Blackmailing the Billionaire Page 14

His fingers danced forward, finally giving her what she wanted, and brushing over her peaked nipple. He rolled the nipple between his thumb and finger, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make her cry out. He moved his hand away and she uttered a protest, before realizing he had the bottom of her top in his hands and was quickly ripping it away.

With her shirt out of the way her breasts were there for him to freely explore. He laid her back on the couch, devouring her with his eyes. She became nervous when he did nothing but look at her for a moment. Then, he let out a low moan and brought his head down, swiping his tongue along the bottom of her throat. She threw her neck back, allowing him easier access. He moved down, licking the top of her breast, caressing her stomach with his fingers.

He kissed along the swollen mounds, but only circled her peaked nipple. She shifted her body, trying to guide his mouth where she wanted it. “Please,” she cried out. She needed him to relieve the ache.

Finally, he took her hardened bud into his mouth, sucking the swollen peak deep inside the warm recesses of his mouth while swirling his tongue against it. Her back arched off the couch in intense pleasure. He gripped both breasts, lavishing equal attention on each one. She was in a complete haze, and felt she’d die if he dared stop.

He pressed his hips into her opened legs, letting her feel how turned on he was. She wanted no clothing between them. She wanted to feel his hard manhood filling her up. She jerked her hips again, trying to relieve some of the aching.

He brought his lips back to hers, kissed her long and hard, before moving off her. She was ready to cry out her protest when she saw him shedding his clothes. Yes! She inwardly cried. She couldn’t turn away as the firelight reflected off his naked chest, even more defined than she could’ve ever imagined. Her dreams had nothing on the reality of the man.

He pushed down his pants and she gasped at the sight of him fully erect, glistening in the firelight. He was so beautiful, and she felt complete satisfaction knowing she’d brought him to the state he was in.

Before she had any more time to think, he reached down, and quickly removed the rest of her clothes, leaving her bare for his inspection. She immediately wanted to cover up, but he quickly grabbed her arms and moved them above her head, trapping her.

“You had your turn, now it’s mine,” he whispered only seconds before he kneeled over her. She wanted to protest, but the second his body slid along hers, she lost the words.

He slid his hand from her throat, over her breasts, taking time to tease her nipples, then down her quivering stomach, until he reached her heat. He spread her legs with his, then dipped his finger over her swollen womanhood, causing her to gasp. Inserting his finger inside her folds, his eyes dilated as he found her hot and ready. She didn’t need any more seduction; she only needed him deep inside her. She needed him to fill the void she didn’t even know she had until meeting him.

“Please, now,” she begged him. She’d never before begged for anything in her life, but she couldn’t seem to stop begging.

He didn’t take any more convincing than that. He released her hands, which she quickly wrapped around his neck. He moved his body over hers, the head of his erection sitting at her entrance, waiting to plunge inside. She shifted upward, wanting him to close the gap and thrust inside her. He gripped her hip, then finally moved forward, parting her folds inch by inch, until he had them fully connected.

“Oh, so good,” she cried, wrapping her legs tightly around his backside. He paused for a moment, both of them enjoying the feeling of being so intimately entwined. Then, he started moving. He gripped her hips tightly in his hands as he easily found a pleasurable rhythm for them. He thrust slowly at first, then started moving faster as both their bodies built ever higher toward ecstasy.

He brought his head back down, capturing her lips, tangling his tongue with hers, while his body thrust in and out of her moist recesses. She could feel her stomach tightening. She could feel the tingling start in her core, and then radiating out through her limbs. She was close, so very close. Just a few more thrusts and she’d be there…“aahhh,” she cried out as the orgasm ripped through her, causing her entire body to tighten in pleasure.

Her legs gripped him hard, while he picked up his pace even faster, his face contorting in pleasure. He cried out, then she felt his body vibrating as he repeatedly pumped inside her. He slowed his movement, pushing gently in and out of her now satisfied core, giving them both every second of pleasure he could.

Finally, she felt the last of his shudders ripple through him, then he collapsed on top of her. She rubbed up and down his back, loving his weight pushing her into the cushions. She loved the feel of his chest brushing her still sensitive breasts, and how his skin glistened with a slight sheen of sweat. She loved just about everything about the man who just gave her such intense pleasure.

He finally shifted, moving to a sitting position. She laid there, not knowing what she should do. Should she run for her room? He wasn’t saying anything, and that scared her. She became very conscious that she was lying completely naked. She jumped from the couch and made a beeline for the bathroom.

As she cleaned herself up she started to get angry. How dare he make her feel self-conscious after loving her like that. She’d been a willing participant; it wasn’t like she was going to be some simpering girl, now. Was he worried she’d start chasing him all over the place? She stayed in the bathroom for a long time, scared to face him when she didn’t know what was happening. Finally, she was tired and cold, so she wrapped herself in a large towel and crept back out. He wasn’t in the living room and his bedroom door was shut.

A tear escaped her eye before she could stop it. She wiped it away and quietly made her way to her bedroom. She cried herself to sleep, wondering how she was going to get through the next couple of days.

Chapter Seven

Max walked into the bedroom and sat on his bed. He was filled with a mixture of emotions. He’d never felt anything like that before with any woman he’d been with. She was sensual, funny, and full of life. The sex had been fantastic. Never had he left a woman’s bed without saying something first. He wasn’t known for his after sex bedroom talk, but he still felt horrible for slinking away when she went to the bathroom.

He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to justify his actions to himself. After an hour passed he had to fight not to go to her. He couldn’t turn it into something emotional. They were both consenting adults. They’d had sex - it was nothing more than that. Finally, he managed to fall into a restless sleep as dawn approached.

Max woke, surprised to see his clock read eleven. He’d never slept past seven. He figured he could give himself a break, considering he hadn’t gotten to sleep until at least six. He stumbled to the kitchen, immediately heading for the coffee pot. He prepared the coffee and watched the machine drip. There was no sign of Cassie. He was getting ready to approach her door, when he heard the familiar creek of the hinges. He breathed a sigh of relief. He tensed, waiting for her to step in the kitchen. She went straight to the bathroom, and he heard the tale-tell latch of the lock.

He grabbed his coffee and waited, leaning on the counter. He heard the shower start and smiled. She took her time and he waited, though grew impatient as the shower seemed to never end. He had their business meeting in a couple hours and he wanted to try to get some items straightened out before they left.

Finally, the door opened and she made her way toward the table, this time fully dressed in a silky looking blouse and slacks. She was avoiding eye contact. He never took his eyes off her, enjoying the sight and smell of her as she passed him and reached into the cupboard for her own cup. He noticed the slight shake in her hand as she set the cup on the counter and lifted the coffee pot.

“We need to talk,” he finally said, causing her to jump.

“Really? What about?” she asked as casually as she could manage. Max felt like throwing something. So, maybe it hadn’t been the best idea he’d ever had to walk away without saying a word.

“Look, Cassie, I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t know what to say. I don’t normally sleep with employees. I just…” he trailed off.

“I’m not your employee, Max. Secondly, I’m a big girl and make my own decisions. You didn’t force me into anything. It was fun, but it’s done with. Let’s not act like little girls and chat about our feelings, okay?” she told him. He knew she was putting up a wall, but her cavalier attitude got under his skin.

“Whatever the lady wants,” he sarcastically replied. He was going on a walk. He threw on his coat and marched to the front door. He got a very unwanted surprise when he opened it. There was no opening where it should be. In front of him was nothing but a solid wall of white. “What the hell?” he muttered, shocked out of his anger.

He poked his finger at the snow and found it wouldn’t budge. Attempting to dig at it, he found it didn’t even make a dent in the solid wall. When he figured out he was getting nowhere, he shut the door and walked to the living room window and pushed the curtains aside. How had he not noticed there wasn’t any natural light coming into the cabin? Probably because he was used to waking before dawn, so a dark room seemed like the beginning of his daily routine.

“What’s going on?” Cassie asked, staring at the white nothingness out the window. Max immediately went to his phone, flipping it open. He then tossed it on the couch and spoke a few choice words.

“No service. I have no idea what’s going on, and it looks like we’re trapped, at least for the moment,” Max said, running his hands through his hair.

“What do you mean we’re trapped?” she almost shrieked. Cassie was starting to panic as she realized her situation. She was stuck in a cabin, behind a wall of snow, who knows how high, with a man she’d just slept with, who regretted it. Just her luck, she thought as her lips twitched.

When she looked at Max’s incredulous expression, she lost it. Cassie doubled over as she began laughing so hard she could barely breathe. She couldn’t stop, though her stomach and sides were killing her. It was just such a typically awkward situation for her and she should’ve seen it coming the moment they hopped on the jet for Alaska. Heck, she was surprised the dang thing didn’t land in the middle of a snow covered mountain, leaving them stranded for weeks.

“What’s so damn funny?” Max demanded through gritted teeth. His hands on his hips and the tone of his voice sent her into another round of giggles. She dropped to the floor, her sides hurting so bad she couldn’t stand up any longer.

“Pl…please…d…don’t…say…anything…for…a…a…moment,” she managed to get out between fits of laughter. He made some kind of grunting sound, before turning away and stomping into his room. She managed to calm down after about ten minutes, and pulled herself together. She had tears streaming down her cheeks.

She knew the situation was anything but funny, but there was nothing they could do about it, so why not just let go and laugh? It could be worse. They could be stranded with zero food and no shelter. She finally realized there was a humming noise, and that’s why they still had power. There must’ve been a generator hooked up that automatically turned on when the power went out. It must be something that occurred regularly in the area. At least they had hot coffee. She didn’t know how long it would last so she had no choice but to talk to Max.