Runaway Heiress Page 22

“What man?” Chad interrupted.

“He’s not the type of guy who gives you a name, you know? I just called him Mr. X. Well, I was just supposed to write these letters and stuff. Trail a girl. Nothing big – not anything that could get me in any real trouble, and he was paying well – real well,” the man continued.

“You consider scaring an innocent woman not a crime?” Chad demanded.

“I didn’t break the law. It wasn’t like I tried to touch her or anything,” the man defended himself.

Chad stood up from the table, leaned down and got in the man’s face. The guy scooted his chair back, fear displayed in his eyes.

“Okay, you’re a freaking boy scout. Do you have any useful information for us?” The Captain interrupted before things got out of hand.

“Well, things started escalating. Mr. X wanted me to break into her house and take some items. I wasn’t going down for that crap. I know the lock-up time for breaking and entering. I was just supposed to shadow her, you know? I’m not up for the hard core stuff. I’ve cleaned up my act – learned my lesson,” he said with a fake smile.

Bree knew the man was full of it. She wouldn’t put it past him to do anything for a few bucks.

“Besides, I didn’t get paid after the last time I hand delivered a note. I’m out there risking my reputation, and he stiffs me,” the man stated.

Bree realized why he was so willing to turn over his boss. He wasn’t getting money any longer, so he had nothing to lose. He thought maybe he could get out of charges if he came forward instead of being busted.

“How did you get ahold of this man?” the Captain asked.

“He gets ahold of me. I don’t have contact information on him. But, I thought you could do one of those wire thingy deals, or something like that. I’d be willing to risk my life… if there were some benefit to me,” he smirked.

“Do you seriously think we’re going to pay you after what you’ve done? You’re going to be lucky to get out of jail in the next five years,” the Captain thundered. He was obviously furious at what was looking more and more like a waste of all their time.

“Look, I didn’t have to come forward,” the man said, starting to sweat as he squirmed around in his chair.

“You came forward because you thought it could somehow benefit you, you piece of crap,” Chad said. He was sick of speaking to the low-life thug, and he didn’t think they were going to get anything useful out of him.

“Wait!” he shouted when it was obvious he’d lost their attention. “I know he’s going to be calling me soon. He said he has something real big planned for the upcoming holiday,” the man said, trying to hook the bait.

“I’m not listening to this anymore. You’re obviously where you belong,” Bree said. She couldn’t stand the stench of the man any longer and wanted out of the room. She felt like the walls were starting to close in around her.

“You high and might b…” he started to say, when Chad reached out and backhanded him across the room.

“I dare you to complete that sentence,” Chad said, itching to pummel him.

The man glared at him, then turned his head and spat a stream of blood.

“That’s assault. I want to press charges,” he shouted to the Captain, who was looking at the door.

“What? I didn’t see anything. It looks to me like you tripped over the legs of the table. You really should work on your balance,” the Captain said with a serious face.

“All you high and mighty pieces of crap stick together. I’ll sue you – all of you. I know you have lots of money, little girl. Mr. X talked all about what a rich family you come from. I’ll own everything you have. This is brutality,” he shouted.

Bree had to fight the sudden urge to laugh. The man was pathetic and he couldn’t help them. Her hopes had been raised for nothing. She stepped past him, and at the last minute dug her three inch heel into his shoeless foot. He screamed out, but Bree was at the door before he made a lunge for her.

Chad threw his elbow back, connecting with the man’s head, sending him sprawling to the floor. His yelling stopped as he was knocked unconscious.

“Let’s go,” Chad told her. Neither of them looked back as the Captain ordered one of his deputies to lock the man up.

“Have you verified his name? Done a background check?” Chad asked as they made their way down the hall.

“Got his name. Robert Loren. Just a small-time petty thief. He served about five years up state and has been out for two. He hasn’t held a job longer than two weeks, but I don’t think he’s capable of being the mastermind behind this. I think he’s telling the truth,” the Captain stated.

“I agree. I was hoping he had useful information when you called, though.”

“Me too, I’m sorry to have wasted your time,” the Captain said.

“I’m glad we came, and we did get some information. Apparently, Mr. X isn’t finished with his games,” Bree said. She was more furious than afraid at that moment.

“Go home. If I get any other information, I’ll call right away,” the Captain said while leading them back to the lobby.

“It’s been a rough day. We’ll start over tomorrow,” Chad told her as he led her down the stairs and over to his truck.

He helped her inside, then walked around and started the vehicle. They were silent on the way home, both lost in their own thoughts.

Chapter Fifteen

Bree woke up to a beautiful, bright, sunny morning and decided she needed a walk. She knew Chad would be furious, but it had been a week and no one had shot at her, left ominous notes, or tried to kidnap her. The ranch was surrounded by security men and she was safe to walk the short distance to the lake. She’d deal with Chad’s lecture – it was worth it to get a little alone time.

She quickly showered and dressed in a light summer dress, thankful for a rare day of warmth in the unpredictable Washington weather. She didn’t bother with makeup or doing her hair, just threw it up in a messy bun and called herself good.

Her foul mood the last few days had chased Chad to the barn, and even caused her brothers to back off. She was tired of being treated like the princess Chad had called her. She was a woman, and it was time he knew it.

Chad hadn’t so much as kissed her all week, and she thought she may die of sexual frustration. She didn’t want to be the one to make the first move – that was his job. His idea that them being intimate clouded his ability to protect her was getting on her nerves.

Maybe if she agreed to marry Chad, he’d actually take her to bed again.

Bree reached the pond and sat down, grabbing a handful of rocks and tossing them in the water, one by one, watching the ripples as they floated further from her.

She leaned her head back and enjoyed the sounds around her. She could hear the cows in the pasture mooing, the horses neighing, and all kinds of woodland creatures playing in the nearby woods. It was peaceful, relaxing, and soon she found herself drifting to sleep.

Bree stirred restlessly on the ground, her nightmare causing her body to sweat and her muscles to tense. Chad was standing such a short distance away. He was yelling something at her, but she couldn’t hear him. She could see his mouth moving, but no sound was coming out.

Then, there was a man wearing a dark mask. He had a gun and it was pointed right at Chad. No! she screamed, but Chad wouldn’t face the man. All of a sudden a shot rang out and she watched as he collapsed to the ground.

Bree jerked awake, tears falling down her face. She turned her head, trying to get her bearings. Where was she? Where was Chad? He was hurt – she had to help.

Upon becoming fully awake, she realized she’d only been dreaming, and vivid details of her nightmare came flooding back to her, overwhelming her in their intensity. Suddenly the fog in her mind began to lift and color filled its place, bringing her lost memories to life.

She remembered everything. Chad getting shot, the men capturing her, Chad saving her, and the man facing them, firing his gun. She flinched, remembering the fear as she saw that small puff of smoke rising from his gun right before the bullet struck.

Bree sat by the water for another half hour, too shaken up to move. With her memories back, she couldn’t stop the overwhelming emotions that came with them.

After compiling all the pieces of the last several months together, she felt such relief at the picture of her life she was able to visualize again. She was one-hundred-percent in love with Chad. She’d started falling in love with him before she was hurt, but was even more in love now. He’d been by her side night and day – risked his own life for her. She couldn’t imagine being without him.

Her hand moved down to her still flat stomach as she fully comprehended she was having his child. They’d made a baby together. Their child was strong like its father. Her pregnancy survived Bree being shot, sitting in the hospital in a coma, and all the stress that was known to cause miscarriages.

Bree was filled with unbelievable joy at how her life had changed so much in only a few short months.

She had to find Chad. His quest of keeping them platonic was about to end because if he didn’t take her to bed soon, he may see a true tantrum from the princess. She laughed aloud at her own joke.

Ah, she missed Jennifer, her brother’s wife. They’d become so close since she’d married Trenton. Bree hurt thinking about how hard this must have been on her best friend. Jennifer hadn’t shown how hurt she must have felt at having Bree not remember her, but Bree knew if the situation was reversed and Jennifer didn’t know who she was, she’d be devastated.

She had to call her.

Well, after she spent alone time with Chad.

“Bree,” she heard Chad shout. She grinned in anticipation. His tone sounded furious, mixed with a twinge of worry. She’d broken his rule of never going anywhere alone. Bring it on, she thought. Their fights always ended most satisfyingly.

“Over here,” she called, then heard his footsteps racing toward her. She grinned more. She knew he could move silently through the woods. He wanted her to know he was coming. Her stomach tightened with raw need.

Chad came to a halt five feet in front of her. He quickly scanned the area before turning back to glare at her. She smiled sweetly at him. She wasn’t ready to tell him her memory was back. He’d played with her, now it was her turn to play with him.

“You aren’t supposed to go off by yourself,” he finally said between clenched teeth.

“I needed a walk,” she answered sweetly.

She watched as his forehead wrinkled. She could practically hear him counting in his head. Oh, how she loved pushing his buttons.

“It’s for your own safety,” he finally muttered.

“As you can see, I’m alive and well,” she answered in the same tone she knew was grating on his nerves. Her nipples grew hard, and she felt heat building. She tried to tell herself anticipation was half the fun, but she was about out of patience. She was salivating at the thought of his thick erection plunging into her. She looked down his body and licked her lips when she saw him tense at her overly sexual glance.