The Billionaire Falls Page 20

“Fine, I will remember and not be such a pain.”

The next adventure he took her on was snorkeling. She was getting so many new experiences and wanted to do every one of them forever.

Emily grabbed Mark’s arm as she gazed down into the water. She pointed below her and Mark watched as a turtle glided by. He pulled her into another location and pointed out the schools of colorful fish swimming by.

It was an exciting experience and by the time they came out of the water, they were both water logged and wrinkled up. They had lunch under an umbrella and rehydrated.

As they sat at the table, some musicians came up, playing music and serenading them. Emily thought it was wonderful and searched her purse to give them a tip. “Thank you,” she told them.

“No, thank you pretty senorita.”

Another vendor stopped by with a basket of roses and Mark bought every last one for her. She blushed as the other patrons all clapped at the romantic gesture.

“You’re far too beautiful to have only one color rose.”

“You’re far too romantic to be real,” she replied. She leaned across the small table and kissed him softly. “Thank you, Mark.”

“Ready to head to the room?” he asked hopefully.

“I’m very ready but you’ve promised me romance and I want to go dancing.”

“You are very right. Let’s enjoy the pool for a while and then I will take you to a salsa club,” he said, with a wiggle of his eyebrows. They laid out by the pool, soaking up the last few rays of sunshine, before the brilliant colors overtook the skies as the sun set.

They went to the room, where he once again tried to talk her into staying in but she was determined to go dancing in the romantic city. He took her to a smoky club and as she looked around, she was grateful it was dark, because the way people were dancing made her blush once more.

“Let’s dance,” he whispered huskily into her ear. Emily followed him out onto the floor and fell into his arms.

He began a game of seduction and she was a willing participant. His hands rubbed along her back and up her sides, brushing against her breasts. His mouth trailed down her throat and then back up to her lips, so he could tangle their tongues together.

“Mark, you make me feel so…” she gasped, as he pressed his hips into hers. She moved her hands from his neck, gripping his hips, to pull him even closer. He groaned as he mimicked lovemaking with her on the dance floor.

They played with each other, anticipating the night to come, building up desires, so when they did finally come together it would be with an explosion.

“We have to leave now, before I forget we’re in a public place,” Mark growled into her ear and then licked along the lobe.

“I’m ready whenever you are,” she purred and wiggled her hips against him a bit more, just to test her power over him. By his reaction she had quite the control.

Mark led her out of the club and hailed transportation. There was no way he had the patience it took for the long walk back to the comfort of their room.

Emily woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and hot food. She was starving after her adventurous day and night. She climbed from the bed and slipped on the silky robe, feeling extremely feminine.

“How did you sleep, Beautiful?” Mark asked, as he came from the other room to join her at the table. She already had her mouth full of food and had to swallow before she was able to answer him.

“I kept getting woke up for some reason,” she teased him.

“I can’t imagine who would ever do that.”

“I would have to say though, if I keep getting satisfied the way I have, it’s most definitely worth losing sleep over,” she said and gave him a seductive smile.

“Want me to show you some more pleasure?”

“I need nourishment,” she begged him, as she bit into a juicy piece of cantaloupe. Some of the juice dripped down her chin and Mark was quickly there to clean it up.

“I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he growled, before carrying her off towards their bed. They stayed there for a very long time, before finally deciding to enjoy their last day on the beach.

Mark showed her some new sites, took her for a romantic lunch and of course took her parasailing again. By the time they headed back to the hotel, Emily was once again ready to pass out. She couldn’t imagine a more perfect honeymoon than the one Mark was giving her.

Emily was sad as they packed their bags, to be taken downstairs. She wasn’t ready to return to the real world. She’d loved her time alone with Mark and was afraid that by stepping back into their normal lives they’d lose a piece of the magic they’d created.

The ride to the airport was silent as Emily took in everything she could before the inevitable plane ride. Mark could see her sadness and gently rubbed her back as they rode through the streets of Mazatlan.

She glanced out the window and saw a couple flying through the air on a parasail and sighed. She could easily stay there in the city for another week or even a month. Well she could if her son was there with them. She was already missing him and that made going home more bearable.

They walked through the airport and were seated in their first class seats before she knew it. The flight attendant offered them a drink and soon they were up in the air. A tear slipped down her cheek as she watched the beautiful Pacific Ocean slowly disappear beneath the low hung clouds.

“I will bring you back anytime you want,” Mark tried to sooth her.

“It’s not that Mark, it’s just been such a wonderful time being alone with you.”

“We will have plenty of time to be alone together,” he reassured her.

“You promise me?”

“Baby, I’ll be begging you to run off alone with me,” he said with a wicked smile. Some of the tension and sadness disappeared as she looked into Marks eyes. Maybe things would stay the same even with the real world intruding on them once again.

Chapter Ten

Emily smiled as she looked out into the yard at her son playing with the puppies. Mark was chasing them with the hose and Trevor was giggling while running away with two huge puppies at his heels.

As Mark doused them with water, the puppies started to yap and Trevor fell to the ground giggling. Emily couldn’t help but laugh along with them.

She’d been so reluctant to give up her fantasy world in Mexico but they’d been back for almost a month now and things had just gotten better each day. Mark hadn’t pulled away from her as she feared he might. He found excuses throughout the day to come into the house and steal kisses and chat with her, as she worked in the kitchen.

She had a secret to share with Mark but wanted to wait until she knew for sure. She thought he’d be really happy about it but there was a small piece of her mind that was insecure. She rubbed her still flat stomach, already protective of the child growing there.

She loved her son so much and knew she would love her new child with an equal passion. Her two favorite men burst through the kitchen door, soaking wet and laughing so hard there were tears rolling down their faces.

“You’re getting my floor all dirty,” she scolded them. She tried to keep the stern expression on her face but their pitiful looks worked their magic on her. “Go get cleaned up and come back with the mop,” she said with a smile. They rushed out before they could get in anymore trouble.

Emily laughed, as she continued to work on their dinner. She’d been having some horrible morning sickness and had missed making breakfast for the hands a couple of days that week alone. She felt really guilty about it but no one was complaining.

She was making it up to the guys by making extra special dinners and sending them with leftovers to snack on later. They told her if she kept cooking such good dinners, she could miss breakfast every day.

Mark stopped her paychecks and put her on all his accounts. She’d tried to insist on keeping things separate but he wouldn’t hear of it. He told her everything he had was now hers, too. She didn’t feel right about that.

He told her he was looking for another cook, because he wanted more time with his wife. She’d stubbornly refused to accept anyone else. Several people had come by for interviews and she’d managed to find something wrong with each one of them. It didn’t help they’d all been women and a few of them far too sexy to be around her husband, daily.

She knew it would be nice to have someone share the cooking, especially since she wasn’t feeling good but she loved to do it and was afraid if she allowed someone else in she’d be completely pushed out.

She made a decision if the perfect person came by it was meant to be, if not, her husband would have to deal with missing her.

The hands all decided to barbeque at the bunkhouse that night, so she finished making them salads and sent everything down with Trevor and Mark. They’d told her she didn’t need to make them anything but she would’ve felt too guilty about it.

As Mark, Trevor and her shared an intimate dinner alone together, which was a rare thing; Emily relaxed and ate with her first real appetite in several weeks.

“Mom, you and Mark are married now, right?” Trevor asked her.

“Yes baby, we are,” she said. He must’ve been really distracted, because he let her get away with the pet name.

“Does that mean we’re going to stay here forever?” he asked again, while looking at his plate. She was unsure where he was going with the conversation.

“Yes Trevor, that’s what it means,” Mark answered the question for her. Trevor smiled at Mark with the happiest expression she’d ever seen pass his little face.

“Does that mean you’re my Dad now?” Trevor asked shyly. Emily held her breath, not knowing what to say.

“I’m your Dad if you want me to be,” Mark said, with a little crack in his own voice.

“Then can I call you Dad?” Trevor asked with pure innocence. The next words Mark spoke could make or break her son. Emily held her breath without realizing it.

“Nothing in the world would make me happier or prouder,” Mark said and held his arms out to Trevor. Their son jumped out of his chair and rushed into Mark’s arms. Mark squeezed him tightly to his chest.

“I love you, Dad,” Trevor said and a little tear slipped from his eye.

“I love you, too,” Mark said, while holding on tightly. Emily couldn’t stay seated and wrapped her arms around them both, joining in the hug. They really were a family now. She could no longer keep her secret to herself.

“How would you feel about having a baby brother or sister?” she asked Trevor.

“I think that would be okay,” her son said, after thinking about it for a moment.

“I think it would be more than okay,” Mark added with a smile. “Do you want to get working on it?” he added, with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“We don’t need to work on it,” she said and laid her hand against her stomach. Mark’s eyes widened, as he realized what she was telling him.

“You are?” he said in awe. She shook her head yes. He jumped up from his chair and lifted her off her feet. He spun her around as he laughed with joy. Her head started spinning a bit and she pled with him to set her down. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” he asked, as he rubbed her all over.