Runaway Heiress Page 1


“Rummy,” George called as he laid his cards on the table and grinned at his brother. They were both competitive by nature and always trying to one up the other but it never caused hard feelings.

“That’s the third game in a row. I think you’re cheating somehow,” Joseph said while he eyed his brother.

“Don’t be a sore loser,” George replied, then stood and headed to the bar to poor each of them a drink. “What do you want?”

“I’ll just have a sprite on the rocks. Damn Doc said nothing harder than carbonation for me until my blood pressure comes down,” Joseph mumbled. George poured Joseph a sprite and himself a nice glass of aged whiskey. He received a glare when he sat down, sipping it in front of Joseph.

“Quit glaring, I’m not the one with the medical problems,” George said with a laugh. Joseph shrugged his shoulders and sat back. It was late and Katherine would be expecting him soon.

“Make any headway with Bree, yet?” Joseph asked.

“I don’t know what’s been going on with her lately. She’s restless. If only she’d settle down,” George trailed off.

“You know Chad’s back home.” Joseph let his sentence sink in.

“Mmm, definite possibilities there, that boy can’t be easily intimidated,” George replied as the wheels in his head started turning. Bree could barely look at a man before her brothers scared him away. Now, Chad wasn’t only strong, but had been friends with Mark and his brothers since they were kids. He wasn’t easily pushed around and George had a feeling he could put up with a lot without breaking.

“Maybe it’s time we have a family dinner, a nice welcome home party for Chad,” George said, his eyes lighting up. He was afraid Bree was pulling so far away from him he’d never get her back. He’d also received some worrisome letters, lately. Most of the time his security staff assured him hate mail was harmless, but one particular type of letter had come in repeatedly. They feared it was from the same person… and the man wasn’t backing down.

“I think you’re right. We’ll have dinner on Friday,” Joseph agreed. The two men made plans long into the night, their spirits rejuvenated with another matchmaking mission on the horizon.

Chapter One

“It’s so good to have you back, Chad. Are you home permanently?”

“Yes, It’s time for me to retire from the military and settle down,” Chad answered Joseph. They were sitting in Joseph’s inviting den, catching up. Chad had been out of the country more than in it over the last twenty years. He’d joined the military right out of high school with his missions being top secret, he wasn’t often able to talk to his friends for months on end.

“I’m glad to have you home,” Mark said. He’d missed his friend. He knew Chad was dealing with a lot of demons, but hopefully being around friends would help.

Chad and Mark had a lot of similar features, both tall with dark hair and blazing blue eyes. When they’d been younger, they had used those similarities when on the prowl for women. Chad was virtually a third brother to Mark.

Chad had originally joined the army right out of high school, but after five years and several successful missions, he was recruited by the Special Operations Group to be a SEAL. He’d only been twenty-three at the time and excited to be called up. After a couple years, he’d become secretive.

Then about ten years ago, he’d closed up completely. They knew he was involved in top secret missions and they knew his life was always on the line, but they couldn’t do anything to stop it. All they could do was offer their support when he came home. They were grateful he’d decided to retire.

Mark spent six years in the reserves. He’d thought about making a career out of the military, but he’d changed his mind. He had too much love for the land and his personal freedom. He knew you either gave your all, or nothing. Those men depended on each other to stay alive.

As he watched his friend, he almost wished he would’ve gone with him. Maybe then Chad wouldn’t have so many demons to fight.

Whatever his last mission had been, it hadn’t been pleasant. Maybe someday he’d open up about it.

“It’s time,” Chad replied before taking another sip from his bottle.

“Time for what, Chad?” Mark asked.

“That’s what I wanted to tell you. I purchased that ranch, south of your place. Everything closed a month ago but I wanted to wait until I saw you to say anything,” Chad answered, his face breaking out in a smile for the first time that evening.

“Seriously? That’s great! I was thinking about obtaining that piece of land but they told me someone already had it. They wouldn’t say who, though,” Mark exclaimed. He’d been upset when he found out the land was purchased without being placed on the market. He’d asked the previous owners to give him first choice, but the cranky old man who owned it said Mark had enough land and didn’t need any more. Mark hadn’t fought him on the matter but he’d hoped to one day own it and expand his ranch further. He no longer cared, though because he’d much rather have Chad as a neighbor than add acreage he really didn’t need.

“You remember Jed? He was friends with one of the kids of the old man. He told me the guy wanted to move to warmer weather so I jumped on it. I need something physical to keep me busy. D.C. offered me a desk job, but there’s just no way,” Chad said with excitement.

“Hell yeah,” Lucas jumped in the conversation. “I’m thinking I’ll be out with you guys instead of locked in the office all day.”

“I’m not coming out of retirement so don’t plan on staying out there too much,” Joseph said with a glare directed at his oldest son.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Lucas answered with a chuckle.

“Now that you have the land, when are you going to fill it up with kids?” Joseph asked, making all the men groan.

“There’s nothing wrong with marriage and kids. Half of you in this room are already taken, so quit the groaning,” George jumped in.

“I’m not as easily lassoed as these guys, so back off,” Chad said with a chuckle, though he eyed Joseph for an extra second to make sure he knew Chad didn’t want him playing matchmaker. He had a sneaking suspicion the old man had something to do with the marriages of his kids and nephews. George and Joseph were twin brothers and had got the idea into their heads that life wasn’t complete without a whole herd of grandchildren climbing all over him.

Chad wasn’t one of their kids, but being best friends with Mark made him a prime target. He could practically feel the arrow aimed straight towards his chest.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, boy, but a good woman to warm your bed at night isn’t the worst thing,” Joseph said.

“I have plenty of women to warm my bed. I don’t need to put a ring on any of them,” Chad answered back. Joseph shook his head and went back to talking to his brother. The boys all laughed, happy with their small victory. Chad could hold his own any day of the week.

While everyone was occupied, Chad stepped out on the balcony, needing a few moments alone. He’d been bluffing Joseph. He certainly wasn’t a monk, but he barely had time for himself, let alone finding myriads of women. He just wasn’t interested in tying himself down in a relationship. There were too many complications.

He looked out over the large back yard and sighed. It had been a long time since he’d been able to relax and smell the flowers. He wasn’t sure if retirement was a good or bad thing. At least with his own land, he could work night and day if he desired. He wouldn’t have to answer to another person, and more importantly, he wouldn’t be responsible for other people’s lives.

“Time for dinner,” Katherine called. Chad took a calming breath, then stepped through the door. He kissed Katherine on the cheek as he passed by. She was like a mother to him. He didn’t know how his life would’ve turned out if it hadn’t been for Joseph and Katherine. They were the kind of parents every kid dreamed of having. He’d bend over backwards for them – all they had to do was ask.


She was sick of it. While she loved each one of her brothers, she was tired of their overbearing, overprotective, he-man tactics. She had to get away for a while, take time for herself and prove she wasn’t some delicate flower needing twenty-four hour supervision.

Brianne Lynn Anderson, or as everyone called her, Bree, was the youngest of four children. Her siblings were all strong, stubborn, alpha males who treated her like she was still ten years old, even though she was twenty-eight and a college graduate.

She hadn’t managed to keep a boyfriend for longer than a few weeks because once they met her brothers they went scampering for the hills. She was so disgusted with the cowards for running that she wasn’t even upset when they left. Still, she’d like to actually find out what it was like to be treated like a woman. She was probably the oldest living virgin in the United States. Her brothers would like for her to die an old maid.

She jumped in her car and quickly hit the gas pedal. Her father had summoned her to Joseph’s mansion for a welcome home party for some friend of Mark’s, but she figured it was the perfect time to escape from her overprotective family. She jumped on the freeway and started driving south - the farther she pulled away, the bigger her smile became. Freedom flashed over and over in her mind. Even though it was overcast and cold she flipped open her sunroof and stuck her hand in the open air. She laughed with pure joy at what she was doing.

Maybe by the time she returned, her family would realize she wasn’t a little girl anymore and they could let her live her own life. She loved them – but she could only take so much pampering.


Chad sat on the couch holding a glass of deep amber whiskey, smiling as he enjoyed the warmth from both the liquor and the flames in front of him.

The Macallan sixty-year-old Single Malt Whiskey was like butter on his tongue. He laughed at the idea that anyone would spend sixty thousand dollars on a single bottle of alcohol, even one that tasted as good as what he was sipping. Chad was incredibly wealthy by anyone’s standards, but sixty thousand...

Over the past twenty years, Chad hadn’t had to spend anything of what he made. Every dime he received went right into investments. Luckily, those gambles had paid off well, leaving him with millions. He’d paid cash for his ranch and it hadn’t even made a dent in his account. He’d been so frugal his entire life, changing his ways wouldn’t be easy. As his commander had said many times, he needed to live a little, whatever the hell that meant.

The Anderson’s made him seem like a pauper, though. He figured when the US government needed to be bailed out in a crisis situation, Joseph Anderson was who they called. He may be exaggerating a bit, but still, the family was America’s Royalty.

Chad didn’t know why he’d been summoned back to Joseph’s place. He’d just been there the previous week for dinner and he needed to get his ranch settled. However, when Mark called and asked for a favor, he would always drop everything and be there for him – just like he knew the same was true of Mark. If Chad needed him, he’d be there – and with back-up.