Runaway Heiress Page 15

“You’re home. I’m so glad you’re okay,” Jennifer said as she rushed up and threw her arms around Bree as soon as she stepped from the vehicle.

“Aunt Bree, I missed you,” Molly cried out as she ran up to them and joined in on the hub.

“I missed you, too,” Bree automatically answered. She hugged both of them, though she still didn’t recognize anyone. She was then passed from one pair of arms to the next for several minutes. It brought tears to her eyes, all the love she was receiving. She seemed to be a very lucky person.

“We have the steaks going, cousin. Come sit down and relax for a while,” Mark said when she finally made it into the house. She looked around the large entrance with sparse furnishings.

“Come out back, Sweetie. We have a nice chair all set up for you,” Joseph called in a voice that made Bree jump. She knew he was her uncle, but the man was a bit intimidating. He was as huge as a mountain, with a voice that could easily command an army.

“Joseph, you’re scaring the poor girl. Let her get settled,” Esther said as she came up and put her arm around Bree.

“Nonsense. My niece would never be afraid of me,” Joseph protested.

“Humph,” Esther replied before whisking Bree away. Bree had to admit she was grateful for the woman’s interference.

“I’m sorry, this is all just a little overwhelming,” Bree admitted quietly to the kind woman leading her to a secluded space in the back yard.

“It’s alright, dear. Your family means well, and they love you deeply, but sometimes they can be a bit much to handle,” Esther said with a knowing wink.

“It seems that way.”

“I’m Esther. I’ve worked for the Anderson’s for many years. I’m retired now but they’ve become so much a part of my family, that I can’t seem to stay away,” she said with a gentle laugh. Bree felt completely at ease with her.

“It seems they wouldn’t let you go, even if you wanted to leave,” Bree said with wide eyes as she looked over the yard filled with people, young and old, all of them laughing and carrying on. She smiled as she saw a couple toddlers on one end of a see-saw and Chad on the other side. He was shooting them into the air, sending them into fits of contagious laughter.

Bree felt a flash of memory register. She saw herself flying high on a swing with Jasmine next to her, both of them laughing. Bree smiled, then giggled, overcome with happiness at the small piece of her past. For the first time since waking from her coma, she felt like it really was her family.

Chad looked over and their eyes connected, sending a bolt of electricity zipping through the air. Her stomach clenched with need so overwhelming she had to quickly sit because she didn’t think her legs would carry her weight any longer. When she saw the instant heat in Chad’s eyes, it caused her body to go from hot to smoldering. She instantly wished they were alone. Maybe when she was once again in his arms, it would flood her mind with her life before the accident. She suddenly wanted to have her memories back more than anything. It seemed she had a very fulfilled life.

“Higher,” the kids on the see-saw called to him, impatient with his momentary pause. He jerked his gaze from hers and started playing with them again. Bree realized she’d stopped breathing and took in a fortifying breath of air.


“Do you see the heat flying between those two?” George asked his brother with a satisfied smile.

“I’m surprised the dry grass doesn’t ignite,” Joseph confirmed.

“I hate that my daughter has been through so much, but I’m sure glad Chad was the one to step into her life. I think another wedding may be in the near future,” George beamed.

“I’m happy for you, brother. You deserve joy in your life. Speaking of which, I think I’ve detected some sparks between you and Esther,” Joseph said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Now, don’t you start matchmaking on me. Esther and I are only friends,” George said in a hushed tone as he looked around, making sure no one had overheard them. If his kids even suspected he had feelings for Esther, they’d be all over him. He knew they had their own suspicions about Joseph and him stepping into their children’s lives and matchmaking.

“I’m just saying…” Joseph trailed off. He watched as George’s eyes sought out Esther every few minutes or so. It looked to him like his brother may have found a second chance of happiness in life. He deserved it. Losing his wife was devastating for him, and Esther was a good woman.

“Well, don’t you be saying anything. And don’t even think about getting any fool idea’s in your head,” George said before he stomped off to speak to someone else. Joseph’s loud laughter followed him across the yard.


“My Dad and Esther, huh? I would’ve never even imagined it,” Austin said to his cousin, Lucas.

“Eavesdropping definitely has its benefits,” Lucas said as he watched his uncle stomp away.

“He’s mourned for long enough. I think it would be great if he was able to find a slice of happiness again,” Austin said.

“I just think it’s time he gets paid back. I can’t prove it, but I know Dad and Uncle George have been meddling in our lives. They think they’re so slick, but they start crying about grandkids and all of a sudden they have more than a houseful. That seems like more than just a coincidence to me,” Trenton mused.

“Good thing I’m smarter than the rest of you,” Austin answered smugly.

“Sure, Cuz, we’ll see how smart you are,” Trenton laughed. Austin glared at his cousin before walking away.

“What are you two up to?” Jennifer asked as she came up and wrapped her arms around her husband.

“Looks like Dad may be falling in love. We think it’s time to do some interfering of our own,” Trenton answered, quickly kissing his wife. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her, no matter how much time he spent at her side.

“What do you mean?” she asked, looking confused.

“I don’t know how the old men have done it, but I know they’ve been meddling in our love lives. Not that I’m complaining – it led me to you,” Trenton added. He loved his wife and wouldn’t change a thing between them.

“Then why do you want revenge?”

“Not revenge, my dear - payback,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Men,” she said before kissing him and heading back to the other women, who made far more sense. Trenton enjoyed watching her as she walked away. The longer he was with her, the more he fell in love. She only grew more beautiful each day.


“How are you holding up?” George asked.

“I’m still standing,” Bree answered. She didn’t think any of them planned on leaving the ranch anytime soon. They’d all been there for several hours and the party was in full bloom. She was tired, but didn’t want to admit her weakness to them. She had a feeling she wasn’t normally one to complain about things.

“I’ll start rounding everyone up. They’re just so excited to have you back home,” George said.

“You don’t have to do that, I’m fine,” she automatically responded. She felt as if she were ungrateful, when everyone had been nothing but kind to her.

“It’s okay to be tired, Bree. You’ve been through a lot. Your brothers have always been protective over you, and the years of lost time when everyone mourned the loss of your mother has made them even more so. Too much time was lost, and now we all want to be reassured that nothing will rip our family apart again,” he explained.

Bree loved him – she couldn’t remember him being her father, but he was such a kind and gentle man, and she knew beyond a doubt that she loved her father. She threw her arms around him and clung for several moments. When she pulled back, there were tears in his eyes.

“Thank you, Dad. I’m sure everything will eventually come back to me, but one thing I know is that I love you. I can feel it in my heart, even if my mind is shut down at the moment.”

“That’s the best thing you could ever say to me. I love you, too, Sweetheart. Now, I’m going to get all these testosterone filled men out of here so you can get off your feet and rest. You are growing my beautiful grandchild, after all.”

Bree laughed as she let him take her arm and lead her to the porch. She thought a nap sounded pretty heavenly right then, though. She was passed around once again as everyone said goodbye. The little kids all needed a hug and kiss from her, and she once again felt that warm glow in her heart as she held them tightly against her chest. She obviously loved this big chaotic family. Memory or not, she felt at home – at ease with her world.

She stood next to Chad as they waved goodbye to the last departing family members.

“Sorry about that, Bree. When your family makes up their minds, there’s no stopping them. That’s one of the things I love about them most,” Chad told her as he led her inside. Bree collapsed in the comfortable chair, feeling like her eye lids weighed fifty tons.

“I loved it. They’re a bit overwhelming, but it’s obvious they love me. I think my memory will come back. I have a good feeling about it…” she trailed off.

Her words sent an arrow of panic through Chad. When she realized he’d lied to her, she was going to be furious. He would just make sure she fell in love with him before that happened so she wouldn’t want to leave.

“That’s great. I need to go tend the animals,” he said, sounding short as he strode out the door. He tried to ignore the startled look in her eyes, and the flash of hurt his words caused. He mucked the horse stalls until his muscles were screaming and sweat dripped from his brow. He pushed himself hard, hoping by the time he went inside, he’d be able to fall face first into bed and pass out.

It didn’t work. After a hot shower, he crawled into bed, where he laid for hours, his mind filled with thoughts of Bree, and wishing she were lying next to him. He would’ve most likely caved and went to her, had she not been sleeping so soundly.

She wanted her own room until she felt more comfortable in their relationship. She’d laughed about it, patting her stomach, but she said it felt wrong for them to sleep together when he was too much like a stranger still. Though he may not survive it, he hadn’t argued with her. But he didn’t think he was going to get any rest with her sleeping only a few short feet away.

Chapter Ten

Chad took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. He wanted to marry her, and preferably before she got her memory back. She carried his child – he wouldn’t let the baby be raised without a father. He’d be there to always protect them both.

Bree was sitting in the kitchen when he came around the corner. She gave him a tentative smile, unsure of why he’d stormed away from her the night before.

“Let’s get married now,” he blurted, then wished he could take back his words when her eyes widened and she sat with a stunned look on her face. He should have gently approached the subject.