The Billionaire Falls Page 7

He stripped off his boxers and then her robe in two quick motions and lay next to her on the soft comforter. His hands were roaming all over her body. He couldn’t touch her in enough places. He found every pleasure point on her and almost ended things before they had even begun, as she cried out her pleasure.

He finally tore his lips from hers, so he could trail them down her smooth throat. He licked and nipped at her erratically beating pulse and then made his way down to her generous breasts. She was so curvy and beautiful. Her dusky pink nipples were beaded and shining in the moonlight. He licked around their hardened peaks, before drawing first one and then the other deep into his mouth.

Emily’s body jerked off the bed as he continued to lick and suck his way slowly down her torso. He circled her slight belly button and then moved lower. As his hands kneaded her thighs and his teeth grazed her skin, she cried out more and more. Then he gently soothed her flesh with the flick of his tongue.

When he finally spread her legs apart and kissed her intimately in her most sacred place, she begged him to love her. “Please Mark, please I need you inside me,” she cried out. With one more flick of his masterful tongue her entire body jerked up and sweet heavenly release washed throughout her.

She couldn’t have even lifted her head; the pleasure was so great and encompassing. He slowly kissed his way back up her body and flicked her still tender nipples, making stirrings start to occur in her core again.

She didn’t understand how she could possibly need or want any more after the pleasure she’d just received but as he brought their mouths back together, she could feel the heat stirring inside of her again.

He lay on top of her, pressing himself into her heat. She could feel him throbbing against her aching opening. She opened up even further so he could finally join their bodies together but he still held back.

He ran his hands down over her hips and then flicked her aching nub, as his tongue danced with hers. She became fully aroused again and lifted her hips up, begging with her body for him to join them together. She couldn’t believe the whimpers she heard were coming from her own throat.

He slipped his finger inside her, testing her body, seeing if she was ready for him. When he felt she was as ready as he was, he finally stopped the torture and in one swift thrust he was deep inside of her. She cried out in pleasure and wiggled her hips, wanting more.

“Give me one minute,” Mark begged her.

Emily felt a power unlike anything she’d ever felt in her life. She’d made this big, strong man beg her for mercy. It was a euphoric feeling and she wiggled her hips again and smiled as she saw the sweat bead on his forehead.

He saw her smile and matched it with a wicked one of his own. “You are quite the tease aren’t you?”

He then started thrusting in and out of her with speed and there was no way she could’ve squeezed any words past her tightened throat. He held her close as he kissed her, simultaneously thrusting in and out of her body. She lost all sense of time, dizzy in the immense feelings building higher and higher inside her.

He thrust in again and her body convulsed around him, as her pleasure seemed to stretch on and on. With a groan he pushed into her one last time, before he shuddered and then collapsed on top of her. They were both breathing heavily and neither of them seemed to have any energy to move.

He finally shifted their bodies and pulled her half on top of him and half lying next to him. He was unwilling to let her go. He brought the cover up to keep the chilled night air off her body and closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her against him.

“I should go,” she said sleepily, though she didn’t try and move.

“Not yet.”

She didn’t have any energy to argue with him and told herself she would get up in a few moments. She would allow herself to rest her eyes for a minute. They were so heavy and she couldn’t seem to keep them open.

Emily woke up and stretched her sore muscles. At first she was confused by the stiffness of her body and then the night came back to her like cold water splashed in her face. She sat straight up in the unfamiliar room and looked around.

Mark wasn’t there, which she was incredibly grateful for. She needed time to gather herself together before she faced him. She’d never before made love to a man she wasn’t in a relationship with. Before Mark, she’d only been with her ex-husband and sex had never been as good as it had been with Mark.

She’d fallen asleep in his arms, only to be awakened sometime in the night by his roving hands. He had loved her again, giving her more pleasure and then she’d fallen into a dreamless sleep.

She found her nightgown on the floor, near the bed and slipped it over her head. She then walked to the doors and peaked out at the balcony. No one was out there, or anywhere in the backyard, so she quickly ran to her own bedroom door.

She hadn’t known Mark’s room was so close to hers. If she would’ve known that sooner she would’ve had an even harder time falling asleep at night. She didn’t think she was going to sleep again with her new knowledge.

Emily allowed herself an extra-long shower, trying to ease the achiness of her muscles. She’d used some she didn’t know existed. Even though her body was sore, it was an incredibly satisfying feeling at the same time.

She allowed herself to smile, as she thought back to the intense pleasure Mark had brought to her. She then pulled herself together and got dressed. She would have to tell him the night was amazing but it couldn’t continue. She really loved working for him and that was far more important than some fling.

It sounded rational in her mind. She hoped he wouldn’t take it as rejection. She certainly couldn’t tell him it had been the best sex she’d ever had in her life. That wasn’t the way to get him to not want any more of it.

Emily was feeling more confident as she finally descended the stairs. She walked in and found Trevor and Mark sitting at the kitchen table, each with a large bowl of cereal before them. They both looked up guiltily, as if they’d been caught doing something wrong.

Emily thought that was strange until she noticed the cereal the two of them were polishing off was Cookie Crisp. She never let her son eat sugary cereal. She always told him she may as well just give him a spoon and let him eat right out of the sugar bowl.

She was close to scolding Trevor for eating something he knew he wasn’t supposed to but the look on their faces was just too pathetic. She couldn’t contain her smile from slipping through.

“Don’t get used to eating this,” was all she said. She grabbed a bowl and poured the very little amount left in the box for herself. She was surprised to find it was actually quite good. She wouldn’t admit that to the smug boys staring at her. “I’m only eating this so you two don’t have anymore,” she finally said.

Mark let a small chuckle escape so she glared at him, then finished her breakfast. He was eating the cereal as fast as he could, like he ate everything. You would have thought the man grew up in an orphanage, the way he ate.

“Why do you always eat so quickly?” she finally asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

“You try growing up with two older brothers and then you would eat fast too.”

Emily chuckled at the image of Lucas and Alex stealing Mark’s food. He smiled at her and she almost forgot they needed to have a serious conversation later.

“Mom, don’t forget I’m going to the movie today with Jasmine,” Trevor said, through sips in his chocolate milk.

“I did forget. Finish up so we can get you dressed. Lucas will be here any time,” she said, while starting to clear away dishes from the table.

“I’m done,” Trevor said and then dashed up the stairs. He liked nothing more than to spend time with Jasmine, who was his new best friend.

“Wait for me,” Emily said, as she chased her son up the stairs. She quickly got him ready to go and by the time they came downstairs, she could hear Jasmine calling for him.

“I’m here Jazzy,” Trevor yelled from the top of the stairs and then jumped on the railing and slid down. Emily stared dumbfounded as her son made the long slide down.

“Trevor you can’t slide on the rail,” she scolded her son. “Whatever gave you that idea?” she questioned.

Trevor looked at her guiltily and then shrugged his shoulders. “It’s my fault Emily, I’m sorry. I kind of showed him how to do it,” Mark piped up.

Emily turned her astonished gaze on Mark. She then threw her hands in the air in defeat. She couldn’t understand men. The banister was beautiful and expensive and they were using it as a slide. She decided to let it go. Sometimes that was the smartest thing to do.

“There you are,” Jasmine said as they came around the corner. “I missed you,” she grabbed Trevor up in a hug. He hugged her back and they smiled goofy grins at each other. Emily loved how sweet they were together.

“Are you ready to go?” Lucas asked him.

“Yes,” Trevor replied with real enthusiasm.

“Is it okay if he stays the night? We’re going to be done late and they will have a good time,” Lucas asked Emily.

“If you honestly don’t think it will be a problem.”

“Are you kidding me? He’s a great kid. I really enjoy him coming over, plus it’s the only time I can get Jasmine to stop talking,” he whispered.

Emily chuckled and then kissed her son goodbye. She reminded him to listen to Lucas and Amy and to be on his best behavior.

Lucas took off and suddenly Emily was all alone with Mark. Well, she thought, there was no time like the present to have their conversation.

“Mark we need to have a talk.”

“I was afraid you were going to say that.”

“Last night was magical. It was the greatest night I have ever had.”

“Well that sounds like a great conversation. I say we end before you add in a but…” he started to say.

“I wish it were that simple Mark but we both know we can’t let it happen again. Trevor is so happy here and this thing between us won’t last and then everything will fall apart,” she pleaded with him to understand.

“Why can’t it last?” he asked her.

“Mark, you’re my boss. You are amazing and your family is incredible and I don’t want to have an affair and then end up with us not liking each other. Can’t we please be thankful we had a great night together and now call it good?” she once again pleaded.

Mark stared into her eyes for several moments, before letting out a long sigh. “I’m not happy about this and I guarantee you I’ll try and change your mind but if you need me to back off for now then that’s what I’ll do,” he finally conceded.

“Thank you. Can we please go back to the way things have been?”

“I need to go work out in the barn for a while,” was his only answer. He walked out the back door and left her feeling a bit rejected.

If she was doing the right thing, why did she feel so miserably bad about it? Sometimes it would be so much easier to be a child and not have the reservations you developed as you got older. She knew she really was doing the right thing; she just had to convince herself of that.