The Billionaire Falls Page 12

She fell to the floor and sobbed. She knew things were too good to be true. How could she stay now when there was someone out there trying to get to her? What if he harmed her son while trying to harm her?

Mark walked in the front door, his heart almost stopping, when he saw Emily huddled on the floor, with sobs racking her entire body. He dropped to his knees and gathered her into his arms.

“Emily what’s happened? Is Trevor okay?” He asked in a panic. He gently shook her shoulders so she would look at him. He needed to know what was wrong.

She stared up at him with haunted eyes. She looked terrified and he knew he would go to the ends of the world to fight whatever demons were after her. He gathered her close, while the sobs kept racking her body. His eyes were searching frantically for Trevor. He could deal with anything else that was happening, if he knew Trevor was okay.

Edward walked into the room and immediately walked over. “What has happened?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” Mark answered. “Is Trevor okay?”

“Yes, Trevor is fine,” Edward answered. Mark visibly relaxed.

“Can you go stay with Trevor and make sure he doesn’t come in? I’m going to take Emily up to our room and find out what is going on,” Mark asked.

“Of course, sir,” Edward answered. His eyes followed Mark as he gently carried Emily up the stairs. He was as concerned about her as Mark was. Emily had already become a loved member of the household.

Mark laid her on the bed and then stretched out next to her, holding her until the sobs finally started to quiet down. When she was down to just a few hiccups, he pled with her to please tell him what was going on.

“W…we are g…going to have to m…move,” she finally managed to get out between hiccup sobs.

Mark felt as if his whole world had been flipped upside down. “Why would you even think that?” he asked her.

“Trevor isn’t safe,” she managed to gasp out and then handed him the letter that was crushed in her hand.

Mark read through the letter and then read it again to make sure he was really seeing what was there. He still held her close and made sure to gently rub her back but if she would’ve been able to see his eyes, her terror would have tripled.

He was simmering with so much fury it took all the well trained will-power he’d ever developed, not to smash up the entire room. He knew he had to stay calm and strong for her but how dare someone try and threaten his woman?

He’d always heard people talk about seeing red when they lost their temper and had thought it was nothing more than an expression. He now understood the reality of it. His fury was so intense he could actually see a red hue around the corners of his vision.

“It’s okay baby, I promise you this person will never come near you or Trevor,” he said with so much menace in his tone, she actually stopped long enough to look up at him in surprise.

He didn’t want her to see his eyes so he gently tucked her head back down to his shoulder, while he continued stroking her.

“You don’t understand Mark, he knows where I live. He could hurt Trevor trying to get to me,” she said. The tears were finally starting to dry.

“Emily I will repeat to you that I will never let anything happen to you or Trevor. I guarantee this guy won’t touch you,” he stated. He lifted her chin up, looking deeply into her eyes. He’d finally managed to somewhat control his turbulent emotions.

“How can you promise me that?” she asked.

“I was raised to always protect those I love,” he simply stated.

Emily inhaled as she realized what he’d said. She didn’t think he even realized he’d said he loved her. Her heart filled with so much warmth and light, after the total devastation, she felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest.

She snuggled even deeper into Mark’s strong arms and fell asleep, feeling comforted by his embrace and the warmth of his words.

Once Mark knew Emily was sleeping he got up and made a few phone calls. The first one was to an old high school friend, who was a classified military man. If anyone could get some answers into who was stalking Emily, it was Chad.

Chad reassured him he would be there within a couple of days. He would find out what was going on and the guy would never harm either Emily or Trevor. Mark smiled at the tone in his friend’s voice. He knew he’d made the right choice in calling him.

The next call was to his father. Joseph listened as Mark read the letter. “I’ll be right over. I’ll call your brothers,” was all he said, before hanging up the phone.

Mark went back to the bedroom so he could lie next to Emily again. He didn’t want her to wake up alone and panic. He needed to be there for her, to reassure her everything was going to be okay.

Emily woke in Mark’s arms and for a moment forgot all about the letter and the devastation. He was pressed up against her back and his desire for her was obvious. She rubbed against him, automatically stretching and pressing her backside closer to his hardness.

“Seriously woman you’re trying to kill me,” Mark mumbled into her hair, as he kissed her neck and ran his hand gently up her side, to cup her ample breasts. The peaks hardened instantly at his touch and she wiggled, trying to get as close to him as possible.

“That’s the plan,” she purred.

He flipped her over and they made love with a sweetness that was beyond anything she’d ever felt before. She was really starting to feel loved by the wonderful man, who she still couldn’t believe was a part of her life.

“I would much prefer to stay here in bed with you all day but we have guests,” he said to her, as he nibbled on her neck some more.

Suddenly the hours before she’d passed out came flooding back and Emily’s whole body stiffened. She was saddened to be brought back so suddenly to reality.

“It’s okay baby, I called my family and they are here, so we can all come up with a game plan. We are a family and we protect each other.”

“You shouldn’t have bothered them with this. You are safe,” she said perplexed.

Mark stared at her as if she’d lost her mind. “Do you really think either you or Trevor are any less important than me?” he asked her incredulously.

“I just meant your family didn’t have to drop everything because I got some creepy letter,” she tried to explain.

“That letter should be taken seriously and we are going to make sure you are safe,” he told her with finality. He was far too aware letters like that could lead to grave danger. When you grew up as wealthy as he had, things were always taken seriously and he didn’t want her to know how scared he really was.

Emily shrugged, caving in to his demands. “I’m going to shower really fast before heading down.”

“Do you need someone to scrub your back?” he asked with a wink.

“Then neither of us would ever get down there,” she said. She gave him a quick kiss and then firmly shut the bathroom door behind her.

Mark laid on the bed thinking of each moment he spent with her. He loved her strong will and he loved her kindness. He was falling in love with her. It scared the hell out of him but at the same time it felt right.

He finally made his way down the stairs and was surprised to see his entire family. Not only had his dad come with his brothers but their spouses and children too.

“Uncle Mark,” Jasmine yelled and threw her arms around his legs. “You took forever to come down. Daddy said you were comforting Aunt Emily,” she said and put quotation marks around comforting, like her daddy had done. She had no idea what she was saying but Mark glared at his brother anyway.

“Isn’t my niece a little bit young for you to be teaching bad habits?” Mark asked Lucas.

“Hey I was just telling her what a good comforter you are,” Lucas goaded him.

“Quit your fighting, we have things to discuss and people to beat the crap out of,” Alex said.

“Language Alex,” Jessica scolded him.

“Sorry, Honey,” Alex said sheepishly.

“I called Chad. He’ll be here in a couple days. I’m not sure where he’s flying from but it must be far away,” Mark informed them.

“I’m glad to hear he’s coming in to help out,” Joseph added, with relief evident.

“Me too,” Mark said. He was already feeling better about Emily’s safety just having his family in the room. There was no way anyone would get to her with his brothers there.

“We’re staying here until this gets solved,” Lucas said. The rest of the people in the room all nodded their heads in agreement.

“I’ve already prepared the rooms,” Edward added, as he set out some drinks and snacks.

Mark blinked several times as his eyes began to sting. He couldn’t imagine life without his family. He truly felt sorry for those millions of people who didn’t have the same support system.

He was grateful he had more money than he could possibly ever spend but he would give up every last dime before he would give up one member of his family. He realized that included Emily and Trevor as well.

Mark poured himself a double shot of whiskey and enjoyed the burning sensation as it slid down his throat and burned its way to his gut.

“Thank you guys, we’ll get this solved immediately,” he said to everyone.

Emily walked into the room just then and her eyes widened at the large crowd before her. She didn’t have time to say anything though because Jessica and Amy ran up to her and wrapped her in a group hug. “We are so sorry someone is trying to scare you,” Amy said. “We’ll never let anything happen to you,” Jessica added.

The three women stood together. They wiped a few tears and then quickly laughed, feeling secure as a unit. They’d already formed a bond stronger than most sisters. The guys crept back from them as if they were contagious. They didn’t know how to deal with women emotions.

“Women,” Alex whispered.

“Yeah, I know,” Lucas said.

“I don’t get them,” Mark added.

“Seriously, guys kill the problem while girls are always crying but that’s why we have to be there to protect them,” Joseph piped in.

All four men shook their heads in unison while heading to the barn to start discussing safety measures on the property. They didn’t have a clue one person was watching them the entire time. One person they would’ve never even thought about suspecting.

Chapter Six

The next couple of days flew by with no more incidents. No one let Emily get out of their sight. She was beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic. She had been staying almost nightly in Mark’s room, so he moved all her things in there, making it more permanent.

Mark explained it was safer for her to stay with him and with all the extra house guests they needed her room anyway. She was scared it was going to affect Trevor but he didn’t even seem to notice anything was unusual about the situation.

Mark and Emily made love each night and her worry seemed to fade away into nothingness. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was in love with Mark and if he were to grow bored with her, she would fall to pieces. She was in the very situation she’d tried so hard to avoid.