough to slip her top and bottoms off, then he ripped his own clothes away. He picked her up, cherishing the feel of her in his arms and the way her breath caressed his neck. He gently laid her on the table, then stood for a moment, his breath taken away by her sheer beauty.

She was lying in nothing but two small pieces of lace, barely covering her most sacred assets. He watched her stomach quiver as he touched her with nothing but his eyes.

“You’re so beautiful,” he reverently murmured as he took his hand and touched her face, then slid his palm down her throat, over the mounds of full breasts, across the flat plane of her trembling stomach, and then across her toned thighs.

She groaned when he caressed his way back up her legs, stopping at the juncture between her thighs. He slowly pushed them open, then slipped his finger inside the bright pink lace panties, his own breath hitching when he felt how hot and wet she already was.

She was so responsive, it was taking great effort for him to go slow enough to pleasure her. He ached with a driving hunger only she could fill.

“Oh,” she moaned when he inserted his finger deeper, then rubbed his thumb in slow circles across her womanhood. Her hips lifted off the bed, begging him to continue. He felt his own legs grow shaky as he stood before her nearly naked body.