The Billionaire Falls Page 4

“Trevor let’s head inside. I need to finish getting dinner prepared, so I can’t watch you out here anymore,” she said, turning towards the house.

“Ah Mom, I want to swim some more, please,” he begged her. She had such a soft spot for her son and she hated to tell him no but she really needed to finish her cooking.

“I’ll bring you out to swim tomorrow but I really need to finish dinner.”

“I was planning on taking a swim. I’ll keep an eye on him,” Mark said. “Hang with your mom in the kitchen for a few minutes while I run upstairs to change clothes,” he finished and then jogged up the stairs, not waiting for a reply from Emily.

She figured Mark was like his father and not used to being told no. She wasn’t going to argue with him. She had a talk with Trevor and told him to be on his best behavior.

Emily enjoyed herself in the kitchen while listening to the sounds of her son’s laughter through the open door. Before she knew it, everything was done so she headed upstairs to clean up. She checked on Trevor, who was more than content to be splashing around with Mark so allowed herself a luxuriously long bubble bath. She laid her head back against the tub, sighing out loud. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have found such a great job with a kind boss who was also good to her son.

An hour later Emily was surprised by the sheer number of people who kept pouring into the house and out to the backyard. There had to be over a hundred of them milling around. Everyone was smiling and laughter could be heard above the sound of the country music playing in the background.

The grills were lit and the sweet smell of good meat being barbequed made her mouth water. She’d been so busy preparing food all day she’d forgotten to eat anything herself. She hadn’t been sure if she should join the party but Edward had told her staff was always invited.

“You must be Emily, the new cook?” asked a sexy dark haired man. Emily had been observing all the people around her and hadn’t noticed the couple walk over to her. They could have both graced the cover of GQ Magazine. She was a bit intimidated by them.

“Yes I am,” she finally managed to reply.

“It’s great to meet you Emily. I’m Amy and this obnoxious man here is Lucas, Mark’s older brother,” she said pleasantly.

“It’s really nice to meet you,” Emily replied shyly.

“Don’t let this crowd overwhelm you too much, they are all amazing people. My first time around them nearly scared me to death and now I can’t imagine how miserable my life would be without every member of this family,” she said. As Amy was talking, she looked up at her husband and gave him a tender look of love. Emily was unsure if they were done talking and she should walk away and leave them alone.

“Oh would you guys quit with the gazing thing, you are obviously making poor Emily here uncomfortable,” another extremely sexy man broke into the conversation, saving Emily.

“Whatever Alex, you can barely be ten feet away from poor Jessica,” Lucas teased his brother.

“Well when you’re right, I guess you’re right,” Alex said. “Hi I’m the middle brother Alex and my incredibly sexy wife is getting the kids all settled but will be over in a few minutes. I have to tell you Emily, you’re far hotter than the last cook,” he added with a wink.

Emily could feel her face turn a deep shade of red. She hated how her emotions were so easy to read. She didn’t know how to reply to Alex’s comment, so decided to not say anything.

“You boys just never grow up now, do you?” another voice said, which had Emily turning towards another very attractive woman, who was wrapping her arm in Alex’s. “Never mind them; they love to get a reaction out of a pretty lady. When they met poor Amy for the first time she got proposed to by all three brothers,” she said, with a glint in her eyes.

“By the way I’m Jessica and obviously married to this rogue here,” she said, indicating Alex. “They are all talk and no action though,” she teased her husband.

“Oh really, I take that as a challenge,” Alex said and then proceeded to dip Jessica low to the ground. She let out a giggle, sounding like a teenage girl, until his lips met hers and then it was obvious she’d forgotten anyone else was around.

“Um… you two want to go on upstairs or do you want to continue to embarrass my new cook?” Mark asked, while strolling up to the growing group.

Alex slowly lifted his head, only to glare at Mark. “I would much prefer to kick the crap out of you but that can wait until later,” he finally said and punched his brother in the arm. To Emily the punch looked hard enough to knock a normal man to the ground but Mark just laughed and asked his brother if that was all he had.

“You boys go help with the grilling. We’re going to sneak into the dessert,” Amy said and then put one arm through Emily and the other through Jessica and dragged them off towards the dessert table.

Emily had to hold back tears. She was overwhelmed at being included so easily with the obviously loving family. She’d never really had girlfriends before and hoped she would be around long enough to become great friends with the two women, as they seemed like people she would definitely want to know.

Mark stood with his two older brothers and couldn’t take his eyes off of Emily as she walked away. The way her hips were swaying in the short summer dress was enough to actually make him drool. He could picture his hands sneaking up under the dress to discover what she was wearing underneath the floral print.

As he stood there, a wisp of wind picked up the hem of the dress, showing him more of her incredibly shapely thighs. He held his breath, as he wished for a larger gust to take the dress up a little bit higher. He felt his pants get tighter and grimaced. He missed the look that passed between his two brothers. If he would’ve seen it, maybe he could’ve been more prepared.

“Your new cook is sure hot,” Lucas said casually.

“Yeah if I were single, I would hire her in a heartbeat, whether she could cook or not,” Alex added.

“I haven’t really noticed,” Mark lied to them both.

“So you aren’t interested in her?” Lucas questioned him.

“Of course I’m not. She’s an employee and we will keep it professional,” he said. He was unsure if he was trying to lie to them or himself. He wasn’t a randy teenager anymore and he could control himself.

“Well in that case I saw Don over there eyeing her. I think I’ll try some matchmaking,” Lucas said slyly.

“Like hell you will,” Mark exclaimed. He then seemed to gather himself together a bit and added, “I don’t want employees’ to be having romances, because when things go bad, then it makes life around them miserable and one or both of them will quit. I’d have to do the whole hiring thing over again.” He felt he’d made a pretty good save from his outburst.

“I do see your point Mark but I know this great single guy at the office. Just the other day he was asking me if I knew any single women. I think they would make a good match,” Alex said and winked at Lucas.

Both brothers could practically see the steam rising out of Mark’s ears. They were really enjoying themselves at their brother’s expense, which was a typical thing.

“Can you please leave my cook alone?” Mark almost yelled. Several heads turned towards the brothers. None of them saw the sly look on Joseph’s face, standing within hearing distance, next to Edward.

“So it looks like your matchmaking is working once again, you sly old man,” Edward said.

“Why Edward, I have no idea what you are talking about,” Joseph said with a serious face.

“You forget how well I know you, sir. I worked for you for far too many years before coming to work for your son, to not know when you’re up to something. Besides, since when does the cook have the bedroom right next door to Mark?” Edward asked, calling Joseph’s bluff.

“Well, talk a little quieter. If that boy knows I’m matchmaking, he will run the other way and even worse, if Katherine hears about it I will never hear the end of it,” Joseph said, while looking around guiltily.

“If you weren’t so busy meddling, you wouldn’t have anything to be worried about,” Edward said. “I do have to commend you on your taste, though. Emily’s a fresh breath of air and little Trevor is full of energy. It’s nice to see a pretty lady and a young lad in the house.”

Joseph puffed his chest up a little from the praise. He did have great taste, if he did say so himself. He looked over at Amy and Jessica, as if to prove his point. He’d done matchmaking with his first two boys and look how well that had turned out.

“Grampa, grampa I have a new friend,” came the insistent voice of his eldest granddaughter Jasmine. She was pulling on his pant leg, trying to get his undivided attention.

“I can see that. Are you playing nicely?” he asked his mischievous granddaughter.

“I love him grandpa. We’re going to get married,” she stated in the utmost seriousness.

Joseph had to laugh at the look on Trevor’s face. Even at five years old the word marriage scared a male.

“Why don’t you gather your cousins and we’ll have some dinner so afterwards we can make s’mores?” he asked her.

Jasmine was instantly diverted and grabbed Trevor’s hand as she raced off to find her siblings and cousins. Joseph had so much pride when he looked out at the yard full of friends and family.

Emily was looking at the nearly empty table in awe. She’d never believed all the food that had filled its space could possibly been eaten but she’d been proven wrong. She’d made enough food to feed an army and on top of that, everyone who’d attended brought at least one dish and it was all gone. There were just a few little bits and pieces lying around.

She guessed hard working ranchers needed to refuel their energy. She was actually very pleased with how much praise people had given her over her dishes. It made her feel good to have people appreciating her cooking skills.

Trevor was in the house with the rest of the kids, listening to Joseph read them stories. After story time they were all going to camp out in the huge den and watch movies. Jessica’s nanny Julia had offered to stay with them, in case any of them woke up for some reason.

Emily was so happy the Anderson family members were all treating her son as if he was one of them. She’d already heard him refer to Jacob as his favorite cousin ever. Little Jasmine took offense to that statement. Emily could tell she liked being the favorite but in a good way. None of the kids seemed to be spoiled. They all just seemed well loved and confident.

“Hey Emily, we need another person, come change with us and play some water volleyball,” Jessica demanded, as she grabbed her arm and started leading her upstairs to change clothing.

Emily was a bit uncomfortable prancing around in her swimsuit in front of a bunch of strangers but it sounded like so much fun and she really didn’t want to disappoint Jessica, so she decided to get over her fears.

They quickly changed and ran back down the stairs. The guys were already in the water, hitting the ball back and forth and dunking each other in the process. Mark jumped out of the water to spike the ball over the net and Emily forgot to breathe for a few moments. The man was unbelievable in nothing but a pair of swim trunks.