Runaway Heiress Page 8

“I… I… wasn’t…” she tried to say.

“Thank you,” he said as he gently kissed her. He felt utter exhaustion overtake him as he lay next to her. She tensed for a moment, but he wasn’t letting her retreat. They could fight when the morning came. Right then, he felt better than he ever had before and he just wanted to hold her.

He wouldn’t let the guilt wash through him, or think of the job he was supposed to be doing. He would fall asleep with her in his arms, and when morning came, they could deal with the world. He reached out and flipped off her light, then pulled her against his body, and fell asleep with a smile still on his face.

Chapter Five

Chad woke up with Bree pressed tightly against him. He took a few moments to gaze at her face – so innocent in sleep. She looked young and carefree in the early morning hours. With reluctance, he untangled himself from her arms and legs, almost changing his mind when she grumbled in her sleep.

He sat on the edge of the bed while she twisted around, reaching out her arm. She finally found the pillow and pulled it against her chest, then sighed as her deep breathing resumed.

Chad quickly used the shower and dressed, then peeked in the door at her still sleeping form. He smiled, hoping she didn’t wake before he was finished with his surprise. She’d been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours and she deserved to wake up to something positive.

He searched her fridge, grateful to find all he would need, and then he got to work. Within a half hour he was ready and found a makeshift tray that he loaded and carried to her room. She started to stir when he sat down on her mattress. The smell of fresh coffee must have woken her.

“Mmm,” she groaned as her eyes slowly opened and she looked around.

“Good morning,” Chad said as he leaned down and kissed her soft lips. She tensed as her eyes opened fully.

“What… What time is it?” she stuttered, unsure of how to act the morning after.

“You have plenty of time to get to work, it’s only six-thirty,” he answered.

She looked from his face to the tray on her night stand. He’d made her his specialty dish, the one and only thing he knew how to cook to perfection, a Denver Omelet with crispy bacon, hash browns and toast on the side.

“Sit up and I’ll hand you the tray. I thought after the day you had yesterday, breakfast in bed would be just what the doctor ordered.”

Bree slowly rose and Chad placed the tray on her lap. She looked down as she fought to keep her tears from falling. No man had ever done something so sweet for her and she was having a difficult time maintaining her composure.

“Thank you,” she finally murmured as she picked up the coffee and took a sip. It was perfect.

She lifted the fork and took a bite of the omelet and once again her eyes widened as the fluffy masterpiece practically melted in her mouth.

“This is delicious,” she exclaimed before shoving another bite in. Before she knew it, her plate was clean and she gave him a sheepish smile.

“I never get to eat so well. I’m usually running late and lucky to have time for a piece of toast. That’s one thing I miss from home. Dad has the best cook in the world,” Bree said. She polished off the rest of her coffee, then knew she had to get up and ready for her busy day.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Chad said, feeling pleased with himself.

“Thank you,” Bree said. “I don’t want to be rude, but I have to get ready for work…” she hedged. She didn’t want to climb from her bed naked, and she was currently sitting there, wrapped in nothing but a thin cotton sheet.

“Before you get ready, I have a gift for you,” Chad said with a smile.

Bree looked at him to the small box in his hand. Her eyes rounded in excitement mingled with fear.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing too extreme,” he said as he set the box in front of her.

She reached out tentatively as if the small package would somehow strike her if she moved too quickly. Chad gave her an encouraging smile.

She untied the bow and opened the box.

“Oh, Chad, it’s beautiful,” she gasped as she pulled out the necklace. It was a small locket on a thin gold chain. “Help me put it on,” she demanded as she exposed the slender column of her throat.

With almost trembling hands, Chad held the dainty chain and clasped it around her neck. The slight feel of her satin skin sent awareness zipping through him. He had to leave now.

“I’ll take these,” Chad said as his eyes drifted to the swells of her breasts, where the sheet had slipped. She tightened it back up while he grabbed the tray and exited the room.

Bree leaned her head against the wall and groaned. Oh, the man should come with a warning label. He was drop-dead-gorgeous, made love like a god, and could cook, too. She’d never survive if he hung around her night and day. Right then she decided to take it a day at a time.


The days started drifting, one into the other and before Bree realized it, an entire month passed. She and Chad had found an easy rhythm, comfortable in each other’s presence, but he didn’t try to take her to bed again. She almost wished he would. She couldn’t make the first move, but she also wouldn’t resist if he did.

They watched movies together, laughed, yelled and had some pretty intense standoffs. He was still too over-the-top most of the time, but she also got to see a side of him she was sure he didn’t show too many people.

He held doors open for her and pulled out chairs. He insisted on paying when they went to eat, though she would point out it wasn’t a date, he’d mutter about stubborn women and hand over his credit card.

The thing that scared Bree the most was how dependent she was becoming on him. She was asked out by her co-workers often on Friday nights, but she refused. She knew Chad would trail along, staying in the background, but she found she didn’t want to go out with anyone other than him.

What had happened to her desire to be alone?

She continued to go to work, he followed. She left work and he was right there. No more threats came in – everything seemed to be back to normal so she didn’t see any reason for him to stay, though she wanted him to. The thought of making him leave tugged at her gut. She had to firm her resolve and tell him his services were no longer required, because he was creating havoc with her body, which didn’t want to listen to her mind. What she really wanted to do was rip every last piece of his clothing away and climb on top of him.

The last few days she’d managed to stop talking to him all together, which seemed to make her die a bit inside.

“Don’t you think the cold shoulder is getting a little old?” Bree nearly jumped out of her skin when Chad startled her from her self pep-talk.

“I think it’s time for you to admit I don’t need a bodyguard. No more letters have come in. No prowlers are lurking around corners. I’ve called my father and told him, and even he seems to think he may have overreacted.”

“That’s not what he said to me. He doesn’t feel you’re safe on your own. If you go back home, you can be rid of me,” he said with a mocking smile.

“You’re the most frustrating man I’ve ever met,” she said as she jumped to her feet and got in his face. It wasn’t an easy task to accomplish, considering he stood a good eight inches taller than her, but with her heels on, she made up some of the difference. Being short wasn’t an advantage when dealing with a six-foot-four, muscle bound Neanderthal.

“That’s a bit of the pot calling the kettle black, don’t you think?” Chad said with a smile.

She pushed her finger into his chest, her temper escalating, along with her desire. She was furious at her traitorous body for wanting the insufferable man.

Chad snaked his hand out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her off balance and causing her chest to fall against his. When she felt the intensity of their touch, she instantly grew moist – her body readying in anticipation of him.

When Bree made a sound low in her throat, Chad’s entire body came to life. He’d been killing himself trying to fight his attraction to her. She was the devil in disguise and he knew she’d be the end of him. Simply watching her do the most mundane of tasks, such as bending over to pick something up, sent his body into overdrive. One night of lovemaking hadn’t been enough and he was furious at his lack of self-control.

It seemed all rational reactions were out the window where Bree Anderson was concerned.

He pushed his fingers through her silken strands of hair and pressed his lips against hers before he could stop himself. He had to taste her – just for one minute. A moment of weakness wouldn’t kill them.

He had to stop.

His job was to protect her – not seduce her in the middle of a public park. They were out in the open with dozens of people walking by. He couldn’t seem to get the message to his brain, though. His lips caressed hers until her mouth opened and he felt the tip of her tongue lick against his bottom lip.

His groin jumped to life and he pressed her back against the park wall, his hands tugging on her hair, holding her mouth firmly in place beneath his own as his tongue swept along her lips.

His mind said to stop – but his body needed more.

Deepening the kiss, he forgot everything around them until he heard laughter from some kids, then the sound of kissing noises. He finally managed to pull his head clear and turned to see a group of children laughing at the two of them while kissing their hands.

Bree looked at him through passion filled eyes, leaning toward him, when she finally heard the kids. Her eyes rounded as she turned her head, then her cheeks flushed as she realized the display they’d put on.

She pushed against his chest and he could tell she was mortified by what they’d been doing. Chad kept trying to tell his highly aroused body it just a kiss, not worth getting all worked up over.

“No more,” she said breathlessly as she moved away another foot, putting space between them. He wanted to follow and drag her back but he knew she was smart to move away.

“I know. I tend to lose my mind around you,” he admitted. She looked surprised by his honesty.

“We can’t work together anymore. Obviously I don’t use the best judgment around you, and contrary to what you may believe, I don’t normally sleep with men I barely know. I’m going for a walk. So help me, if you follow, I’ll call the sheriff and tell him you’re attacking me,” she threatened.

He had a feeling she wasn’t bluffing. He decided to give her a little space. Not too much, he still wasn’t assured of her safety, but since nothing had happened in a month, she was safe to take a short stroll.

Bree turned and walked down the wooded path. When she reached the bend, he started following. He’d just make sure to stay out of her sight. What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, after-all.

After five minutes of walking, he figured she was about thirty yards ahead of him. That’s when he heard her scream and all bets were off – he shouldn’t have allowed her to walk away. He reached for his gun and took off, sprinting down the trail. He turned the corner to find Bree sprawled on the ground.