The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 26

“No. Here’s my card. Fill out the paperwork tonight and fax it to this hotel. I’ll sign and have it sent back to you.”

“I haven’t even told you the price,” she said, shock and hurt registering in her eyes. She was trying to keep herself together, but he wasn’t making it easy for her. He didn’t care. He’d found what he wanted. All the rest was a waste of his time.

He raised his brows, waiting for her to get on with it.

“Let me see, here,” she stalled as she looked in her folder, her fingers trembling. He blew out his breath. He knew she had the price memorized. It must be overpriced because she was hesitating to tell him. She was afraid once she did, he’d walk away.

She didn’t know him.

Finally, she stopped and listed a price. He knew it was about twenty percent above market value. He dealt in real-estate deals all across the world. If he were buying the property for business, he’d have the owner selling to him for half the price.

This wasn’t business, though. It was pleasure.

Pure pleasure, he hoped.

“I’ll take it. Fax me the papers tonight.”

With those words, Joseph turned and walked away from the stunned realtor. He’d made his deal so there was no use in standing around any longer. He moved through the overgrown path, circling the small house. He gave the property a final look before walking to his car.

As he drove down the private road, he felt exhilaration rush through him, knowing he was going to occupy such a beautiful piece of ground. He was surrounded by water, trees, and not far away, the cascades, featuring Mt. Rainier. He was disappointed it was night and he couldn’t spot the majestic mountain. The land was beautiful, and soon…soon, he’d bring his Katherine home.

As he entered the freeway and the lights of Seattle drew closer, his mind was consumed by thoughts of her. He had to see her, be with her, have her appease his rising hunger.

He hated the power she held over him, but at least she was unaware of it. If she ever got even a hint of how easily she could drop him to his knees, he was sure she’d be dragging him around by the collar.

He laughed as he put his foot down on the accelerator. He’d find her, hopefully in her apartment, where he could finish what he’d started several days prior. For that matter, five years prior.

He looked forward to the fight in her, though. He liked the game of wills they had going on. He had enough women falling at his feet. He needed the challenge Katherine brought him. She revitalized him, made him remember what intense wanting was like.

She told him no, he thought with a smile. A word he didn’t hear too often. In fact – never.

She’d run, he’d pursue. Then, he’d capture.

He wouldn’t have it any other way.

Joseph quickly arrived back in the city, then circled her block, looking at her apartment building, her lights turned off. She was either out, or asleep. He groaned, thinking of her lying on her bed. He yearned to join her.

Instead, he made his way to his hotel. It may be safer for both of them if he called. Maybe she’d even had time to think about them and would willingly invite him back to her place.

He handed his car to the valet, then impatiently waited for the elevator to stop at his penthouse suite.

As soon as he walked in the door, he threw his jacket aside and strode to the phone, dialing her number by memory. His heart thundered as he waited for her answer.


The sound of her sleep filled voice fueled his desire even more than it was already stoked. He briefly closed his eyes to picture her, then snapped them back open when he realized it wasn’t helping his situation.

Soon, he promised himself.

“Do you miss me, Katherine?” His voice was deep and soft, deliberately meant to seduce.

The phone was silent as he waited. For a moment he wondered if she’d hung up, but as he listened, he could hear the soft sigh of her quick breaths.

He knew she was having as hard a time being apart as he was. She was just unwilling to admit defeat. Soon she’d realize she was only punishing herself.

“I drove by earlier. I was going to stop, but decided twice in a row was ungentlemanly. I’d be more than willing to come back, though. I have the perfect remedy to help you sleep.”

“Are you kidding me, Joseph? Did you really just give me such an asinine line? I don’t see you in five years and you humiliate me to get in my apartment, then you call and try to use me like a cheap hooker,” she snapped.

“I’d never use you, Katherine, simply please you.”


Ah, she pleased him. He chuckled, not even attempting to hide his joy in simply speaking to her, or should he say, sparring with her. She had a quick wit that could slice a weaker man, and her strength had certainly grown in the last five years.

He’d loved what a spitfire she was back then, but the woman she’d become now was irresistible.

“You weren’t eager to get away the other night…”

“That is easily explained by temporary insanity. I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m over you, Joseph. I have been for a long time. I suggest you get over me, too. I know you just don’t like to lose anything, but this is one battle you can’t win. Now, go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and leave me be.”

“Katherine, how quickly you forget that I never give up when I want something. And right now, I’ve decided what I want is you. I want you next to me twenty-four-seven, at least until I’ve sated the desire you left me with. Then, I may actually let you sleep.”

“You arrogant, egotistical, pig of a man. I can’t believe women throw themselves at you. Why? Are they crazy? Do they feel like they deserve punishment? Get it through that thick skull of yours, into whatever tiny brain is in there, that I don’t want anything to do with you,” she huffed, her breathing ragged with her rising temper.

He couldn’t help it, he started laughing, his stomach shaking with the force of his merriment. He didn’t think it possible, but he wanted her even more than before.

“You are so good for me. I know you’re trying to anger me, but all you’ve done is make me more determined. I love a challenge, Katherine, and you’ve become my number one priority.” He happily threw down the gauntlet and awaited her response.

“Your number one priority should be your family’s corporation and making sure it doesn’t fall apart. I guess you haven’t done any growing up if all you can think about is what’s below your belt and where you’re going to put it next. I have a job to do, which I take very seriously, so I’m done with this call. I was fast asleep when you so rudely woke me up.”

“Aren’t you being counterproductive, Katherine? If you love your job so much, shouldn’t you be schmoozing me, trying to gain my trust, so I’ll swoop in and save the day? You and I both know I’m what the corporation needs. You just don’t want to say it out loud. What would the other board members think if you chased me away?”

“They’d thank me for getting rid of a pesky fly. You’re not that important in all of this,” she bluffed. He’d always been able to tell when she was lying. Her voice hitched a bit at the end of the sentence. It seemed not a lot had changed.

His call to her had amused him, but also left him nearly trembling with need. He had to have her soon.

“Tsk, tsk, Katherine. We both know you’re lying.”

There was silence on the other end of the line for nearly a minute and he wondered again if she’d hung up on him, or possibly fallen asleep.

“Grow up, Joseph. This call is over,” she finally said. He expected the sound of a click, but all he heard was silence. He waited another moment.

“See, Katherine, you do want me. You want to hear the sound of my voice, to feel my hands caress your body. You want me, even if you don’t want to. You can’t even hang up on me, being afraid of breaking the connection we have. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you,” he huskily whispered.

After a sudden intake of breath that had his chest pounding, he heard the click of the phone as the call was disconnected.

He laid his own phone in its receiver, and then went to take a long shower. He couldn’t wait for his next round with her.

Joseph walked up to the front doors of the building his grandfather had built. He had not only designed it, but actually used his own two hands to help create it. Joseph always felt a sense of pride when he looked at the custom design, the appealing flow of windows and walls.

His grandfather, Benjamin, had wanted to make a statement. He was entering the business world, and he wanted everyone to know he was a force to be reckoned with. Joseph’s neck stretched back as he looked high in the sky, where the top of the building towered above those around it. He knew someday, it most likely wouldn’t be the tallest building in Seattle, but at that moment it was.

He walked through the front doors, his appearance stating to the world that he was confident, the one they could count on. No one would know his gut was clenched with nerves. This company meant something to him, it had history.

Financially he’d be fine without the corporation. He’d gone out and conquered the world on his own, amassed a large fortune, but his grandfather’s company was history. It was family, everything he’d been taught to respect and honor.

There was no way he could let his uncle get his hands on it. He’d rip it apart without a thought to the family, nor the thousands of people employed. He’d do what was good for him, and not care about anyone left in his wake.

Joseph couldn’t let that happen, even if he had to sink every last million of his own funds into the corporation to save it.

There was a skeleton security crew working as he passed the front desk. He passed by with just a nod, not in the mood for small talk.

He was headed to the top floor where a meeting was being held. The board wanted to hear from all the players, all those who were up for taking Benjamin’s place. Joseph hadn’t wanted to come back home, but now… now, he’d do whatever it took to ensure the position was his. He couldn’t walk away.

Without breaking his stride, he stepped into the elevator and rode to the top of the building. He was mentally preparing for the barrage of questions awaiting him.

If he cared so much, why had he left for five years?

He was so young, what could he offer that Neilson couldn’t?

He had his own corporation to run, how would he do both?

Those would just be a few of many. He needed to show confidence. He needed to keep his head in the game. It wouldn’t be easy considering Katherine would be at that table, so close to him, but still untouchable. She figured she was safe being surrounded by a crowd.

She figured wrong.

As he stepped off the elevator, he turned to the right. The path to the conference room was well memorized as he’d run the corridors as a child, his grandfather always happy to see him. He’d known from the time he could barely talk that he’d follow in his grandfather’s footsteps.

The entire life had appealed to him. The suits, meetings, travel. All of it was fascinating. It had been a no-brainer for him to intern with the corporation. He’d learned a lot at the hand of the most brilliant man he knew.