The Billionaire's Dance Page 15

“Well I think I’ll just enjoy being a favorite uncle,” he finally spoke up. As if Jasmine had heard him, she looked up from where she was with her grandpa and spotted her dad and uncles. She started toddling over towards them as fast as her chubby little legs would carry her.

“Unca Mar, unca Mar,” she demanded as she held out her arms towards him. Her words were getting so much better but Mark wished she would keep the sweet baby talk forever.

“How’s my beautiful princess,” he asked, while he swung her up into his arms and blew raspberries on her tummy.

“Hungy,” she said and pointed to the steaks. “That’s Uncle’s good girl. Let’s get you some dinner. You can be my beautiful date. I will most definitely have the prettiest one here,” he said with total adoration in his eyes and voice.

“Yeah,” Jasmine replied as she clapped her hands together, then grabbed Mark’s face and gave him a sloppy kiss, which he loved.

“Looks like this is ready,” Alex said. He motioned for the staff to come and gather up everything and stepped down with his brothers to be with the rest of their family.

They all had an amazing dinner. Everyone was enjoying themselves. It was hard to get two words in with all the laughter and stories being passed around the large picnic tables set up on the massive lawn.

Jessica finally allowed herself to relax and found she having a great time. She loved to watch Alex interact with his brothers. They all acted like little boys, as they were trying to best each other and telling many embarrassing stories about one another.

“…Seriously, you should’ve seen him standing there with his pants around his ankles…” Jessica heard Mark saying as she tuned back into the conversation. She’d have to ask Alex about that later. It sounded like she’d missed out on a great story.

“Okay everyone ignore my brother. I think he’s had one too many if you know what I mean,” Alex said, as he motioned in the air like he was tipping a bottle up to his mouth.

“You’re just upset because you’re usually the one who ends up at the losing end of all these childhood stories,” Mark said as he lightly punched his brother in the arm.

Alex shrugged at the good natured teasing. He turned towards Jessica and gave her a smile. “I like the stories,” she said somewhat shyly.

Alex couldn’t help himself. He leaned down towards his wife and brushed his lips against hers in a soft kiss. It brought tears to her eyes and she quickly looked away and forced a bite of food down.

“Are you okay?” he asked her quietly.

“Yes, of course.”

He continued to stare at her for a moment, making her want to squirm in her chair. Then someone else asked him a question, which gave her some time to compose herself. She was praying no one had noticed. She missed the knowing look on Joseph’s face. He was feeling pretty smug as he watched the love growing between his son and daughter-in-law.

Jacob gave a little giggle from his high chair, sitting right next to his grandpa.

“They are pretty silly, aren’t they?” Joseph said to his grandson, which made everyone laugh.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the other end of the table. Lucas was jumping up and looking around in all directions, like danger was approaching and he was going to take on an entire army.

“What are you jumping all around for boy?” Joseph asked with concern.

Lucas looked at his father with panic in his eyes. “It’s time Dad. Amy’s water just broke,” he said like he was a lost little boy.

“Well, why didn’t you say so,” Joseph stated with some panic in his own voice.

“Boys, would you please calm down. Child birth is natural and nothing to panic about,” Katherine said to her husband and son. “How far apart are your contractions?” she asked Amy.

“About two minutes,” Amy said, a little bit short of breath.

“Well then, we’d better get you to the hospital.”

“Let’s go,” Lucas almost shouted.

“I’ll drive her Lucas. You’re far too freaked out to be driving anybody,” Katherine told him.

“Okay Mom.” He would never argue with his mother. He’d been raised too well to do something that foolish.

“Thank you to everyone who came out and spent this evening with us. You’re all so special to us,” Katherine stated to the large group consisting of family and friends. “We’ll keep you all updated on this beautiful new addition to our family and please keep Amy, Lucas and Jasmine in your prayers as they bring this new baby into the world,” she finished.

Everyone applauded, then got up to leave so the family could be together during their special time.

“Mark, you ride to the hospital with Alex and Jessica. The babies are getting tired and Julia can take them both back to Alex’s house if that’s okay with you,” Joseph said. Everyone nodded without even thinking of questioning him.

“Well good, that’s settled, let’s get going and wait for the newest member of our family to come into this world,” Joseph said excitedly.

Chapter Seven

“It’s a boy,” Lucas came bursting through the hospital doors. He was immediately engulfed in hugs and many congratulations from his family.

“Mom, Dad, Amy wants you both,” he said through the tears of joy rolling down his cheeks. Neither of them had to be told twice. They were immediately through the doors and off towards Amy and their newest grandson.

Jessica watched the happiness all around her with a mixture of happiness for her newfound sister and sadness for what she wanted in her life so badly. The thought of having another child, one that was planned with a husband who loved her was something she was afraid to even wish for.

“The rest of the family can come see Amy and the baby now,” a nurse said from the doorway.

“I can’t wait to see my new nephew,” Mark replied, before being the first one through the doorway.

The rest of the family followed. “He’s so beautiful Amy,” Jessica said.

“You may get a chance to hold him if his grandpa ever lets him go,” she teased.

“I have to make sure the little tyke is doing okay,” Joseph said, not even bothering to look up from his grandson.

“What are you going to name him?” Alex asked.

“We decided on Isaiah Allen after my grandfather,” Lucas said.

“That’s a real fine name son,” Joseph said, with some tears of his own in his eyes. He then quickly turned away while he tried to control his emotions.

“Ah Dad, we all know you’re a big softie. You don’t have to pretend to be some tough old guy,” Alex said.

“Now boy, you’re not too old for me to take you out behind the woodshed,” Joseph said but there was obviously no oomph behind his words.

“Hey now, there’s no bickering in my recovery room,” Amy said. She really was happy to have her family there to share in their joy.

The baby started to fuss and Joseph handed him over to his mother with much reluctance.

“Amy needs to feed him now. Why don’t you all go home and get some rest and then come over tomorrow for Isaiah’s homecoming,” Lucas asked.

Everyone said their goodbye’s and headed out. Jessica was filled with many different emotions. She was truly happy for her sister-in-law but envious as well. She wanted a big family so badly. She’d been raised as an only child and even though her parents were phenomenal, she got very lonely at times. She didn’t want her son to grow up without siblings. Maybe Alex wouldn’t mind having another child. Even if their marriage wasn’t one about love, they would stay together for the sake of Jacob, so why not have a sibling for him?

Alex took her hand as they walked towards their vehicle. “He sure was cute. I wish so much I would’ve been there for Jacob when he was born,” he said.

Jessica automatically tensed up, thinking they were going to have another fight and really too tired for it. “I’m really sorry about that. I thought I was doing the right thing,” she said.

“I know,” he said. She was so surprised; she didn’t know what else to say. He didn’t sound angry, or even hurt. He just sounded a little bit down. “I hadn’t exactly led a life that would’ve made you believe I would be ready or willing to settle down. I understand now that I know you better. You thought you were doing the right thing in not telling me. I hope you realize I would’ve been there for you the moment you found out. I don’t shrink from my responsibilities,” he finished.

Even though Alex was saying he would’ve been there for her, Jessica’s heart was feeling like it would break in two. He thought of her as just another one of his responsibilities and not his wife. He was doing the right thing as he’d been taught to do. She wanted him to be with her because he loved her, not because he’d messed up and now had to pay the price.

“I know you would’ve done the right thing from the beginning,” she said in what she hoped was a normal tone of voice.

Jessica pulled her hand from his as they approached their vehicle. She couldn’t maintain the contact any longer. It was killing her slowly. Suddenly he pushed her up against the car and kissed her deeply. All heartbreak washed away as his hands rubbed down her sides, then reached up to hold her head as he deepened the kiss.

He was making her insides melt and she was forgetting about everything around her when he finally broke away. “Let’s go on vacation. We didn’t get a honeymoon and I have a trip over to the Virgin Islands this week. Come with me. Jacob will be fine for a few days. I will hurry to get you home, I promise,” he finished.

He was looking deep into her eyes and she found she couldn’t say no. She couldn’t even find her voice. She finally nodded her head yes.

He lifted her up into his arms, gave her another quick kiss and then helped her into the car. “We’ll have a great time. I have meetings in the mornings but then we’ll have all day to play on the water and dance all night,” he said, sounding like an excited teenager getting ready for summer.

“It sounds like a very nice time,” she finally managed to say.

Jessica was nervous. She’d never liked large crowds and prayed his dancing wasn’t going to be in the middle of a crowded club.

“Pack up tomorrow. We leave in two days. We can let Julia know tonight and you can get all your time in with Jacob so you won’t feel guilty.”

She looked ahead at the road. She hated he knew her so well. She did feel guilty about leaving their son at home but at the same time if she ever hoped to make her marriage a real one, this was the time to do it. They were going to be in a romantic hotel completely alone. She had a few days to let her defenses down and see if it made a difference.

“It sounds great. I know Jacob will be fine but I’m glad I’ll have tomorrow.” she admitted.

They rode in a comfortable silence the rest of the way home. She was planning what needed to get done before they left. There was much to do.

Alex was extremely happy Jessica was going with him. He wanted to be with her. He felt better when she was near. He didn’t want to even admit to himself how much she mattered to him but it was impossible to push away all his feelings. He told himself he would simply take it one day at a time.