The Billionaire Wins the Game Page 20

Amy finished off her food and looked over at what was remaining on Lucas’s plate longingly.

He laughed at her pathetic look and then speared a bite and fed it to her. She closed her eyes in pleasure and he forgot all about food as all the blood rushed to his groin.

What she did to him was amazing. He wanted her all the time. She took so much pleasure in everything. He was starting to see he’d formed the wrong opinion about her. There was no way a person could act this well. She didn’t get that look of ecstasy on her face when she saw the expensive items all around her. She did when she took a bite of food that melted on her tongue and definitely when he was thrusting inside of her.

“Amy can we please start this honeymoon off on the right foot. I’m sorry for the accusations I made against you. I would really like for us to just let things go and have a good trip,” he said as he took her hand in his.

It was the first time ever when he’d actually apologized and asked something of her instead of demanding it. How could she possibly resist that?

Amy’s eyes filled with tears once again and she shook her head yes. “These dang pregnancy hormones make me cry at the drop of a hat, I’m warning you now,” she said on a little laugh.

“I’m not usually so emotional.”

“I like you this way,” he whispered and kissed her a little bit longer. “We’ve been cleared for takeoff Mr. Anderson. Please fasten your seat belts and we should have a smooth flight. The wind is going in our direction so we should be touching down in Paris at nine,” said the pilot’s voice over the intercom.

“I’ve never flown on a jet before but I’ve seen the movies and I have to tell you this is much nicer than sharing a row of seats with a big sweaty guy next to you and a screaming toddler behind,” Amy said excitedly.

Lucas burst out laughing. She really was a fresh breath of air. “I would have to agree with you there.”

During the takeoff Amy’s face was glued to the window. She was fascinated by the whole procedure. She loved how the jet suddenly burst with speed. The feeling as they lifted into the air was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

She had no fear; she was feeling alive with adrenaline. She definitely had to add flying to her list of favorite things to do. She would have to see if her husband would fly her around to other places later. Maybe he would for their anniversary the next year.

Once they reached a certain height, Lana brought them out more food. They ate several courses including the best lobster she’d ever tasted. That definitely didn’t come from the bargain market’s frozen department. After the final course was served, she leaned back in her chair and rubbed her stomach. “You were right Lucas, I’m stuffed,” she said to him sleepily as a yawn escaped her lips.

“Let’s go take a nap. You look exhausted,” he said as he got up and helped her from her seat.

“Can I get anything else for you Mr. Anderson,” Lana asked.

“No thank you Lana. We’re going to retire for the rest of the night,” he simply replied.

They went back and lay down together on the very comfortable bed. Lucas slowly undressed his bride. He took his time showing her how much he wanted her.

Lucas spent the next hour showing her repeatedly how desirable she was. He then pulled her into his arms and she was asleep within seconds. He felt very lucky to have won his bride. They may not have started out the right way but he knew they were going be very good for each other.

Chapter Nine

Amy and Lucas had an amazing time on their honeymoon. He’d flown her to Paris for a couple weeks together. They didn’t bring up any of the problems that had been ever so present in their relationship from the start. They just got to know one another.

They spent each night in the hotel making love and holding on to each other, neither of them willing to let the other person go. Amy thought if their relationship kept progressing that way they may have a future together after-all.

Lucas took her all around Paris. She was like a child at Disneyland. She loved all of the sites and ancient beauty of it all. She knew it was nothing new to Lucas and figured he was bored to pieces.

She was wrong on that aspect. Lucas was visiting Paris for the first time through her eyes. It was amazing to see things he’d seen countless times through her. She had such a love and appreciation of everything around her.

Lucas would’ve much rather stayed in their luxurious hotel room the entire time and tour her body instead, but reluctantly he took her around the city of love. He wondered when his thirst for his wife would quench somewhat.

He made love to her and then could turn around and do it again five minutes later. He couldn’t get enough of her and she seemed to be the same with him. She wasn’t usually the one to initiate their lovemaking but she made up for that with her total enthusiasm once they got started.

The honeymoon ended far too soon. The trip had been amazing but he was anxious to show his wife her wedding present. They’d both slept most of the red eye flight home, since they’d not slept much in Paris. When they arrived back in Seattle, early in the morning they didn’t even have to deal with Jet Lag.

The company jet was comfortable enough it was like not even flying at all. Amy was happy in her marriage and she couldn’t get enough of her husband. She was thrilled to follow him just about anywhere. She couldn’t get enough of his hands on her body. She became tense with anticipation at just the thought of his magical fingers stroking her.

He took her out for a wonderful breakfast at a little family diner that served the best omelet she’d ever tasted. She consumed her entire meal and was barely full. She was seriously worried she was going to gain a hundred pounds if she wasn’t careful. “I can’t believe how much food I’m eating. You’d better stop me before I’m as big as a whale,” she worriedly said to Lucas. He laughed aloud.

“Remember Amy you’re eating for two and I can tell you now if you’re carrying my child he’ll be very demanding, even from the womb.”

Oh well, she figured, he wasn’t with her for her body anyway. He’d married her because she carried his child. That thought put a little bit of unease back into her good mood. Amy decided to brush it off and not think about it right then. She was enjoying her time with her husband way too much to let anything affect her.

“I have a wedding gift for you. I really hope that you like it because it would be difficult to return,” Lucas said to Amy. She had no idea what else he could possibly have to give her.

She wished he could realize the only thing she wanted from him was his love. She didn’t care about his money or his power. She didn’t care about the trips to Paris or the massive diamond that was now resting on her finger. She just wanted him to love her as much as she loved him.

She felt badly too because she hadn’t gotten him anything. “I didn’t know we were supposed to get gifts for each other. I have nothing for you,” she told him.

“Let me show you what it is,” he told her as he helped her into his car. They drove out towards his parents’ house and she figured it was at their place, although she didn’t understand why when they had two apartments in the city.

He turned and drove down a long driveway and she was even more confused. Where were they going? They continued down the endless driveway with beautiful trees flanking it the entire way.

He stopped the car in front of a colonial style house that was larger than any person needed it to be.

He stepped out of the car and came around her side, opening the door. She stepped out and looked up at him quizzically. They walked up the steps and he opened the door, then suddenly lifted her into his arms and carried her inside.

“Welcome home,” he told her and then placed his lips to hers. Amy was speechless. He’d gotten them a new home. Had he had it all along and just stayed at the apartments to be closer to work?

Had he lived there before with other women?

She had so many questions, but was far too afraid of the answers to question him. “This is really our house? We have a real house!” she finally exclaimed and let her excitement take over.

She’d always dreamed of having a real home with a real family in it, but had never thought it would happen for her. She knew that she would have a child, but to have a husband too seemed so unreal. She could barely breathe and was afraid to blink, because then it may all just disappear.

Lucas set her down on her feet and she rushed from room to room. The place was huge. There were some furnishings, but not very much. The kitchen had every appliance known to man and she couldn’t wait to get in there.

A huge staircase circled around, allowing two ways to get up or down. It had the kind of railing you saw royalty descending from in all the romantic movies. She trailed her hand along the railing while she ran up the stairs. Several rooms were absolutely breathtaking.

She was surprised at the lack of furniture. Maybe it was to be delivered later. She walked into one room and gasped. There was nothing in it but a beautiful old fashioned crib with laced bedding on it.

She walked slowly up to the crib and ran her hand along it, picturing her child sleeping under the delicate quilt. Suddenly Lucas was behind her, wrapping her in his arms. “This was the same crib I slept in as a baby. I know that most mothers want to design their own nursery, but it would mean a lot to me and my parents if we used this crib for our child,” he whispered in her ear.

“My mother made this quilt herself. She spent months on it while she was pregnant with me. She made one for each of her children and then saved them all for her future grandchildren,” he continued on.

Amy was speechless. She was so touched by this piece of his history, she knew she wouldn’t be able to get words out so instead she turned in his arms and decided to show him how much she liked the crib.

Lucas gently picked her up and carried her to their room. She was focused all on him and didn’t finish her tour of the home until much later.

As they lay in the bed together and she cuddled under his chin, he rubbed her back while they talked. “You must have noticed the lack of furniture. The pieces that are here came from my parents and some pieces I’ve picked up over the years. The rest of the place is all for you to decorate. You can do what you want with it. If you wanted some help my mother told me to inform you she would really enjoy working with you to make this our home.”

“In other words she is begging you to let her take you all over the place in a shopping frenzy. My mother really likes to shop, especially when it’s for someone else. You’ll be begging for mercy but honestly if you want to just do it on your own I’ll make some excuse up,” he said.

Amy could tell he meant what he said. She could’ve refused but she loved his parents and didn’t think she would be able to deny them anything. She would really enjoy hanging out with his mother and learning from her. His mother would know everything about what babies needed, because she herself knew nothing.

“I would be very pleased to go with your mom, but I don’t know when I will have the time,” she said to him. Lucas took a deep breath as if he was trying to gain courage. That surprised her as he seemed to never fear anything.