The Billionaire Wins the Game Page 13

Lucas was more angry than he could ever remember being. He had to stay where he was because he feared that he may strangle her if he got too close. How dare she think he expected her to pay back his company’s generosity with her body! She was the one who was out for the ultimate prize, him! She hadn’t been innocent when she was crying out his name in pleasure. She had wanted him just as badly as he’d wanted her.

He stood there glaring at her for a couple of minutes before he was finally calm enough to speak.

“I told you earlier we had to talk about a few things, which we still need to talk about. But right now, let’s straighten out those comments you just made. I have never paid for sex in any form.

Any woman that I’ve taken to my bed has come willingly, begging for more. Last night you were just as willing to jump into bed with me, as I wanted to be there with you. It took two of us to make love last night and I refuse to take all the blame,” he said in anger.

Amy’s temper was just about equal with Lucas’s as his words continued slashing at her. She reached up to slap his face again, but he caught her hand before it connected. “I told you, I would only let you get away with that once,” he said, smirking down at her.

He then yanked her into his arms and smashed his lips to hers. He was so angry that his kiss was almost bruising in its intensity. He wasn’t gentle as he willed her to surrender to him. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back so he had easier access.

She fought against him for a few moments and then her body betrayed her and she started kissing him back just as passionately. When he knew that he had her full surrender, he pushed her away from him, though it seemed like the hardest thing he’d ever had to do. Her eyes were glazed over with passion and her anger had turned to need.

They both stood there panting heavily, fighting with their emotions. “Sit down Amy,” he finally said, much calmer. He walked over to the sofa, expecting her to follow him.

As reality started resurfacing, Amy berated herself. She told him she wouldn’t be doing anything with him and then at the touch of his lips all rational thought was erased and she could do nothing but pull him closer to her. She was beginning to realize there was a thin line between love and hate. She wasn’t nearly as antagonistic towards Lucas as she wanted to be.

The more she was around him; the more she noticed the attractive things about him, not just his great looks, which of course were still amazing. What was even more attractive than his looks though, was the way he talked with other employees and was willing to lend a helping hand.

Maybe she’d pre-judged him too soon and that was what had caused them to be so antagonistic towards each other. She knew she’d been giving off a negative attitude from the first day she started. She was willing to make a change. She didn’t want to get involved with him in a relationship but she could respect him as a boss.

She finally figured she may as well get this over with and sat in the chair opposite of him. “So, I’m physically attracted to you. It doesn’t mean anything though; I meant what I said earlier. Last night shouldn’t have happened. It was just a moment of weakness for me. I don’t want to lose my job and I don’t want to have a cheap affair with my boss. We need to remain professional from now on,” she stated, in what she hoped was a professional manner.

He sat there, looking at her like she’d lost her mind. “I agree with you Ms. Harper,” he said, reverting to her last name. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. But we need to deal with the consequences of the night. I forgot to use protection, which is a first for me. I know you were a virgin and therefore were most likely not on birth control,” he finally stated.

“I don’t neglect my responsibilities, so if you’re pregnant I need to know as soon as you do. I won’t have a child of mine raised without me. We would marry immediately. Do you understand?” he finished.

Amy was so stunned by Lucas’s words, she didn’t reply for several heartbeats. She wouldn’t have thought it was something he would even consider. If she’d become pregnant, she would’ve thought he was more likely to ask her to get rid of it. She never would but she knew many men wouldn’t want an unexpected pregnancy. The more she thought about it though; the more it made sense he would do what he considered the right thing; to take care of his child. He came from a very loving family, who would never deny one of their own.

Amy took some deep breaths before speaking to Lucas. She told herself over and over in her head she couldn’t afford to lose her job and if she was pregnant she couldn’t afford for him to know about it. He could easily prove he could take better care of the child. She didn’t need, nor did she want a man in her life. She needed to focus on herself. She’d watched her mother go through more men than anyone could count. She’d also watched those men abuse her mother all the time. Most men couldn’t be trusted.

“Are you going to just sit there and glare at me or are you going to behave like a grown up and talk?” he snapped. He wasn’t going to analyze the fact he was the one who sounded like a pouting child.

“First of all, just because I’m an employee of yours doesn’t give you the right to speak to me the way you are. Second of all, I would never marry you for any reason especially to torture any child of mine,” she said coldly.

“If there’s a child, you damn well…” Lucas began demanding of her again, but she interrupted him.

“If there were a child, it would be mine and mine alone. This isn’t the old days where a woman has to do man’s bidding. But a child isn’t something you have to worry about. I’ve already checked my calendar and there’s nothing to fear.”

“Last night shouldn’t have happened. I’ve been dating a man for about a year now and have been reluctant to take that last step. Since being with you wasn’t too uncomfortable I can now cement our relationship,” she lied to him.

Lucas was stunned by her words. He knew she’d been a virgin. The thought of her with another man sent a physical pain coursing through him that he didn’t understand. She had a boyfriend!

She sure hadn’t mentioned him when she was moaning out his name. He was steaming mad, but maintained an outward calm.

Lucas got a stealthy look on his face and walked slowly up to her. She remained standing there, not backing away again. She would show strength even though she was shaking uncontrollably on the inside.

Without any words Lucas bent down and yanked her head back, moving his face to within an inch of hers. He stayed rooted there until he saw desire return to her eyes. “So last night was just a test run for you and your boyfriend,” he said in a voice so quiet it was far more frightening than if he were yelling. She could feel the coiled power running throughout his arms.

She wasn’t afraid of him hitting her. She was far more afraid he would kiss her again. Her resistance was at an all-time low and if he took her lips again she would end up begging him not to stop. The heat kept pooling in her body in anticipation of just that happening.

“I don’t appreciate being used Ms. Harper, not at all and I really don’t appreciate you lying to my face. Last night may have meant nothing to you but while I was hard and deep inside your body there was no other man on your mind. You were quivering and shaking for me. When you lay with this boyfriend of yours my face will be what you see. But he won’t make you quiver the way I did. You can just think about that,” he pushed her away from him and then walked out of the apartment.

Amy waited until she heard the door shut before she allowed herself to lose her composure. Once she heard the click she slumped where she was and allowed herself to have a good cry.

Why had she let this happen? If she’d only taken her bath later and not been standing there in only a towel. If only she could’ve been able to say no then maybe, just maybe they would be able to be in the same room without snapping at each other or trying to rip each other’s clothing off.

Maybe they could’ve stayed completely professional. Even as she thought it though, she knew it was a fantasy. The fierce attraction was just too strong, even from the first day.

She remained in the same spot for more time than she should’ve, crying and feeling a little bit sorry for herself. She then got up to settle into her place. She wouldn’t let this affect her anymore. She would go to work and then stay far away from him at all times. It was the smart thing to do.

She’d been smart for the first twenty-eight years of her life; she would just have to forgive her one lapse in judgment. Everyone was allowed to make a mistake once in a while.

Chapter Six

Amy had mixed feelings going into work on Monday. She was floating on clouds because her new car had been delivered the night before and she was now driving in her dream vehicle. It was such an exhilarating feeling controlling the beautiful machine and knowing she would never have to fight the crowds on the public transportation system again. There’d definitely been a few times of terror, when she’d been approached by some less than respectable people during those rides. She avoided the busses late at night, most of the time, because that was when it had been the most questionable.

She was terrified, on the other hand, of the work environment when stepping into the office. Was Lucas going to cause a scene? Was he going to send her packing? Could he fire her? He couldn’t because of their physical relationship.

Lucas could fire her for not being good enough at her job. She was already nervous about how well she did in the position. She parked the car and headed in. She would just have to see how things went. There was nothing she could do about it so she would have to do what she could and go from there.

The elevator doors chimed and the door opened up to Tom’s smiling face. “I was wondering when you were going to get here. I’ve been bouncing in my seat for a half hour,” he said with no time for hellos.

Amy sighed, “Hey Tom. If you’ve been bouncing in your seat for a half hour then you were here an hour early because I’m here a half hour early,” she replied. He ran up to her and threw an arm around her shoulders.

“Okay Amy, time to spill. What happened? You totally ditched me this weekend. The way the boss was acting on Friday night, I didn’t even know if you would be here this morning,” he whined a little.

“Everything’s fine Tom. The boss and I just had a little bit of a misunderstanding. I promise I’ll fill you in later but I need to get to the office and start on my work before the aforementioned person walks in and has a reason to fire me for being a slacker,” she said, while walking towards her office.

Tom trailed along with her. “You’re here early. You can’t get into trouble for chatting with me on your own time,” he said.

“I don’t think any time we’re in these offices is our own time. Please just let me get to work and we will go out for happy hour tonight, I promise,” she said pushing him back out of her office.

Amy was busy at her desk when Lucas came in two hours later . It must be nice to be the boss and show up when you felt like it, she thought with attitude and then regretted it immediately.