The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal Page 10

When they reached the sleeping section, she could feel her cheeks heat up at the huge bed in the main room. It even had an attached bathroom, bigger than the one in her apartment. She didn’t see how they could fit so much into the jet. It was large, but not overwhelmingly so from the outside.

She figured she’d be sleeping in the living room if it was too long a flight because there was no way she was sharing a bed with him. Hopefully, it didn’t become an issue.

“Where are we heading, anyway?” she finally asked.

“I have business in Austria. It’s a fairly long flight, but the jet’s comfortable so that shouldn’t be a problem,” he answered. She had to suck in the gasp wanting to escape. It looked like she’d be testing the comfortableness of the couch, after all. It was already early evening so they wouldn’t arrive until sometime the next day. She had no idea what time that would put them in Austria.

“The captain has asked you to buckle up now, Mr. Anderson. He’s gotten the go-ahead for take-off,” a woman said.

Jennifer quickly sat down and buckled her belt as tight as she could make it. She hated the take-off and landing part of flying. She was fine once they were in the air, that’s of course unless there was turbulence. She really hated turbulence, and if the jet hit one of those pockets of air and dropped, she’d begin to panic.

She sat tensely, gripping the armrest on her seat until they were safely in the air and the flight attendant came back and offered them drinks. She ordered something strong and slipped off into the bathroom to take a couple of strong sleep aides. She wanted to sleep through the flight and wake up once they landed.

She came back out and sipped on her drink and then something smelling heavenly was placed before her. She dug into the appetizer, loving whatever it was. She wasn’t used to eating such incredible food and thought she could get used to it.

“Well, it looks as if you’re enjoying the meal,” Trenton said with a chuckle. She turned a bit pink and thought, ‘what the heck’ she didn’t care if he thought she was a pig.

“I need to figure out how this was made. It’s so good,” she said. “Do you have a recipe?”

“I could ask,” he said, sounding amused. She didn’t care what he thought, he was used to the finer things in life but she’d always had to work hard for everything she got. She was a great cook and knew she’d be able to come pretty close to the same flavor.

More dishes were served and it seemed each one was better than the last. By the time dessert was presented her stomach was already filled to the full mark but it was dripping in rich chocolate and she couldn’t turn it down. Her sleeping pills were kicking in and she could feel the heaviness of her eyes. She wouldn’t last much longer.

They finished eating and then a warm cup of coffee was placed in front of her. It smelled delicious and she realized there must be a shot of rum in it. It tasted even better than it smelled. She finished the cup and laid her head against the seat. She wasn’t going to last very long, she thought happily.

“We should get some work done before we turn in for the night,” Trenton said, looking down at his laptop. She mumbled something and then let the fog drift over her and was soon sound asleep, sitting straight up in the chair.

Trenton looked over and realized Jennifer was out and not just napping, but really out. Hell, he most likely wouldn’t have been able to get any work done, anyway, as he was too anxious for the trip to really get started. He had a ton of work to finish, but he also planned on a lot of romance. He wanted her in his bed nightly, and he knew he was going to have to woo her.

The flight attendant came back and he dismissed her for the evening, put his lap top away, and bent down and lifted Jennifer into his arms. She immediately snuggled into him, making his body grow hard and his lips relax into a smile.

He didn’t think it was going to be difficult seducing his sexy assistant. He carried her back to his room and laid her on the bed. He removed her shoes and pants and left the rest of her clothes in place. He was certainly not going to violate her in her sleep.

After tucking her into the large bed, he decided it was too early for him to sleep, so he went back out into the main cabin and worked on some papers for a few hours. When his mind kept drifting back to Jennifer, in his bed, he finally gave up and joined her.

He laid there for a couple of hours, with her body pressed against him, simply enjoying the feel of her in his arms. He could get used to her sharing his bed. That was the last thought he had before sleep finally overtook him.


Trenton woke up with Jennifer pressed tightly against him and it was incredibly hard to extract himself from her warm body. He was aching and hard and wanted nothing more than to flip her over and plunge within her inviting heat, but even though he knew how great it would be, the consequences weren’t worth it.

He wanted her hot and willing, and he wanted her aware. He walked out to the main cabin and tried to do some work but gave up after re-reading the same line for the tenth time. He wasn’t happy this one woman had so much control over his emotions and his body. It made him feel weak and no woman should ever have that much control.

He knew the minute she entered the cabin, even though his head was leaned back against the seat and his eyes were shut. He could not only smell her aroma, which would stay with him the rest of his life, but he could feel her.

“How did I get back there?” she asked, as she took her seat across from him.

“I carried you, you were out cold,” he replied without looking up.

“Oh, uh, thanks,” she mumbled. The flight attendant walked in, breaking up the awkward silence.

“Would you both like some breakfast?” she asked.

“That would be great,” Trenton said. Jennifer was starving and glad he’d said yes.

“What would you like to drink?”

“I would love some coffee, extra sweet and also a big glass of milk,” Jennifer said.

“Black coffee,” Trenton added and then the flight attendant left to get their orders. She returned quickly with their drinks and some pastries, which Jennifer gulped down. Trenton watched her with a smile on his face.

“We have a few days before the meetings will start. We purchased some land over there about a year ago and are developing a new resort. Everything was fine until about a week ago, when some companies threw a few last minute wrenches in the works, trying to say there are environmental factors to consider. We did our research long before we ever bought the land and it’s all smoke screens from people trying to get more money out of us. This could take a while, but I have a feeling it will be solved quickly,” Trenton informed her.

Jennifer felt a shudder travel down her spine at the look in his eyes. She wouldn’t want to be his enemy, or on the wrong side of a business deal with him. He hadn’t become the corporate shark he was by backing down. She didn’t know what to say, as she didn’t even really know how she’d gotten the job in the first place. She was greatly lacking in the coldness factor required for her type of position. She couldn’t bluff her way out of anything - she’d end up losing a company millions by caving in on issues.

“So what are we going to do?” she finally asked.

“We’re going to meet with my attorneys, who have been working on this non-stop and then put the plan I’ve created into effect. I’ve been going over the complaints all week and there are many holes in the claims and we should be able to come to a mutual agreement,” he told her matter-of-factly. He didn’t seem to be in the least concerned.

“Why did you need me to come?”

“There’s a lot of work to do, Jennifer. You were told there was a lot of travel involved when you were interviewed,” he reminded her.

“I know,” she snapped. Luckily, the flight attendant appeared with the rest of their breakfast so she was able to break the glare he sent her way. He may be her boss and she may have a horrible crush on him, but he’d soon find she wasn’t easily walked on.

They finished their meal and before long the captain was announcing they’d be landing soon. Jennifer hated landing worse than taking off. It was especially bad when the aircraft bounced on the runway.

She gripped the armrest on her seat and started panting. She was fighting to not panic when Trenton moved seats to the one right next to her. He didn’t say a word, but his hand gripped hers and she felt the panic ebbing and she could breathe again.

It amazed her how the simple gesture was able to comfort her so much. She didn’t take her hand away, or even acknowledge it was there. She simply let the touch relax her. The jet touched down more smoothly than she’d ever experienced before, and she let go of the breath she didn’t even know she’d been holding.

“You have nothing to worry about, you know,” Trenton said with a chuckle and she looked at him with surprise. She’d forgotten he was there for a moment.

“I know a person is far more likely to die in a car crash than an aircraft accident, but there’s something terrifying about being so high up in the air in something weighing so much,” she said with a self-depreciating smile.

“There are many people afraid of flying, I’m just so used to it, I don’t even notice anymore,” he told her.

“Lucky you,” she said, not meaning it. She’d prefer to stay on solid ground at all times if she could get away with it.

“As soon as we get to the terminal, we’ll head to the hotel. We have a lot to get done before the official meetings start,” he told her, back to business.

“I’m ready,” she answered, though she felt she was in over her head.

They got off the jet and were whisked to a beautiful hotel. He’d rented a huge suite with multiple bedrooms, a large living room, and full-sized kitchen. There was a table set up for them to work on, so they immediately sat down and pulled out boxes full of papers.

She spent the rest of the afternoon typing up notes and filing things until she felt her brain was completely fried. She wondered if the man ever called an end to work. When her eyes felt like sand bags had spilled directly into them, he still seemed wide awake and raring to go. He finally looked up, and noticed her exhaustion, and decided to call it a night.

They worked just as hard over the following days. His attorneys came in and out, bringing more paperwork and picking up pages they’d modified. Jennifer quickly stopped trying to figure out what they were talking about and simply did her assigned work.

She looked longingly out the windows of the gorgeous suite, wanting so badly to explore the city she’d never thought she’d ever get to visit, but with Trenton’s work schedule she didn’t have the time. She hoped she’d get at least one day before they had to head back.

She’d been paranoid about them sharing the suite but he hadn’t seemed the least bit interested in sex, so her paranoia was for nothing. As a matter of fact, she started to feel a bit frustrated as she laid in her own room, nightly, feeling achy, like she was missing out on something.

“Jennifer, we need to leave,” Trenton snapped her out of her reverie.