The Billionaire's Final Stand Page 43

“Did Neilson really die?” Trenton asked.

“Yes. We were able to confirm that. If he was married, though, it wasn’t legal,” Joseph said, obviously still bothered over the events, even after so many years.

“I’m sorry,” Bree said.

“Me, too, sweetie. If the child is an Anderson, we would’ve done right by him,” Joseph said.

“Yes, we never would’ve taken out our anger with Neilson on an innocent kid,” George added.

“That’s because you’re honorable men. They just don’t make them like you anymore,” Austin said, looking at his father and uncle with pride.

“We had a great father to look up to,” Joseph said, and George agreed.

“Our story had a very good ending, though. As you all know, we lived happily ever after,” Katherine finished with a smile as she looked at her husband.

“May each of you have the same. One day, you’ll be telling your own children the beautiful story of your beginning. Relationships are built on the good and the bad, it’s how we handle each situation that defines our character. Thank you for being here for Katherine while I was sick. Thank you for being here every day for each other,” Joseph said, raising his glass.

“Here, here,” each person called.

They stayed up long into the night, reminiscing about the past and planning for the future.


Joseph looked across the table, his eyes shining as his family gathered. Noise reigned as everyone spoke at once, all of them happy to be together another year. He truly loved Thanksgiving.

As usual, he had much to be thankful for. He had yet another year together with his wife. He looked at her, still so beautiful. He’d known how truly scared she’d been while he was in his coma last year. He hated that he’d put her through such a horrible ordeal. He’d made a promise to her years earlier that he’d never hurt her again, but he hadn’t been able to keep the promise.

He vowed he’d do everything in his power to never let it happen again. He’d gotten rid of his fast cars. He no longer needed that thrill. The only excitement he needed was the sight of his wife beside him, each night and morning, and of course, the love of his ever growing family.

Sitting closest to him were George and Esther, looking like kids on their honeymoon, even after being married almost a year. George looked over and winked at him, making Joseph smile. His brother was a great man.

Then there was Lucas and Amy. They’d been married eight years already. Joseph couldn’t believe how time had flown. Their children were growing so fast. He loved all his grandchildren, and great-nieces and nephews equally, he told himself, but Jasmine had a special place in his heart. She was the first. His very first granddaughter. She was the beginning of the next generation. There was a bond between them he thanked God for every day.

His eyes continued to sweep across the table as he took in Alex, who at that moment, leaned over and whispered something in Jessica’s ear, making her blush. She didn’t realize anyone was watching and Joseph smiled again as she leaned in and kissed Alex.

Jacob groaned loudly at their display, and they split apart, both of them laughing while Alex picked his son up, then hugged him close. Jacob protested, but Joseph saw the love on the boy’s face.

Mark and Emily were talking to Trenton and Jennifer. They’d become so close. All of the kids loved each other, but Emily and Jennifer had really hit it off. Joseph loved seeing his growing family also become friends.

Mark said something that had Trenton laughing. Emily slapped Mark’s arm, but the smile on her face said he wasn’t in too much trouble. Mark turned and kissed her, stopping all protests. When he pulled away, she was flushed and looking very pleased.

Young Trevor was turning into a man. He’d soon be breaking hearts. He was as handsome as his father. Not that looks mattered if the heart wasn’t pure.

Trenton suddenly got up and grabbed Jennifer’s hand. He thought with all the chaos around them no one would notice if he slipped away for a few minutes. Of course, Joseph noticed everything. He smiled as he watched his nephew take his wife away for a moment of privacy.

Joseph’s eyes moved to Max next. Max had sure been stubborn in finding love. They all had, but Joseph had doubts about Max settling down. He shouldn’t have worried, though. Cassandra was his perfect match. She brought out a joy in Max that was radiant.

No matter where the two of them were, Joseph always noticed that Max was touching her. His hand on her back as they were standing, or grazing her knee where they sat. He loved her, and his every action showed that.

Bree was laughing at something Chad said. He was sitting across the table from Mark, and the two men were having an animated conversation. Probably talking about Trenton sneaking off.

The two of them were most likely jealous they hadn’t thought of it first. Chad turned and looked at Bree, his hand shooting out to tug her close as he kissed her, leaving her looking breathless before he turned back to Mark and started talking again.

Finally, there was Austin. He was sitting in the corner, Kinsey perched on his lap with his arms around her as she cradled their daughter, Isabelle, close. She was less than a week old, so tiny and delicate, just like her mother. Joseph knew the happy couple also had the kind of love that would last.

His family was complete. All of his children and nephews and niece were happily married, having children, and living their lives to the fullest. He couldn’t ask for anything more.

He sat back and watched, watched the way his family interacted, the way the children played, and how they all responded to one another.

“We’ve done well, Katherine,” he said, his voice low.

“Yes, Joseph, we have,” she agreed. “You know, if I weren’t so happy about this beautiful family, you’d be in trouble, right?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, trying his best to sound innocent.

“You can’t fool me, Joseph Anderson. However, I’ll let you think you can,” she said, her eyes filled with love.

Joseph gazed at her for a moment, then he leaned in and gave her a kiss, his lips lingering for a long while. Even after forty years of marriage, she took his breath away.

He stood up and waited for the table to grow silent. With the growing number of family members, it took a little bit longer each year. He was content to wait.

“We’ve come to another Thanksgiving. As with each year, we have much to be grateful for. We have good jobs for ourselves, and for many employees. We have our health, some days of course, it’s better than others. Most importantly, we have each other.” He stopped for a moment as he fought the emotion building in him.

His family was silent as they waited, eyes starting to mist all around. Katherine stood next to him, taking his hand in hers. She looked up at him, her eyes glowing, then turned and faced the table.

“We have each other today, tomorrow, and forever,” she finished quietly.

Everyone raised their glasses as they called out their agreement and toasted their thanks.


“What do we do now?”

“I don’t know, George,” Joseph answered.

“I mean, I can’t complain. I have a wonderful new bride, beautiful grandkids and my family all together again, but…”

“I know, brother, I know,” Joseph moped.

The two men sat in the den, sipping their drinks as they warmed themselves by the fire. The family was gathered in the sitting room, everyone too full to move around much. Joseph and George had snuck away for a drink.

“Well, it shouldn’t take that long for the grandkids to grow,” George said as he perked up.

“Hmm, you have a good point there,” Joseph replied as he sat a little straighter.

“Yeah, look how the last ten years have flown past. Heck, the last twenty-five for that matter. I forget at times how old I’ve gotten.”

“Bite your tongue, George. We’ve aged well, like a good scotch, we’re not old,” Joseph admonished.

“True, Joseph, very true.”

“When this all started, I wanted grandkids. I thought my boys were never going to settle down. Now that I have them, I miss the planning and sneaking around. I got quiet clever in ways to trick them all,” Joseph said proudly.

“We’ll just have to figure out other ways to keep entertained until those kids get a little older,” George sighed.

“Joseph, time for dessert,” Katherine said as she and Esther stepped into the room.

“We’ll be right out, dear,” Joseph called back.

“We truly are blessed men,” George said as the women left, his eyes gazing at the door his new bride just walked through.

“Let’s join our family, George. I’m not ready to quit celebrating, yet.”

“I’m so glad you’re back, Joseph. I don’t think I would’ve made it had you not come out of that coma,” George said as they stood, putting his hand on Joseph’s arm.

“If anything ever happens to me, you will not stop living your life, George Anderson. If something were to happen, I’d just sit down with our dad and catch up while I waited for the rest of you to finish what you needed to. If you want to make me happy, then live. Promise me that you’ll always live life to the fullest, no matter what.”

“You’re a great man, Joseph, one of the few. Now, enough of this. Let’s find our wives.”

The two brothers walked through the door, optimistic about the future that lay ahead.