Until Talon Page 25

“Oh God.” My cheeks heat. “That’s never happened to me before.”

“I’m not going to be upset about that shit either, but while we’re on the subject…” His fingers smooth over my jaw. “I know you’ve got a past. I have one too, and if you have questions for me, I will answer them, but I don’t want to talk about the men you’ve been with.” He gives me a squeeze, which feels just as possessive as his next word. “Ever.”

I lick my lips then nod. “Got it.”

“Good, are you okay now?” His fingers continue to skim my cheek.

“If I’m honest, I feel a little overwhelmed about everything.” I mean, I knew he liked me, but I realize now that he really likes me, and that makes me feel scared as hell but even more sure about pursuing things with him.

“I get that.” He smiles gently. “A lot has happened since you got here.”

“You can say that again.” I shiver, and he leans forward, brushing his lips across mine before very sweetly adjusting my bra and leaning over for my shirt, which he helps me put on.

“As much as I’m enjoying you right here—” His palm moves up my bare thigh, reminding me how exposed I still am. “—I need to feed you, which means I need to get started on dinner.”

“Okay,” I say softly, then following my gut, I lean forward to kiss him before I stand on shaking legs, thankful my shirt is long enough to cover my bottom. “Umm… can I use the bathroom?” My cheeks warm, because just from the look he gives me, I know he knows how wet I still am, and judging by him adjusting himself, he’s still very much turned on.

“Come on.” He grabs my shorts then takes my hand and leads me back to the kitchen and down a short hall before opening the door at the end. When we walk into his room, I’m surprised once more, because all there is, is a bed that looks half made and a dresser, nothing else. He leads me to an open door I can see is a bathroom then grabs a towel and washcloth off a shelf. “I’ll be in the kitchen.” He kisses my forehead then disappears.

I make quick work of cleaning myself up, and when I catch my reflection, I blink in surprise. I don’t know if it’s Talon’s honesty or the mind-blowing orgasms I just had, but I look content, happy even, instead of scared or maybe panicked like I think I should be, like I would normally be after experiencing that level of intimacy with a man I’m just getting to know. I finish getting dressed, run my fingers through my hair, then go in search of Talon. I find him on the back deck, and when I step outside, his eyes warm as they roam over me from my hair to my toes before he holds out his hand. I walk toward him, and the moment I’m close, he tucks me under his arm, using his free hand to place steaks on the grill.

“It smells delicious,” I say, and my stomach growls in agreement.

“A buddy of mine taught me how to make the marinade when I was in Alaska.”

“What’s in it?” I ask when he closes the lid on the grill.

“Beer, orange juice, lime, garlic, oregano, Worcestershire sauce, and a few other things I can’t tell you.”

“Already keeping secrets?”

“After we get married, I’ll tell you.” He turns toward me so we’re front-to-front then tucks some hair behind my ear. “So damn pretty.” They’re both throwaway comments; I know that by the way he easily says them. That doesn’t mean they don’t hit me right in the gut as I stare into his gorgeous eyes. Good Lord, I hardly know him, and he’s already crawled under my skin and made himself at home there.

“Cece asked Mike for a divorce,” I blurt, wanting to cover the panic suddenly swirling through my system.


“Umm…” Clearing my throat, I rest my hands on his warm, hard chest when he doesn’t step back. It feels like so much has happened since I drove away from him last night at the ice cream place, and I didn’t have time to explain everything that happened while we were texting. “He showed up at the bar because she asked for more child support, and he thinks it’s too much, so his great idea was to tell her he’s going to go for full custody and to talk to the girls about who they wanted to live with and selling the house.”


“Right?” I nod then take a step to the side toward the banister at the edge of the deck. “How’s your dad?” I look at him over my shoulder, and like anytime I’m in his presence, I seem to have his full attention, something that sends a thrill down my spine.

“He’s good. Should be getting discharged tomorrow, which is a good thing, since I doubt him and Mom could manage another day in the hospital together.”

“They aren’t getting along?” I tip my head to the side, studying him.

“They love each other and worry about each other, so while Mom is rightfully worried about him, he’s stressed about her spending all her time at the hospital not sleeping and hardly eating. They’ll be fine when they get home, but right now, they are at each other’s throat.”

“Sounds like my mom and Chaz.” I lean over the ledge of the banister and notice that the back of the house is on a slope, and this part of the deck is at least ten feet in the air, if not higher.

“Chaz?” His hand rests on my back then the bottom of my shirt is tugged, and I turn to find him holding it in his fist.

“I’m not going to jump.” I roll my eyes then laugh when he shrugs one shoulder, like “that might be, but just in case you try, I’m not letting go.” “Chaz is my stepdad. Him and my mom have been together since I was around eleven. The only time I’ve ever really heard them fight was when he was in the hospital after his heart attack. He did not want Mom there, because he knows she hates hospitals and is a worrier, and she was mad that he kept trying to get her to leave.” I let out a breath, and he releases my shirt when I lean my hip against the bannister. “They should be here in a couple days.”

“They’re coming for a visit?”

“Cece called Mom to tell her what’s been going on, and Mom being Mom decided it was time for her and Chaz to step in, so they’re driving from Montana.”

“It’s good they’re coming. I’m sure you sister could use them right now.”

“It will be good for the girls to have them around. Kate seems to be handling everything in stride. Ruby is Ruby; she’s always happy. But Lola is… Lola is not okay.” He hooks his index finger with mine, and my body seems to relax from the contact. “My parents’ marriage and divorce were ugly. I remember feeling scared and torn, because regardless of what was happening, I loved my dad and my mom, and I didn’t want to have to choose between them, but I always felt like I had to.”

“I hate that you experienced that, baby.”

“I hate that Lola might be feeling that now too.” I drop my gaze to our joined fingers. “She didn’t want to go with him today. I saw it all over her face. The only good thing is he saw that too and knew he caused that.”

“Maybe that will be the motivation he needs to change.”

I lift my eyes to his. “I hope so,” I agree, and he lets my finger go to open the grill and flips the steaks before leading me inside to the kitchen. “Is there anything I can help with?”