The Billionaire Wins the Game Page 10

His mouth took hers again as his hand slid down to check if she was ready for him. He flicked his fingers over her swollen womanhood and then slipped them inside her warmth. Suddenly her whole body arched up again, as she groaned in pleasure. “Please!” She cried out. He knew that she was ready for him.

Lucas could take no more. He broke contact with her mouth. “Open your eyes. I want to see them when I make you mine,” he whispered to her. Slowly, as if weights were holding them down, her eyes came half way open.

In one thrust he was buried deeply inside of her. He almost exploded with that first contact. She was so wet and tight. He felt her body stiffen and a sound of pain escaped her lips as she adjusted to him. Her eyes snapped wide open, while her mouth formed a look of shock.

Lucas’s whole body stiffened as he realized she was a virgin. How did a woman, especially as attractive and sexually alluring as her, reach the age of twenty eight, still a virgin? The shock was bringing back some of his control for a moment. He had to stop. He didn’t sleep with women who didn’t know the score. He wasn’t a ‘happily ever after’ kind of guy, which meant virgins were strictly off limits. He was about to pull out of her body when her face relaxed into pleasure once more and she sighed in ecstasy as her body adjusted around him.

He knew he should do the right thing and stop but when her hips moved up, gripping him even tighter, he once again lost all traces of control. He began to move in a steady rhythm but as her breathing became heavier and he felt her body quivering around him he couldn’t take any more and started thrusting quickly. Her hips pushed up to meet him and she tightened in pleasure, sending him over the edge. His body started spilling into her. He shook with the release that washed over him. He’d never felt this connected to another woman. He didn’t want it to end. He wanted to start from the beginning and do it all over once more. He wanted to keep them connected.

He lay there on top of her, not moving for a few moments, trying to bring his breathing back to normal. Realizing he was most likely crushing her he finally shifted and turned over, taking her with him. He didn’t know what to say so said nothing and just laid there rubbing her back until he heard her steady breathing, indicating she’d fallen asleep.

He stayed there for another hour watching her sleep peacefully in his arms. In sleep, she couldn’t seem to get close enough to him. Her leg was wrapped around his lower body and her head rested on his chest. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and she was his.

Suddenly Lucas’s head snapped up. He’d been just about ready to fall asleep when the realization he hadn’t used protection hit him. What had he been thinking? He’d never had sex with a woman without wearing a condom. He wasn’t so stupid as to get caught in the baby trap.

His thoughts ran in a million different directions. He knew that there was no way she could’ve planned on the unprotected sex. How could she have known he was coming back to the cottage that night? There was no possible way she could’ve faked her reactions to him. He’d been with women who’d simply gone through the motions and he’d quickly walked away. He wanted a woman to be hot and willing when in his bed.

He was angry at himself, but turned that anger on her. He in no way wanted to be forced into marriage but if their night of passion led to a child then there was no way he’d walk away.

Family was everything to him. He glared at her for a moment, feeling trapped and then got up and dressed himself.

Lucas stepped out of the cottage, walking away, though what he really wanted to do was climb back into bed next to her. He had to get out of there and cool down. He’d remain professional and the next day when he took her out on company business, he would be back to his normal self. He could put the night behind him and move forward, while still making sure his recklessness didn’t have consequences.

Amy woke up some time in the middle of the night and stretched. Ouch, she was sore. It took her a minute to fully waken and as she became more aware, it only took seconds for her to be sitting straight up in bed. What had she done? She’d slept with her boss. She’d slept with her boss! How stupid could she have been? Did he now think she would be at his beck and call anytime he felt like getting his needs met? He probably thought he would just come around, have sex with her and then slink off in the middle of the night.

There was no way in hell he was going to use her and discard her. How was she going to handle it? She had a couple of options. She could make a big scene, yell at him and quit her job, though that didn’t sound appealing. Her other option was to pretend as if nothing had happened. She liked that option a whole lot better. She would just make sure she didn’t place herself in any more compromising positions. She wouldn’t have him in her place alone, ever.

She discovered that one touch from him made her forget all rational thoughts. She just couldn’t allow herself to be in positions where he would be touching her.

She would make up a boyfriend. That would stop him from thinking he could take advantage of her. She would just tell him she was in a long term relationship and that she’d slipped up. She felt a little bit of regret knowing she wouldn’t get to repeat that experience.

For her first time making love, it had been amazing. She had no idea a person could feel so much. Her body was sore but it had been oh so worth it. She’d read that sex for the first time wasn’t a good experience. Those people must not have been making love to someone like Lucas Anderson.

She had to smile a little bit at the irony. The man looked like a Greek God, had more money than anyone needed and made love like every girls fantasy come true. Oh well, one mistake wasn’t going to change her life’s plans.

Amy went into the bathroom and cleaned up. She was laying back down when it finally hit her that they hadn’t used protection. She bolted upright in bed again. She was dismayed to think of the stupidity of having unprotected sex. She was in no way prepared to be a mother at that moment. She’d always dreamed of having her own child but not made this way. She wouldn’t give the child up if she did get pregnant, but how would she be able to manage it all?

She would have to sleep on it and figure it all out later. She didn’t know anything yet. She was most likely over reacting. They’d only had sex one time. The odds were unlikely that she would make a baby the first and only time she had sex.

Amy slept fitfully the rest of the night. She dreamt she’d just delivered the most beautiful little girl. She was holding her close to her chest, bonding with her newborn. The baby was perfect in every way. Suddenly Lucas stepped into the room with three men, all in expensive suits.

They started speaking all this legal jargon and suddenly she looked down and she was no longer holding the baby. Lucas had her. Then, in walked a tall, blonde bombshell of a woman and he handed the baby to her. “Here you go sweetheart. I told you I would get a baby for you.

Anything you want is yours,” he said and then they walked out, leaving Amy crying for her baby in the cold hospital room.

Amy woke up in terror. The dream had seemed so real. She was surprised to find real tears falling down her cheeks. She considered herself a very strong woman but there was one thing that could bring her to her knees. She couldn’t make it if someone were to take away the family she so desperately wanted.

Amy gave up on sleep and got out of bed to fix herself some breakfast. She tried to read for a while but couldn’t concentrate on anything. She supposed she would just take a walk around the grounds and enjoy the beautiful, clean morning air.

She was wandering around for a couple of hours when Joseph snuck up on her and nearly made her jump out of her own skin. “How are you doing young lady? I hope you slept well,” he said.

She wondered how such a larger than life man could so easily sneak up on a person.

“I slept very well,” she automatically replied. The circles under her eyes gave away her lie. He was a gentleman and didn’t call her on it though.

“You seem a little stressed about something this morning. If there’s anything I can help with, all you need to do is ask.”

“Everything is great, Mr. Anderson. I’m just thinking about the move and work. You’ve been far too kind already and I don’t want to take advantage of that,” she replied. “I really don’t mind getting a hotel room tonight,” she tried, knowing he wouldn’t hear of it.

“Now Amy, don’t hurt my feelings. I thought the cottage was pretty comfortable. I’ve slept there myself a time or two when my wife got sick of my attitude,” he chuckled, thinking of his wife fondly.

“Oh no Mr. Anderson, I love the cottage. It’s just really hard for me to take hand outs. I do appreciate a place to stay and I have to tell you I’ve already fallen in love with the cottage. It’s perfect in just about every way,” she quickly responded.

“Katherine’s still sleeping. She must get her beauty sleep,” he chuckled. “Please come join me on the terrace for some breakfast. I love having a beautiful young woman to eat with. It makes the food taste so much better.” He then held his arm out for her, which she took and then they walked to the main house.

They were laughing and eating breakfast when Lucas walked in. He was instantly on alert. She was getting pretty cozy with his father. What was she up to now, he wondered? “Good morning dad,” he said while sitting down. “Ms. Harper, I hope the accommodations were to your liking,” he added formally.

Amy looked up at him for a moment, trying to figure him out. It took her about ten seconds. The man had already gotten what he wanted and now he was letting her know it was back to business and nothing more. She already knew this was how he was, so why was she hurt so much by his attitude?

Well, she thought, two could play the game of ‘cold as ice’. “I slept perfectly, Mr. Anderson.

The beginning of the night I had this bad nausea and a nasty headache but then it went away and the rest of the night was perfect,” she said in a voice even colder than his.

His eyes turned into slits and if eyes could kill, she figured she would be a pile of ashes. She decided she would push her luck just a bit and smirked at him before turning away and ignoring him completely.

Joseph watched their little byplay, which they both thought they were being so sly about and wondered what had gone on last night. It looked to him like the kids may have gotten close and now were both running scared. Well, he wasn’t going to let them avoid each other.

“Eat up Lucas. You have a very busy day today. You need to take Amy out to get her car and shop for the apartment. You need to get an early start so it will be all ready for her to move into tomorrow.” He then looked at Amy, “I think you will be very happy there.”

“Mr. Anderson...” she began, when he stopped her.

“Now Amy, you are a guest in my home, don’t you think it’s time you started calling me Joseph.

I would really like that,” he added so she had no other choice.

“Um, okay, Mr. I mean Joseph, I was thinking Mr. Anderson,” she nodded towards Lucas, “was really busy and I don’t mind doing this stuff on my own. If it’s a matter of a signature they could fax you the paperwork. I could just take a cab to the car lot. I really, really don’t mind,” she pleaded with him.