Runaway Heiress Page 20

“You are, aren’t you?”

“Originally, yes, I was asked to guard you. But I’m not being paid to do it. I wanted to,” he said in a half-truth. He hadn’t wanted to babysit her in the beginning, but now they couldn’t pay him to stay away.

“This just keeps getting better. So, what? You were guarding the princess, got bored, and decided to bed me to pass the time,” she practically shouted.

“It wasn’t like that. We slept together because neither of us could keep our hands off the other. You’ve never complained, so don’t act all high and mighty,” he shouted back.

Their morning wasn’t going the way he wanted it to go, and he’d much rather be ripping her clothes off than fighting over something insignificant.

“We need to get ready and go to your place,” he said as he walked to the bedroom. Bree was right behind him.

“I’m not going anywhere until you explain everything to me,” she stormed.

Bree watched in amazement as he ignored her tantrum and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door with a resounding click. She thought about pounding on the wood until she drove him crazy, but finally decided to just get dressed. He wasn’t going anywhere – she’d get information one way or the other.

Chapter Thirteen

Bree stepped into her home and looked around. She was hoping the familiar surroundings would jar her memory, but the more she looked over her items, the more frustrated she became. She didn’t feel a personal connection to any of it. Nothing – not even a twinge.

“It’s okay, Bree. You didn’t live here very long. Don’t expect a floodgate of memories to come flying back,” Chad reassured her, reading the emotions on her face.

She watched as Chad joined her brothers and they looked through the apartment. Items were strewn across the floor and she looked in horror at her torn up clothing. Why would the person want to destroy her things? That didn’t make any sense.

“Get out of my way. Where’s my daughter? Why wasn’t I called last night?” Bree heard the unmistakable voice of her father. She smiled, already feeling as if she knew him well.

“We didn’t see a reason to alarm you. We had the situation under control,” she heard Chad say, to which George started thundering again.

“Under control! My daughter was shot at, and you say the situation was under control. I ought to take you out back and whip you, boy,” George roared. Bree figured it was a good time to get out there and save the men.

“Hi, Dad,” she said as she walked up and gave him a hug.

His anger evaporated as he took her in his arms and held her so tightly she couldn’t breathe. When she started gasping for air, he finally released his death grip.

“Are you okay, baby? I’ve been so worried. They should’ve called me,” he said in a rush of words.

“I’m okay, Dad. They really did handle everything. It was late,” she said, instantly regretting it when she saw the fire light back up in his eyes.

“I had to learn about the shooting from my friend who works at city hall. How do you think that makes me feel? My child gets shot at, and a virtual stranger is the one to tell me about it. I would think I’d raised you kids well enough that you’d call me in a crisis,” he said, sounding more hurt than angry.

Bree quickly threw her arms back around him, and had to fight the tears wanting to fall. She couldn’t stand hurting this man who’d been nothing but good to her.

“I’m sorry, I really am. Next time, we’ll call you the minute something happens,” she promised.

“I certainly hope there won’t be a next time. I think you need to come back home,” he said as if that would solve all problems.

Bree watched as Chad tensed on the other side of the room. She thought about taking the easy out and going home. She even tried to make herself nod her okay, but found herself shaking her head, instead. No matter how much she told herself to accept, her head wouldn’t listen. She just kept shaking it, no.

She noticed Chad visibly relax at her refusal.

“I don’t understand it. You’re still as stubborn as ever, even with amnesia,” he said, but there was also pride in his tone. She could see he was proud of her for taking a stance. For some reason, his approval meant a lot to her.

“I just want to keep you safe,” he pled.

“I know you do. I’m overwhelmed with all the love you’ve given me. I know it won’t take long for me to remember everything. With a family like mine, I have to. It would be a crime to lose an obviously great life,” she said, soothing his feelings.

Though she was trying to make him feel better, she found that she meant the words. She wanted to remember her past, her family. Even if the worst were to occur and she never regained her past, she would love them anyway.

“Bree, maybe it would be better if you just went back home. I know you don’t have your memory back, but as the only impartial person in the room, I think I can speak honestly without a lot of emotions getting involved. Someone is obviously out to get you, and you don’t know who it is. It seems the smart thing to do would be to go home, where your family can keep you safe,” Charlie said.

Bree looked at him blankly, not having a clue who he was.

“Sorry, Bree. This is Charlie, my best friend. You’ll remember everyone after a while. He wanted to come to the hospital, but got called away on business,” Trenton said.

“I’m Sorry, Charlie. I still don’t have my memory back,” Bree said, feeling bad when she saw the hurt expression on his face.

Bree looked over at Chad who was glaring daggers at Charlie and not even trying to hide it. It seemed Chad didn’t like another good-looking man in the room who wasn’t related to her. Bree’s hackles stood up and she gave Charlie a hug, partly to make up for not knowing who he was, and partly to show Chad she could do whatever she liked. She could swear she heard him growl. She smiled.

“We may as well sit down and try to figure this out,” George said, and Charlie released her. Bree thought that was wise, considering she noticed Chad took a menacing step toward them. She decided to back off Charlie before a fist fight started.

She sat on the couch, where Chad quickly joined her, cutting Charlie off. The testosterone was flying through the room. Bree wanted to get up and open a window, but dutifully stayed where she was.

“I may not have my memory back, but I know I want independence. I feel safe at Chad’s ranch, and I don’t think there’s any need for me to be moved. I’m not a child, and I don’t need to run home every time I get scared. I hope you can all understand that,” Bree stated with little emotion in her voice. She wanted to make a point without hurting feelings.

“You know we’re all just concerned about your safety. If you come home until the person after you has been caught, then none of us will complain when you want your independence,” Trenton said.

“Do you run home each time you receive a threat?” Bree asked. Trenton laughed as if what she said was funny, until she raised her eyebrow, letting him know she was waiting for an answer.

“That’s different, Bree,” Trenton said.

“How so?”

“Well… um… you know,” he hedged.

“No. Obviously, I don’t know. So please explain it to me,” she said, not backing down.

“It’s just that, well, I’m a guy,” he said, and her eyes fired at him. If looks could kill, Trenton would be dead where he sat.

“That is completely chauvinistic and you know it. Just because I’m a girl, doesn’t mean I’m less than any of you. I’ve obviously managed to stay alive this long. I’ll admit, getting shot and losing my memory is not the funnest experience I’ve had, not that I can remember my funnest times right now, but still. You can’t treat me like a five year old child. You’re acting like pigs,” she said as she looked into the eye of each man in the room.

They looked down uncomfortably, then Chad squeezed her hand. She turned on him.

“I may be choosing to stay with you, but the same goes for you. I’m only staying because I think it’s important for me to know the father of my child. I won’t be treated like an invalid, though,” she said, causing the smile to drop from his lips.

“I don’t…” he began.

“Yes, you do, and it needs to stop. I don’t mind you wanting to protect me, but you won’t keep information from me anymore, and you’ll treat me as an equal. My son or daughter won’t think their father is the all-mighty, while their mother is a weakling,” she said. Chad grinned before leaning down and kissing her square on the mouth, taking the rest of her words away.

“Very well said,” he agreed, but she could see the twinkle in his eyes. They’d talk more once they were in private.

“I’m proud of what a strong woman you’ve become, Bree. I won’t ever stop worrying about you, but rest assured that I worry just as much about your insufferable brothers. I’m a father, and that’s what we do. You’ll soon understand how I feel,” George said as he pointedly glanced at her stomach. He was visibly upset – but trying to hide it.

Bree hated knowing she’d upset her father, but she couldn’t back down or she’d never regain the ground she’d managed to forge for herself. She had to stay firm – but that didn’t mean she had to be cruel.

“You all trusted Chad enough to appoint him as my personal babysitter, so you should trust him enough to continue the job,” Bree said, glaring at Trenton, who squirmed in his seat.

“You’re pregnant?” Charlie asked in stunned disbelief, causing all eyes to turn to him.

“I can’t believe I didn’t tell you,” Trenton said. “With everything else going on, I forgot. Sorry, man.”

“And you’re the father,” Charlie practically spit at Chad. “Maybe if you were more concerned about her safety, instead of getting her into bed, she might not have been shot.”

Chad’s eyes widened at Charlie’s words, and Bree felt him tense next to her. She knew he was about ready to jump up and pound the guy.

“Listen, you son of a…” Chad started to say.

“Come on guys. Let’s not let this get out of hand,” Trenton interrupted, standing up so he could play referee if things escalated.

“Are you seriously going to let this piece of work be alone with her?” Charlie practically yelled.

“Are you kidding me? I don’t know you, but you’re way out of line. I’d back down if I were you.” Chad spoke with so much authority, Bree expected Charlie to back off, but the man was either an idiot or had a death wish.

“Bree, this guy’s taking advantage of you. He obviously can’t keep you safe. He seems more concerned with taking your innocence than doing his job,” Charlie said and made a move to take her hand.

Chad jumped between Charlie and Bree so quickly Trenton didn’t have time to blink, let alone stop him. Chad slammed his fist into Charlie’s chest, sending him flying back and pinned him against the wall.